
0 posts published in October 2017

Trevor Noah's idea to get Tweety a translator for his unsympathetic garbled crap is spot on!

October 1, 2017



Tweety is an ugly person, YET VERY NASTY rejecting Melania's book gift is amplified ugliness.

October 1, 2017

Cambridge library joined Tweety's "Ugly Club" when you rejected a gift of Dr. Seuss books at your library.


"Oh, The Places You’ll Go When You’re Blinded By Politics"
September 29, 2017
Joanna WeissTwitter

Melania is NOT the enemy!

"By now, you’ve likely heard about the Cambridge school librarian and her open letter to Melania Trump. The First Lady had committed the act of sending the school 10 free...

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Tweety supporters say Russia hacking fake, but say kneeling protest hurts democracy! Perspective?

October 2, 2017

OK, what if USA manipulates elections in other countries.  Are Americans OK with Russia manipulating OUR elections?

What is Tweety supporter's perspective when they see kneeling for the national anthem, a legal, Constitutionally protected protest, as worse than Russia hacking out election for votes?









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Tom Price paid 1/8th of "debt to society" owing ~$400,000 STOLEN tax dollars! You'd be JAILED!

October 3, 2017

Elitist AND Cabinet member, Tom Price, is as cynical as it gets.  He thinks we'll buy his payment of 1/8th of the debt he owes for the one seat he took on a private jet HE BOOKED using USA TAX DOLLARS?  Is the American citizen THAT DUMB to accept this as full payment?

This is another rich man dipping into the US treasury to steal tax dollars from Americans.  Is that OK?  NO!  This is not OK and paying 1/8th is not enough payment!  Pay it all Tom Price, pay back all the money you stole!

Tweety ...

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Is 56 dead the real, necessary price of freedom? Why? If Bill O'Reilly's daughter was killed, yes?

October 3, 2017

Idiots, Republicans, NRA, zealot gun owners, and many others say that now is not the time to speak of gun control?  That is the dumbest thing a human can say!

If there will NEVER be a time for gun control, SAY IT!

"Gun Control in Australia, Updated" 
By Eugene Kiely
Posted on October 4, 2017 | Updated on October 6, 2017

"With Australia’s population steadily increasing, the nation’s homicide incident rate has fallen even more...

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Mattis, Tillerson: North Korean talks essential, as adults. Tweety? Childish War mongering.

October 3, 2017

"Mattis and Tillerson move to clarify administration policy on North Korea"

By Karen DeYoung By Karen DeYoung National Security   August 17

"Mattis, Tillerson detail Trump's North Korea strategy"
By Jeremy Herb, CNN   Updated 6:20 PM ET, Wed September 6, 2017

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Puerto Rico Gov help, but Tweety highlights they are breaking budget, must pay big debts, self-help!

October 4, 2017

"Trump threatens to abandon Puerto Rico recovery effort"
By Philip Rucker and Ed O'Keefe By Philip Rucker and Ed O'Keefe Post Politics
October 12 at 12:00 PM


President Trump served notice Thursday that he may pull back federal relief workers from Puerto Rico, effectively threatening to...

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Soldiers FOUGHT to PROTECT OUR FREE SPEECH; Politicians fight against free speech kneeling protest

October 9, 2017

Police MUST stop executing suspects!  White or black, police have to hold their guns until fired on.

Australia is better at gun control than USA, why can't we figure it out?  It's the NRA, stupid!

"Gun Control in Australia, Updated" 
By Eugene Kiely
Posted on October 4, 2017 | Updated on October 6, 2017

The US flag symbolizes soldiers fight for honor, freedom, but most importantly JUSTICE.

We soldiers do not blindly fight...

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Only the NFL and some other sports team employers play the National Anthem before work, so we stand.

October 11, 2017

White Privilege purposeful misunderstanding of issue and false equivalency.  Sad.  Cartoon gets it wrong.

OK, employers can punish employees when they do not do what is asked of them.  If you work for an employer who plays the National Anthem at work, you have to stand if they require you to stand.

If employees choose not to stand for the national anthem, they can be punished, but should not be fired.  It is silly to try to fire an employee for not standing for the national anthem, SILLY.


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Tweety breaks oath, wants America's Constitution First Amendment deleted; hates media free speech!

October 12, 2017

"Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992)"
Article I
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

There are other Amendments . . . and I doubt Tweety has read ANY.


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Trump HATES First Amendment, signs Exec Orders as Congress fails = is Tweety Manchurian Candidate?

October 13, 2017

Which President in the last 9 years has honored the Constitution best?  Obama might not have been perfect, but he did not subvert free speech, undermine the American justice system, or undermine government as extensively as Tweety.

Do Americans care about their Constitution or do they like autocracy better than democracy?

