
0 posts published in June 2017

Transactional, zero sum, America First in a network connected world seems like slow suicide.

June 1, 2017

"America Forst" seems like we are headed toward "America Last."

When the writer tells liberals Russia is not our enemy, he does so by detailing how brutal America has ben to the rest of the world, far exceeding anything Russia may have done.  Hard to swallow, eh?!  It is true.

Where will all the dynamics of Tweety take America?  Is it a better place?  I I clearly away from our current world.

Tweet praises the murderous leader of Philippines, with over 7,000 "drug" dealer killings, or maybe...

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Racism is real, "white privilege" is real. 2017 LeBron episode proves being black American is hard.

June 2, 2017

If you want to know, and understand the black perspective, the black experience, read these books:

"Slavery" by Stanley M. Elkins

"The Peculiar Institution, Slavery in Anti-Bellum South" by Kenneth M. Stampp

"The Algiers Motel Incident" by John Hersey

Any book by James Baldwin

"Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community" by Martin Luther King Jr.

"Death at an Early Age" by Jonothan Kozol

"Black Protest - History, Documents, and Analyses 1619 to the Present" by Joanne Grant


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Tweety retreats from world order, confesses fear, weakness, insulting Allies, our worst USA.

June 2, 2017

"Donald Trump’s “Screw You” to the World"
By John Cassidy,   June 1, 2017

"He added, “The rest of the world applauded when we signed the Paris Agreement. They went wild. . . . For the simple reason that it put our country, the United States of America,...

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Tweety knows world laughs at HIM, NOT America. True Americans are inclusive, RESPECT LIFE/World.

June 4, 2017

"George Takei‏Verified tweet

Donald asks "At what point does America get demeaned? At what point do they start laughing at us?" Literally, the moment you were elected."

Go to this next story for numerous pointed cartoons and why Tweety shows himself as a buffoon.

"Trump asked, 'At what point do they start laughing at us as a country?' Um, right now."
PRI's The World, June 02, 2017 · 11:15 AM EDT, By Carol Hills

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While London Mayor calms fears, avoids panic, Tweety CYNICALLY uses crisis to fear monger his Ban!

June 5, 2017

Tweety, sometimes the world laughs at you, but today they puke at the thought of you.

The entire western world understood what the London Mayor needed to do, and he did it, and they offered support.  Tweety, always the opposite of good and right, miscuing his "No PC" "pass" to say abusive, disrespectful things.  Tweety uses a few words of the Mayor to push his agenda in a sick, sloppy, nasty way uses the injuries and deaths in London to push his Muslim Travel ban agenda.  He IS NOT MAKING...

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Using "No PC" "pass" to e cruel Tweety avenges, embarrasses himself; London Mayor calming words.

June 5, 2017


Getting all medieval on you . . . Tweety criticizes London's Muslim Mayor for standing forth to encourage the English people to be strong, and not be afraid.  This Mayor also asked the Government for MORE POLICE.

"Donald Trump doubles down on Sadiq Khan criticism in wake of London Bridge attack: 'Pathetic excuse by Mayor'"
London Mayor says that the US President ‘deliberately’ misrepresented his remarks
Clark Mindock New York, 5June 2017

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Coal MINING, Scott Pruitt disingenuoius SPIN to give hope to COAL; "Mining" covers gas, oil, etc etc

June 5, 2017



Not in the best interest of Americans!

Coal Miners led to believe they will see a new coal industry boom!  Being led by the noes to poverty when the industry dies!

Scott Pruitt looks into the TV camera and plays politics with COAL miners, spins a story about adding jobs in COAL and MINING industry.  He claims his effort has added 50,000 jobs in COAL and includes MINING in general to try to trick the media into one of those fake (erroneous) news stories.  Sadly the White...

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Can my life experiences inspire passion, initiative in anyone? Is my Blog pointless? Make a dif?

June 6, 2017

Maybe I am unfair to Tweety and maybe my Blog is useless.  Is an old retired guy who has studied and tried to comprehend life and living irrelevant?

If Russia hacked our election and twisted our Democracy in any way, I want to know.

I want to see five years of Tweety's tax returns too.  Why not?



Iran attacked by ISIS. If ISIS is enemy of both USA and Iran, why aren't we allies with Iran?

June 7, 2017

It is a GRAVE ERROR to think of Saudi Arabia as a friendly state.  This is where schools teach children they must kill all non-believers.  Americans may not realize it, but teaching killing to children is WORSE than the Iranian political chant, "Death to America."

Did USA go with wrong ally?  Did DoD and our intelligence get it wrong?

The Muslim world is essentially Sunni and Shia.

"Sunnis and Shia in the Middle East"

There are more than 1.5 billion Muslims and about 20% of them live in...

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If National security is a RIGHT, health care IS a RIGHT! Will BIZ profits "Trump" American's health?

June 8, 2017

Health care is NOT A COMMODITY!  Only rich, very well to do moneyed people see health care as a profit making enterprise.

Stunning logic!  I will never understand prioritizing health care BEHIND security via the Department of Defense which is always on FOREIGN soil.

Think about Socialism vs Capitalism / Democracy.  The American Government is already subject to many socialist elements, so why is "Socialism" hated so much?

Think about Communism vs Capitalism?  Note the American "capitalism"...

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Tweety NOT vindicated re Russia investigation, still connecting dots continues. Wait, it's coming.

