It is free speech, but also harmful speech.

First, a definition:

"Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a US term for a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering or sensationalism."

Now let us look at an example of one who practices Yellow Journalism . . . Sean Hannity.

I ask myself why slander, libel, lies and accusations about the Russia investigator, Robert Mueller, can go unpunished.  Isn't Sean Hannity committing a crime, trying to corrupt the legal process?  No, it is not a crime to lie.  Mueller is too disciplined to take the bait though, so he will not charge Sean with slander or libel.

Sean seems to ignore that Flynn has pleaded guilty, and doesn't want to think about the next Tweety surrogate to flip.

Sean should look out for himself as it is simple to track what he says and does on TV.  In time he may slip into committing a crime with his words, or enabling criminals and traitors to harm American democracy and justice MAYBE to his regret.

"22 ways Sean Hannity has tried to undermine the Russia probes
And counting..." 

Blog ››› August 4, 2017 6:48 AM EDT ››› ALEX KAPLAN

FREE SPEECH IS A BEAUTIFUL THING!  It is painful to watch at times, but ultimately it is good for us all.  Free speech demands a lot of us, however.  We all have to practice due diligence to find the truth.

It is a good thing for Sean that our justice system is strong, PROTECTING HIS FREE SPEECH RIGHT.

"Trump’s lawyer: the president can’t obstruct justice. 13 legal experts: yes, he can."
“Dowd’s argument is the last refuge of a scoundrel, and it would lead us down a path to despotism.”
By Sean Illing@seanilling Dec 4, 2017

Screaming in the wilderness, this high school grad has a message, our justice system is in tatters.  Sean, if our justice system is in tatters, at risk, it is Tweety doing the damage, not Robert Mueller.

"Hannity: Justice System "Literally Hanging By A Thread" In This "Post-Constitutional Republic"
Posted By Ian Schwartz       On Date December 5, 2017

What makes Hannity an expert in the American judicial system?  NOTHING.  He is not an expert at anything as far as I know.  Maybe Sean is an expert at stringing words together, much better than Tweety for sure!

"FOX News' Sean Hannity slammed Peter Strzok, the FBI agent removed from Mueller probe for anti-Trump texts, other "red flags" coming from Mueller's team, and how the investigation is a political witchhunt you see in banana republics. He also said the justice system is "literally hanging by a thread."

"This stinks to high heaven," he said on his FOX News show. "Why in God's name would Robert Mueller put this abusively biased team together of unethical political crusaders who have an agenda that we can now prove? Why are they involved in this investigation? It's been one giant pattern of bias and abuse of power."

"We have an anti-Trump pro-Hillary Clinton top FBI official that is directly involved in letting Hillary Clinton walk free before interviewing the key people in the investigation, including Hillary Clinton. They exonerated Clinton before ever concluding the investigation," Hannity said."

Yes, the FBI Agent did a stupid thing.  Agreed.  Robert Mueller fired him, end of story.

BUT guilty please tend to support a criminal offence, Sean, so check your facts, AND OPINIONS.  If anything, YOU are undermining justice, NOT Mueller. 

It is a good thing for Sean that our justice system is strong, PROTECTING HIS FREE SPEECH RIGHT.