
0 posts published in December 2017

Trump said he will not let Wall Street get away with murder. He LIED!

December 1, 2017

I acknowledge there are cartoons of a more favorable view, but choose this one to make a point, even if there is a better side to the story.

Tweety feels he deserved better all his life.  Tweety feels people should have been nicer to him all his life.  Tweety believes he has earned the right to get revenge on all Americans and he will laugh when he is done dismantling American government. 

Tweety wants to kill Dodd-Frank so banks can loan more?  Why?

"So Trump Wants to Repeal Dodd-Frank…"

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Human excuse generator - Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House Press Secretary. 1984 Speak.

December 2, 2017

I acknowledge there are cartoons of a more favorable view, but choose this one to make a point, even if there is a good side to the story.

Democracy and the accompanying freedom we hold dear in America is being destroyed by TRIBALISM.  We hate the other Tribe.  Both tribes are at fault, Dems and Republicans.

Sarah H. Sanders is very good at her job, explaining Tweety's incoherent, but perhaps purposeful tweets and statements.

When Tweety retweeted UK hate group lies, Sarah stepped right...

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Lies, flip flops, conspiracies, racism, dumb. Tweety's "character" represents EVERY UGLY American.

December 3, 2017

Character, John Wayne, the Marlboro man, whether these were perfect symbols of manhood or not, I loved them.  Tweety disdains them like a sad, intimidated, bully 6 year old.



Beer w/ W. Turkey shots, dad, uncle Bun, Carl Jr.s breakfast, early 18 holes in San Jose, CA. Nice!

December 3, 2017

Rockwell captures it.  Dad and my Uncle fought in WWII and Korea.  They kibitzed each other after we played golf for hours, drinking Wild Turkey shots with beers.  Yes, I lost in golf to dad, but I always beat Uncle Bun. lol

Talk to your parents and get to know them before they are gone, but don't pry into personal details you don't want or need to know.  Be sensitive to their lives and experiences before you came along.












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Tweety lies about his words even when filmed for all of us to SEE. There is no news bias in video!

December 5, 2017

Donald Trump Sr. ("Tweety"), methinks thou doth protest too much!  What are you trying so hard to obfuscate and hide about your work with Russia?  Is it that you have been cultivated as a Russian "agent" since the '70s and fit all their criteria for spies?  Did Russia bail you out of your many business failures and ultimately your several (NOT JUST ONE) business bankruptcies?

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks is a figure of speech originally found as a quotation from the c. 1600 play...

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Radicalized "Religion" as a WEAPON: Islam, Evangelicals, Dominionists - Sovereign Citizens Movement.

December 5, 2017


"100 years ago, Americans talked about Catholics the way they talk about Muslims today"
An example of how xenophobia has appeared time and time again throughout US history.
By German Lopez     30 Jan 2017

"Christian militias kill up to 30 Muslim civilians in Central African Republic"
By Serge Leger Kokopakpa | May 14, 2017

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When "Tweety" resigns the Presidency due to sex abuse, THEN Franken, Moore, OTHER Congress resign.

December 6, 2017

I am pissed off at the rush to judge very abuser EXCEPT TRUMP.  WTF!  Why is everyone afraid of Trump?

When Donald the "grab them by the pussy" Trump resigns with more than 16 women accusing him resigns, then all the rest can resign.  Why should anyone else resign before Tweety?








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False equivalency and lack of a clear message by female Dems on sex abuse hurts the #METOO campaign.

December 7, 2017

The false equivalency, the comparison between Franken and Tweety and Moore abuse is stupid!



Make more James Bond movies, PLEASE! My favorite action dramas were Bond movies. Original music too!

December 7, 2017


Sorry Donald, YOU are NOT Time's Person of the Year. You have to earn it; can't BULLY people for it.

December 7, 2017

No Tweety, being a massive piece of human waste does not make you anyone we want for Person of the Year.  Your arrogance exceeds all possible measure.

"Time's 2017 Person of the Year shortlist includes President Trump, Colin Kaepernick, Kim Jong In"

By Katherine Lam | Fox News                   5 Dec 2017

It is obvious the Time criteria are "unique"...

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39 Senators, Schumer act "Libtards" lynch Al Franken without due process, literally FAILING women

December 7, 2017

Tell the truth, open up to an investigation, lose your job.  Lie about sexual predation, keep your job.  Al Franken vs Tweety.

DUMB!  Selecting to target Al Franken, who may be the most honest, ethical Senator you will meet, to demand he resign because he is caught up in the #METOO campaign is just dumb.  Franken was politically lynched!

