
0 posts tagged with "racism"

Walking Dead, season 7, epidsode 1, Power Corrupts Into Murder

October 26, 2016

Watch this Walking Dead season 7 episode to see what can happen when someone wants total power.

"He was the only son of Sir Ferdinand Dalberg-Acton, 7th Baronet and a grandson of the Neapolitan admiral Sir John Acton, 6th Baronet. He is perhaps best known for the remark, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton, I think.

People who say they are the only one to solve a problem . . . Fear them! ...

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Presidential Race and Reality

September 28, 2016

I hope you all watched the first debate.  Take a breath and be honest in your evaluation.  Your country and the world depend on all of us doing the right thing.

Tweety Twump "Genius" Cabinet? And tweets? Awareness? Does he REALLY know it all? Mean well?

December 12, 2016

I go through Tweety Twump's latest tweet news and "fake" news every morning.  He is an amusement MACHINE.

He doesn't want to take CIA briefings each day for 8 years?  The daily briefings are UPDATES you bleeping idiot, and NOT IDENTICAL EACH DAY!  The President decides what briefings he will take each day, and can miss a few daily briefings if he wants.  Do we have to detail every day of your work to you?

Besides that, Tweety may not last 6 months before Congress impeaches him for any...

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Tired of watching white people, "unique" black consultants say there is no ethnic inequality in USA?

December 21, 2016

"Nine New Findings About Inequality in the United States"

[In a paper published last week, Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman expand their earlier work, examining how taxes and government spending affect income inequality. Related Article ]

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Do NOT normalize Twump's sexism, racism, dishonesty, hypocricy, bullying, insensitivity.

January 20, 2017

Maybe the President Tweety Twump's populist, threatening speech today as he was inaugurated will help him get things done.  We will see.  All words and not success yet.

America and the people first in all the new President does, no give and take.  Good luck with that.

In the mean time . . . Tweety Twump is not normal, and we must not go about our daily routine without highlighting his immaturity, his bullying, and his tweeting buffoonery.

Tweety Twump might be a legal President, but he is...

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