Congress fails again and again to do their job to serve America as they fight to serve special interests.

"Donald Trump, Manchurian Candidate?"
By bilge     Tuesday Jul...

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Truthful hyperbole screws health care in America. Tweety owns it NOW! It is "Snake Oil!" - sleazy!

October 14, 2017

Tweety is the snake oil salesman in the movie "Pete's Dragon!"  BEWARE!


"Trump Sabotages Obamacare by Ending Subsidies That Help Lower Costs"
Payments may stop almost immediately.
Kanyakrit VongkiatkajornOct. 12, 2017 11:37 PM

"The Trump administration announced late Thursday night that it would no longer provide key health...

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Iraq war made ISIS, ISIS killed, BUT children witnessed War Crimes for "victory." NO ONE WINS A WAR!

October 14, 2017

Going beyond the FACT it is the United States attack of Iraq that is the ROOT OF EVIL in the Middle East, there is no victory over ISIS, Taliban, or any of the terror factions by use of bullets. 

One more point to emphasize is that Sunni have been fighting Shiite for thousands of years.  How is it we expect to stop that fight?

Maybe this is "snow flake" stuff to some, especially conservatives, but a part of battling terrorist evil is to win the hearts and minds of the people who can become...

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Watch "American Experience" on PBS to see where our country jumped the rails making immoral choices.

October 15, 2017

Since WWI the United States has been obstructing their idealism with no help from any other country.  We make BAD choices!





PURE INSANITY! WAR WITH NORTH KOREA IS PURE INSANITY. We can "win," but we lose in every scenario!

October 15, 2017

Insanity is going to war again and again expecting a different result than the last disastrous war.

America, now this, Tweety does not give a F**k about death or dead soldiers, US dead or any other country's dead soldiers or innocent civilians.

Tweety is ready to go to war with North Korea, as, it appears, many stupid Republicans, evidence Tweety would not care about the 25,000,000 poverty stricken North Koreans left with no government, or the fact we might end up in war with China as we...

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USA more divided than '67 w/Viet Nam protests; because Tweety+Dems Tribalism+White Privilege denial.

October 16, 2017

To start, make a note.  White people, when stopped by cops, might be frustrated, but they do not feel like they might die.  THAT is an example of "White Privilege."  It is not one (1) thing white people have, it is MANY things white people have in White America.

"Why America is coming apart at the seams"
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry

"At the center of this ("collective nervous breakdown") is politics, which has become a tribal battle...

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Americans want honor, justice, and fairness to all the World. Dream already FAILING before 1939!

October 18, 2017

Americans have succumbed to the deceit and manipulation of our politicians.

"Gregg Popovich calls Trump 'a soulless coward' over claims Obama did not call Gold Star families"
Tyler Lauletta,     
Oct. 16, 2017, 7:42 PM


The call came after Trump falsely claimed that President Barack Obama "didn't make calls" to the families of soldiers killed during service at a press conference earlier in the day.Popovich called Zirin, who...

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Seeing a bully, liar, self-serving, heartless, petulant child, FAILED HUMAN, we deserve BETTER Prez!

October 18, 2017

Tweety supporters do not care that the family feels disrespected.  Tweety supporters do not trust anyone that criticizes Tweety!

To the Veterans I play golf with, I hear you say Tweety said more than the thing about the soldier knew what he signed up for.  I know Tweety's entire commentary isn't emphasized.  We could say media bias shows when Tweety's worst sentiment is isolated, separated from the rest where he says it's too bad the soldier died.

I ask you if that sentiment of he knew what...

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What does the Wall Street Journal get defending Tweety tax cuts? Preferential treatment for rich 1%.

October 19, 2017

The WSJ missed the mark entirely suggesting we need to be clairvoyant to KNOW the probability that supply-side / trickle-down economic experiments failing will not balance losses if Congress eliminates the estate tax, special 25% "pass through" tax partnerships and limited liability companies (Trump owns 500 of these entities.), eliminates the Alternative Minimum Tax (The single reason Tweety paid ANY on $150,000,000 income in 2005.)  

Sorry, WSJ, you are wrong about what we CAN analyze of...

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Joblessness down to 1973 level, annualized GDP ESTIMATED 3.1, stock market records, no inflation!

October 19, 2017

Tweety's business related actions and some good luck appear to have made our economy "great."

GDP MUST grow more than 3.0 for a long time to compensate for Tweety tax cuts and avoid a huge deficit increase.

"First reading on third-quarter GDP up 3.0%, vs 2.5% rise expected"
The U.S. economy unexpectedly maintained a brisk pace of growth in the third quarter.
An increase in inventory investment and a smaller trade deficit offset a hurricane-related slowdown in consumer spending and a decline...

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