
0 posts published in January 2020

"Death to America!" chant 2020 by Iraqis as US bombs innocent people? More American war crimes. So?

January 1, 2020

Is the military absolutely certain they / WE are not killing innocent Iraqi people? Is the military, and our government lying to us . . . ADAIN?  Are these more American war crimes which we will justify in the name of "retaliation?"  Is the United States becoming a pariah in the "World Order?"

The UN defines "War Crimes" for the world.  The US Government announces it carefully selected targets in Iraq to bomb in retaliation to Americans being attacked in Iraq,  Can they be sure they did not...

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It's not Bidens who are corrupt! USA new normal accepts Tweety Trump VERY OBVIOUS corruption & lies!

January 1, 2020

Tweety Trump tells America he lies.  The Tweety lies over 5,000 times in three years, as promised, and he does so proudly and boldly.  Then the GOP gets in line for the power and money that follows Tweety Trump's lies. 

God Bless us, our GOP has become a bunch of slime balls, political opportunists, also sometimes called "cheap political wh***s!" 

It is a shame that conservative values in the GOP like honesty, balanced budgets, "Christian values," and states rights are trashed for...

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Assumptions, miscalculations, racial injustice, prejudice, stereotypes make dumb Food Stamp policy.

January 1, 2020

I talk policy and tax code loop holes, and keep in mind it is tax LOOP HOLES used to avoid paying taxes, not benefits from taxes paid I am talking about.  I reject any argument that says the tax avoidance loop holes help lower income people thru some magical, indirect, eventual, "I hope!" "trickle down" effect.  That is all BS, like the Bible saying the meek shall inherit the earth (The Bible way of keeping the poor happy until they die.)!

"Policy Basics: The Supplemental Nutrition...

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Rigged capitalism, economy. Poorly formulated give-aways don't get help to those who need it.

January 2, 2020

The rich get richer, the poor pay more, lobbyists win, lawyers and politicians f**k up social programs! 

"Six people who prove capitalism is broken in America"
Over the last few years, the Guardian talked to many people for whom capitalism isn’t working – here are a few of their stories
Lauren Aratani    Thu 2 May 2019 08.21 EDT

USA "democratic capitalism," or "liberal capitalism,"...

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Will Tweety Trump leave America intellectually crippled, unable to find truth when he's gone? Maybe.

January 2, 2020

Will Americans never be able to trust government or the media again after Tweety Trump leaves office?

The problem is we have to question everything now!  Is it right we killed an Iranian General?  Is it right we create a Space Force?  Is it right we have transparency on hospital prices?  Is it right we prepare better for an EMP event?  Is it right we deregulate environmental hazards for the sake of business profits?  The list is vey long.



"A legacy of lies traps the East"


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Tweety wins 2020 if economy OK, HIS "PEACE" doesn't MAKE WAR! Bring troops home, stop endless wars.

January 3, 2020

The drone killed an Iraqi militia leader.  Iraq voted for all foreign troops to leave Iraq!  Tweety did not apologize or say a word about this aspect of the war crime.  No "We made a mistake." or any contrition for this murder.  It is the US way now, to kill with impunity and say, "Deal with it!"

"Iraqi parliament calls for expulsion of foreign troops"
Vote comes after PM Abdul Mahdi recommended Parliament take urgent measures to expel foreign troops from Iraq.

by Arwa Ibrahim   5 Jan 2020


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DoD will not do Trump WAR CRIMES idea. Will CBT/ICE collect Iranian-Americans for internment camps?

January 6, 2020

"The Geneva Convention was a series of international diplomatic meetings that produced a number of agreements, in particular the Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts, a group of international laws for the humane treatment of wounded or captured military personnel, medical personnel and non-military civilians during war or armed conflicts. The agreements originated in 1864 and were significantly updated in 1949 after World War II."