June 9, 2017

Tweety can be expected to lash out in a horribly vicious way in response to the Comey testimony. 

Tweety rolling out fast talking obfuscators, as PLANNED.  I would not be surprised if talking points were prepared in Tweety's "War Room" a week or more ago.  This situation is about the narrative.  Tweety wants to control the narrative.

Tweety's lawyer was the first "Hit Man" calling Comey a liar.  That carries no weight as Comey has a pristine record.

Tweety followed with a Tweet saying...

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Donald Trump needs to fire Tweety ASAP! Donald knows Tweety is going to destroy his Presidency!

June 9, 2017

Message to Fox: Donald Trump must blame Tweety for the morass he is in.  When he creates a "sh*t storm" via 1) tweets about a terror attack in London, or 2) preening for a photo op at the NATO Conference after shoving another world leader aside, it is on HIM, not the media or anyone else.  If he lies about wire taps, it is on him.  If he lies about taping conversation, it is on him.

Tweety cannot possibly get through a sworn testimony before Congress without perjuring himself!

Fox blames...

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Tweety FAILS as Commander in Chief when he dismisses FACT Russia hacked our Democracy! Not SECURE!

June 11, 2017

Tweety is crazy, stupid, lacks will to read, lacks ability to listen, or he is sick/ill Tweety shows more concern about himself, his ratings, and adoration than the well being of America and Americans. 

Maybe I am too fuzzy minded to realize what Tweety is doing?  I admit I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer.

and confirmation he seeks, than America when it comes to working to block Russia hacking into our Democracy!

Russia implants fake stories, and they are manipulating...

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"Deep State" fact-based reality, versus "Fake State" conspiracy fantasy. Leaks vs lies.

June 11, 2017

The Deep State leaks facts about Government actions, good and bad, while the Fake State invents conspiracies which are totally false, or partly false, good and bad.  In both cases the world we live in turns on the information in the stories.

"A Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorist, a False Tweet and a Runaway Story"

The lie . . .

"A pro-Trump activist notorious for his...

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American Democracy for privileged; Capitalism cruel, rigged; Justice not color blind. All need work!

June 11, 2017

America is a pretty god place to live, great and good for a lot of people.  Many other countries are seriously flawed, but are we "settling?" 

Even organized religion has serious flaws.  History tells tales of the Catholic Church doing harm to indigenous children in several [Canada, Australia, Ireland] countries that the Governments of those countries allowed the church to do so.

But America is supposed ot be special so deserves close attention.

America is often VERY prejudiced and...

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Tillerson states concern for Cuban human rights, but NOT Saudi Arabia, China, or Russia? It's money

June 14, 2017

I cannot believe how bald-faced hypocritical the White House is as it goes after Cuba.  Cuba is a tiny island nation 60 miles off our Florida coats with no economic benefit to the USA.  They are an easy, simplistic target for the bully to pick on.  his is silly, and it is NOT right!

How far will the White House go to reach the absolute bottom of the freaking ethical sh*t-pit?

It is incredibly cynical, disingenuous and hypocritical to criticize Cuba on human rights after saying the USA will...

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What is Jeff Sessions hiding as he cites Executive Privilege IN ADVANCE, spins answers, stonewalls?

June 14, 2017

Why do I get a creepy, dirty feeling that Jeff Sessions is lying to America?  I feel like he had fun fooling around with the Democrats in Congress.

Why does McCain interrupt the questioning if we are trying to get the TRUTH?  McCain defends his friend Sessions from that tough black lawyer?  She asks too many questions too fast as Sessions works to dodge and dodge and dodge.  The Chair, Burns, interrupts her too.  What is going on?

"People keep interrupting Sen. Kamala Harris"
Now, why might...

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Obsessive ideology (left AND right), insanity, blame game, arrogance, ignorance lead to violence.

June 14, 2017

in 2001 Gabby Gifford was shot.  Another shooting of a politician 14 June 2017, six years later.  What do these shootings mean?

What does it mean when the Republican from AZ blames Obama for dividing the nation.  There is no accountability in this King guy whatsoever.  Like Tweety, when anything bad happens, it is someone else's fault.

"Steve King Partly Blames Obama For Divisive Politics That Led To Shooting"

By Esme Cribb Published June 15, 2017 12:25 pm

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Pop up Tweety twitter library is ready to go in New York. Tweety's worst side on display HIS tweets.

June 15, 2017

 It is real.  Tweety's early version library.  The tweets show a man's serious weakness and clearly un-American character.  They are Tweety's tweets so it is NOT fake.

Take note, lack of civility in America's politics was renewed and invigorated by TWEETY in his campaign words and then his tweets.  Read the tweets and you can see his own words made America HATE again.

The tweets are real, not fake.

And go here too:*&imgrc=94mFerrI...

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McCain seems sexist interrupting Kamala Harris, beard guy trolls "hysteria," fetch written policy!

June 16, 2017

McCain seems sexist interrupting Kamala Harris twice to help Sessions "catch his breath" when he says he is nervous.  Would he interrupt a man or white person under identical circumstances?

Dumb beard guy trolls "hysterical," and the San Jose Mercury wonders if that is sexist?  Former Tweety aid trolls KH.  No surprise these types run in packs/gangs.

"The “hysterical” junior senator from California? Kamala Harris sets off more fireworks in DC"

Former prosecutor’s style makes waves once...

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