
0 posts published in August 2017

North Korea war, nightmare for S. Korea, Japan, China! North Korea NOT SUICIDAL, WAR is suicidal!

August 1, 2017

The United States has provided North Koreas GOOD REASON to fear a surprise attack from a belligerent, racists, and frightened United States.

North Korea is the tiniest kid on the block telling the bully he will kick his ass, so why does the most powerful nation on the planet acknowledge North Korean threats?  Are we chicken shifts?  Only cowards worry about that tiny kid on the block!

Disclaimer, of a sort: I acknowledge the need of experts, at times, to speak of war with North Korea as a...

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NAACP, civil rights, travel advisory for people of color in Missouri. Example of White Privilege..

August 3, 2017

You are being dishonest, or mean, or stupid to deny White Privilege and extensive racism in America.  Or you are just a fool, unaware, or blind.





Tweety uses "truthful hyperbole" to alter reality. Is D'Souza doing same for America tribalism

August 4, 2017

Creative?  Stories?  Tweety wrote about lies in his book, making deals requires lies.

Tweety asserts power to crush truth.

D'Souza, and none of us serve the security of America of selecting characteristics of the fascist approach to governing to say the "other side" wants to act out fascist in American government.  To do so is "truthful hyperbole" by ALL of us that try name calling to win our argument.

Truthful hyperbole?

Tweety uses the Russian KGB trick, or is it just Conway's trick,...

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Leaking MARKED Classified IS criminal. Leaking SENSITIVE phone conversations arguably OK; a test.

August 6, 2017

True Classified information MUST be marked according to the level of classification, or it is NOT CLASSIFIED.

If Tweety does not want his phone calls leaked he can use an appropriate secure telephone.  If Tweety uses his own phone, he willingly accepts the risk of being taped and the call leaked.

People who support Tweety are distrustful of government, I think.  That's my assumption.  So these Tweety supporters should appreciate knowing how Tweety operates.  The phone conversation leaks can...

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We halt wasteful CIA support for Syrian rebels fighting Assad, Russia. Good decision? We don't know.

August 7, 2017

Damian Tomlinson gives Tweety some words to think about.

Tweety seems comfortable talking about sending war "over there."  Is war with North Korea inevitable?  Will sanctions get them to give up their weapons?  Maybe the sanctions will work where bullets cannot.

"A war with North Korea would be hell -- And the aftermath even worse"

By Harry J. Kazianis Published August 10, 2017 Fox News

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Tweety seeks voter rolls info to discern fraud, but may use it to monitor citizens, limit freedom.

August 9, 2017

Tweety has empowered a committee to study Voter Fraud.  He wants to collect information on voters.  When Pence led committee asked States to provide information, most said "No."  Tweety asked what these States had to hide and that was broacast on TV.  The better question is, what will Tweety really do with the information that is collected by the Government when that information is in a centralized data base?

Americans know what can happen to their personal information held centrally by any...

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"Trump News" normal politics, vacations at Trump COMMERCIAL property NOT! Tax dollars in his pocket.

August 9, 2017

Jake Trapper calls out McEnany video of "Real News" as latest Tweety sycophant surrogate.  We know everything McEnany says is propaganda, not news and not real.  So what?  It is a political trick well known in America.  The best way to get a big pay check from Tweety is to praise him, so that is what McEnanay is doing.  Show me the money!

McEnany knows where the money is.  It's a tough job to make anything good of Tweety foolishness, but doable.  Jobs keep building, now about 1,000,000, and...

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Childish WAR threats between USA "Dear Leader" and N. Korea "Boy Leader;" Tweety adolescent behavior

August 11, 2017

OK, Tweety supporters, imagine you have children living in Seoul, or on Guam, or anywhere North Korea threats.

Do Tweety supporters really think it is helpful or mature or wise to go to the lowest level to defuse a possible nuclear war?  Think of how you argue and what takes you to actual physical violence.  Words can lead to war!

Tweety is threatening Venezuela too!  Venezuela?  On what basis does Tweety threaten war with Venezuela?!

China and Russia may have a word to say about USA...

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H-bomb Japan, August 6 & 9, 1945, Truman said "the like of which has never been seen on this earth."

August 12, 2017

The United States was at war, we were in it because Japan attacked our Navy in 1941 in Pearl Harbor.  I offer this information for anyone who does not know the history behind the United States using Weapons of Mass Destruction.  The United States is the only country to use nuclear, actually hydrogen bombs, on people.

The United States let the "genie" out of the bottle.  The world will end with the nuclear bombs we developed.  Nice legacy.

The United states dropped two bombs, one 6 August,...

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Tweety hopefully is checked by Congress because he is insane, and talks like he wants to use nukes!

August 12, 2017

Dueling Hotheads

"The War of Words that Could Go Nuclear"

President Trump's "fire and fury" tirade against the regime of Kim Jong Un has escalated tensions with North Korea. A military conflict with the country would have catastrophic results. Is there still a diplomatic way out of this mess?

By Veit Medick, Juliane von Mittelstaedt, Christoph Scheuermann, Wieland Wagner and Bernhard Zand

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Tweety KNOWS he inspired VA. White Power violence, saying he had not instigated Alt Right violence.

August 13, 2017

Repulsive is how I describe Tweety's remarks on the murder by car in Virginia by White Nationalist.