"Franken's Out, But It's No Victory For Women"

Miles Howard                   December 07, 2017

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YELLOW JOURNALISTS lie, slander, libel and charge crimes, bias by Mueller? Obstructing justice? No?

December 8, 2017

It is free speech, but also harmful speech.

First, a definition:

"Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a US term for a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering or sensationalism."

Now let us look at an example of one who practices Yellow Journalism . . . Sean...

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When hate is normalized - read "They Thought They Were Free" The Germans, 1933-45 by Milton Mayer

December 8, 2017

Normalize the abnormal.  Tell a lie often, it will become everyone's "truth."

Tweety is burying us in his tweets to normalize his ideas and behaviors: criticizing free speech, undermining justice (giving an opinion on verdicts; telling police to be rough on defendants during arrests) and the courts (Accusing judges of bias, prejudice, and being Mexican.), saying mainstream media is lying and publishing fake news (bad reporting isn't necessarily fake news), saying he uses his celebrity to...

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Religious freedom vs civil/human rights. Religion cannot honestly govern capitalism or democracy.

December 8, 2017

I read an article saying lets stop our partisanship and leave the poor baker alone.  Really?!  You think discrimination is about a single business selling cakes to the public?  You really think asking a baker to hold his religious beliefs outside his public venue is wrong?  That is a slippery slope surely ending with any sort of discrimination being hidden under the mantel of religion, when even religious people think discrimination based on sexual preference is evil.

"The Baker and the...

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Project Veritas, Yellow Journalism, "Alt-facts," conspiracies, Tweety surrogates CHALLENGE media.

December 9, 2017

Journalists have to be diligent because far more people lie to them than they lie to us.  Fake news is less an issue than fake sources.  When a journalist lies he/she fails forever.

The miscalculation on all sides about truth in media reporting is that a viable democracy depends on truth and honest reporting of FACTS.








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ABC Martha Raddatz helps Roy Moore campaign today, Sunday 10 Dec 2017, as she helped Trump in 2016.

December 10, 2017

Marha Raddatz today enabled the pedophile Roy Moore's election by asking his surrogate to repeat several campaign promoting snippets again and again and again, THEN she asks the Jones surrogate about abortion rights!

Asleep at the wheel ABC Sunday interview by Marha Raddatz fails in providing Roy Moore surrogate softball questions to promote his election!  The stupid interview did not ask why Roy is homophobic, why he feels slavery was OK, and she did a poor job outing and defending his...

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Gloria Allred, ambulance chaser + Democrats weaken Trump, Cosby, Moore, etc. charges by hypocrisy

December 10, 2017

This lawyer, Allred, and Dems led by Gillibrand's VERSION Of "zero tolerance"  HURTS the women's challenge of "Male Privilege" and sexual predation!

Allred says she has more proof of Roy Moore allegations.  NO ONE believes her!  Her demo foolish.

"Judge Moore Attorney Demands Gloria Allred Accuser Release Yearbook After Gateway Pundit Raises Doubts (VIDEO)"
November 15, 2017 by Joshua Caplan

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Trayvon Martin died, some say, as Zimmerman protected people. Zim assaulted Tray for being black!

December 11, 2017

 Zimmerman went free because the prosecutor over-charged him for murder.  The public pressure, outrage pressured the prosecutor into the wrong charge.


Defenders of Zimmerman for killing Trayvon Martin say Zimmerman was doing his job.  The absolute worst thing Zimmerman defenders say is that the facts are skewed "up North" by the "media" so I do know the truth!  Wow! 

Conspiracy reigns supreme!

No, the media had no choice about the facts.  The internet ensured I can find every "version"...

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Battered wife syndrome, internalized misogyny, fear of change, seeking male dominance, daddy wish.

December 12, 2017

Let us hope there are enough clear thinking, TRUE Christians in Alabama that see through Roy Moore's false Christianity.  Roy Moore is the antithesis of anything Jesus truly preached.  Love they neighbor and treat others how you wish to be treated, primarily. 


Anyone thinking Roy's bigoted, divisive, hateful, STUPID ideas about gays, blacks as slaves, and our civil liberties as stated in the Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America are OK . . . you are WRONG!  Go...

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Is there any chance for Israeli EMPATHY for Palestinian plight? Do Jews recall ship St. Louis?

December 12, 2017

Difference Between Israeli And Palestenian [CAUTIION: if they cannot spell "Palestinian" right, what else do they get wrong?  Are there two ways to spell the label?  They get it right as they make the list tho.]

"Israeli vs Palestinian"
The term Israeli refers to a citizen of Israel which was formed under a United Nations decision in 1947 whereas the term Palestinian refers to the descendants of the...

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