Let us hope there are enough clear thinking, TRUE Christians in Alabama that see through Roy Moore's false Christianity.  Roy Moore is the antithesis of anything Jesus truly preached.  Love they neighbor and treat others how you wish to be treated, primarily. 


Anyone thinking Roy's bigoted, divisive, hateful, STUPID ideas about gays, blacks as slaves, and our civil liberties as stated in the Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America are OK . . . you are WRONG!  Go back to your Bible, history books, and talk to your neighbors.  Study!  Get your thoughts straight!

The culture of the South, and the SELECTIVE/CHERRY-PICKING the meaning and history of the Confederacy . . . (Our HISTORY , NOT our "honorable" times; good IF you were WHITE!).

Good old boy Roy uses Christian words too freely, and absolutely in a sinful manner, condemning the Constitutional Amendments after the 10th Amendment!  Roy want to take America backwards into bad times when Civil Rights were non-existent!  Roy is a dinosaur!


Roy is NOT a Christian when he lies about knowing his accusers.  Roy knows the girls he went after when he was 32!  Roy did the things the girls, now grown women, say he did.  Roy is from a town so small EVERYONE knows everyone.  I lived in a small town in Indiana as I grew up.  Everyone k owns everyone in those towns.

Roy never dated a young girl unless he asked her mother for permission?  In modern times the answer was find a woman more your age.  Alabama accepted Roy's dating young girls back then, but his lying makes him UNTRUSTWORTHY.  To me, Roy's lies are the sin, the weakness in his service g Alabama and America in the Senate.

Roy has sick and sad views he has carried with him for his entire life about gay people and black people.  It is Roy's views AND lies that should turn voters against him, even if they accept his behavior abusing young girls 40 years ago, acceptable as that abuse was in Alabama.

The add Roy's bigotry.  Yes, Roy is a bigot.  His wife confirmed it as she bragged about her husband's Jewish lawyer.  Hiring a Jew does not erase bigotry, ma'am.  You do not see hate of gays as bigotry?  Hate of gays is a hate crime ma'am, when taken past free speech, as your husband would like to do.

Roy's wife does not comprehend Civil Rights.  Roy Moore will work in the Senate to diminish Civil Rights to discriminate against gays and black, AND, believe me, non-Christians like Jews and Atheists and Agnostics.

Define Civil Rights:

Sadly, the Democrat, Jones, running against Roy is not articulating Roy's dark side.