I acknowledge there are cartoons of a more favorable view, but choose this one to make a point, even if there is a good side to the story.
Democracy and the accompanying freedom we hold dear in America is being destroyed by TRIBALISM. We hate the other Tribe. Both tribes are at fault, Dems and Republicans.
Sarah H. Sanders is very good at her job, explaining Tweety's incoherent, but perhaps purposeful tweets and statements.
When Tweety retweeted UK hate group lies, Sarah stepped right up! The UK Prime Minster told Tweety PUBLICY, you must stop it! Tweety was passing on UK hate group lies. Sarah said even if the videos and tweets were lies, the point is safety and the threat is real. Wow! She nailed it!
"Trumpocracy: Tracking the Creeping Authoritarianism of the 45th President"
Conspiracy theories, attacks on the press, praise for tyrants, and other troubling moves by the Trump administration.
Mark FollmanUpdated Dec. 4, 2017 (first published 3/6/17)
And Tweety has continued his aggressive effort to dismantle all instruments of government and our society that defend our freedoms, FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT. Sadly many people support Tweety thinking they can get some crumbs that fall off his table when he is done gorging himself on America. Sander is one of the sadly mistaken people who think they are following the President to make America great, for the first time.
American was never great, and now it looks like America will become an autocracy or oligarchy, following the current Plutarch.
Sanders is a victim, albeit a self-centered, knowing victim who is guilty of undermining our country by lying for Tweety daily.