Tweety's saddest moment was when he had an opportunity to disown the White Power hate crime in Virginia, and chose to blame "violence" on all sides.

Tweey NEVER takes responsibility for his actions when things go wrong, and this sick man ALWAYs takes credit even if NOT DESERVED.

Tweety may have meant to condemn violence in general with his milk toast condemnation of the hate crime murder in...

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Tweety is ready to go into the Doomsday Room under the White House. Are you ready for nuclear war?

August 13, 2017

"Washington's secret Doomsday plans"

Garrett Graff, 30 July 2017

"Attorney General Ed Meese arrived at Andrews Air Force Base before dawn on June 18, 1986, one of dozens of officials and staff from the Pentagon, State Department, White House, and intelligence community streaming onto the base in the Maryland suburbs, ready for nuclear war. Those meeting Meese knew the attorney general was stressed that morning, since...

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Tweety owns it; we must Ban hate groups in America, restrict them! Murder is the last straw!

August 13, 2017

Tweety tried to deflect his culpability in the violence in Virginia the day of the violence.  He is right to say racial violence has been going on a long time, BUT NEVER WITH APPARENT SUPPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT, AND NEVER THIS MUCH, AND NEVER WITHOUT NAMING THE CULPABLE HATE GROUP.

"One group loved Trump’s remarks about Charlottesville: White supremacists" 
By Amy B Wang By Amy B Wang Post Nation
August 13, 2017

And there is no doubt Trump meant to say and do what he said and did, blame...

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Social Media tougher on hate than OUR Government. Hate Crime laws MUST BE MORE strictly enforced!

August 14, 2017

Fox News Judge Andrew N. reports the 1st Amendment allows us to know who the haters are by allowing them to share their views.  Fox News Judge Andrew N. says allowing it enables us to find and isolate the hate speech people.  OK, reasonable, but I am allowed to turn them off in my space, and I will.

Judge Andrew N. talks about the mystical slippery slope too, where the start of censorship might lead to censoring regular speech.  I disagree since it is clear that "Blood and Soil" and "Jews...

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Tweety has proven he will sell out America to keep White Nationalist's votes. VERY CYNICAL!

August 15, 2017

Americans, your President is a RACIST.  Deny it all day long, it will not change Tweety.  He will not admit it, he may not even recognize it, but he does not feel comfortable around people of color.  Tweety especially dislikes Mexicans and blacks, but in general dislikes uneducated and poor as well. 

Tweety supporters do not want to believe it, but as long as hey vote for him, he will support their causes.  If anyone does not support Tweety or criticizes him in any way, he will hate you.

The ...

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Serving Tweety in war "over there" IS meaningless, BUT Koreans are human, LIFE deserves RESPECT!

August 15, 2017

Tweety is clueless about the cost of using a nuclear weapon, and he has a history of seeing nuclear war as inevitable.  Look it up.  Tweety supporters do not believe it?  OK, I will show you.

"Trump Has Been Thinking About Nuclear War for Decades. Here’s Why That’s Scary."
He seems to think it’s inevitable.
David Corn, Aug. 11, 2017 2:05 PM

"In a 1984 interview with...

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Tweety "jobs" tax breaks equivalent to $230,000-$1MILLION salary PER JOB for Foxxconn in WISCONSIN!

August 16, 2017

The deal with Foxconn did not create jobs, it paid for the jobs.

These may be FAKE JOBS!

As many as 13,000 jobs for a $3billion tax break?

Foxconn invests $10billion to build a big plant to manufacture LCD screens.Tweety brokered a deal for jobs on the backs of American tax payers with Taiwanese manufacturing Foxconn.

Deceitful.  Fool me once, it's on you, fool me twice, it's on me.

"Foxconn’s $3 Billion Tax-Break Deal Is A Loss For Smart Jobs Policies"
The biggest jobs deal yet to be...

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Tweety says Charlottesville ANTI-Fascists fought Fascists! Sir, ALL American Patriots FIGHT fascism!

August 16, 2017

Heather Heyer is the 32 year old woman murdered by a car driven by a White Supremacist.

Heather Beyer, Mr. TRUMP.  

Say her name sir!  

Say her NMARE again sir!  

Say Heather Heyer's name, sir, and say you are SORRY!


If Heather Beyer was your daughter, sir, WHAT WOULD YOU SAY?

If  White Supremacist killed Ivanka, what would you say Tweety?



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Tweety, Fox News, American Patriots FIGHT fascism! Gen Kelly, & ALL Americans ALWAYS fights fascism!

August 16, 2017

Admittedly the carton is not appropriate from the standpoint of the FACT American has never been a Fascists country.  Under Tqweety however, we might feel a bit more Fascist than under other Presidents.

His baseball cap motto, "Make America Great Again" when we people of the United States thing we are already "great" is silly, is the basis of this cartoon.

My wife, a German citizen who became an American citizen, regrettable at a bad time, when an ass hole hypnotist magical huckster became...

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Statues DO NOT teach history; Confederate flags USED by hate groups belong in MUSEUMS.

August 17, 2017

There is nothing romantic or majestic about the Civil War, and the Confederacy is based on treason, so the symbols of the Confederacy belong in MUSEUMs.

Books record the story of our Civil War, and statues are not teaching history.