Marha Raddatz today enabled the pedophile Roy Moore's election by asking his surrogate to repeat several campaign promoting snippets again and again and again, THEN she asks the Jones surrogate about abortion rights!

Asleep at the wheel ABC Sunday interview by Marha Raddatz fails in providing Roy Moore surrogate softball questions to promote his election!  The stupid interview did not ask why Roy is homophobic, why he feels slavery was OK, and she did a poor job outing and defending his accusers of his pedophilia.

Saturday Night Live "Kathy Anne" comedy act did a better job than Raddatz outing Roy Moore's bring-back-slavery comment and pedophilia. 

No one mentioned Roy's homphobia1  Why?

Chuck Todd went after Roy Moore and other Republican leaders for their slavery and racists comments MUCH, MUCH MORE AGGRESSIVELY THAN RADDATZ.  Chuck Todd also highlighted sexual predation by Trump which Raddatz weakly addressed.