... Read more

Trump drone kills general obviously to distract voters for election. See my many reasons to prove it

January 7, 2020

Come on folks! These guys are clowns in a circus!  Tweety Trump and Pompous Pompeo have given maybe a reason every day, each, contradicting each other almost daily, sometimes agreeing for a while during the day.  

The President absolutely lied and lied and lied about the general's embassy planned attacks!

Trump tries to say he cares about the Iranian people, tweets USA watching the government, and they better not kill anyone?  Human rights now?  What about Saudi Arabia?  Oh, I get it, Saudi...

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2011 Anthony Bourdain toured Kurdistan, Ukraine. Tony left optimistic because USA PROMISED help. Sad

January 12, 2020

I am very sad,  disappointed, and afraid when people like Tony leave us.  Tony died too soon, had much work to do. He looks down on the sad state of the World, surely cries.

Anthony Bourdain did a show where he visited many, many countries to talk thru everyone's thoughts of food, love, booze (way too much in Ukraine!  Vodka like you would not believe!  OMG!), philosophy, law, memories, history, and politics. 

Tony visited Kurdistan, then Ukraine, and he left both countries when they were...

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Trump's messaging, communication style wins-loses. His "truthful hyperbole" is lying + exaggeration.

January 13, 2020

We will see in November if Tweety Trump's communications hurts or helps him in November 2020.

Here's my take.

Tweety Trump is unable to put together complete, coherent sentences.  Often his logic is ridiculous, and it doesn't help when he swears at people and calls them nasty names.  It doesn't help his cause when he says everything and everyone that critiques him are traitors, enemies, criminals, should be locked up, and these kinds of useless, meaningless expressions.  Bullying means one...

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Tweety+GOP Senate (Executive+Congress) block House, deny Constitution EQUAL powers-Trump is our King

January 14, 2020

Donald Trump is King of America.  His family is now royalty.

"Democracy Grief Is Real"
Seeing what Trump is doing to America, many find it hard to fight off despair.

By Michelle Goldberg - Opinion Columnist - Dec. 13, 2019

"Lately, I think I’m experiencing democracy grief. For anyone who was, like me, born after the civil rights movement finally made democracy in America real, liberal democracy has always been part of...

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Trump lies, exaggerates endlessly, calls "traitor" if questioned/GOP too. Used drone to distract USA

January 16, 2020

K. Conways's "alternative facts" is lying.

Stephen Miller's White Nationalist leanings includes lying.

All Trump Press Secretarys lie for Trump.

Trump is lies to the level of a pathology.

"Trump [LITERALLY] says it does not matter whether he lies to us"

"Trump says ‘it doesn’t really matter’ if Iranian general posed an imminent threat"

Perhaps Tweety has a "philosophy" for his lies, a strategy to gain power and wealth while President?  I link an article on this "philosophy" below.


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Trump thinks we aren't intelligent, mature, reasonable Americans willing to vote him out. Wrong!

January 16, 2020

I suspect Tweety Trump's thinking is wrong, that support for him is eroding day by day, each time he goes on TV to lie to us, to imply we are idiotic bumkins who cannot see his pathological nature.











The ER is "health care" for too many Americans. If you are 25 you can die if you leave the ER.

January 16, 2020

Emergency Room care is "health care."





Constitutional impeachment no hoax, risky drone kill hurt troops & Ukraine, done to distract us! Sad

January 18, 2020

Trump lawyers and GOP Representatives and Senators have offered so many reasons for Trump's Ukraine call to show it is not an impeachable offense / Presidential abuse of power, it's suspect.  Some of the reasons contradict others, some use contorted, silly logic, "us" meant United States, and the latest Dershowitz pitch makes it legal if Trump was asking for election help from a foreign power because it is in the best interest of the United States to have foreign powers help Presidential...

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President Trump exposed America's perverted Democracy; SCOTUS gave money power to decide elections.

January 24, 2020

Every bad trait of America, our SCOTUC perverted Democracy, our whoring politicians flip flopping whichever way access to power and money takes them, sadly exposed by President Trump's leadership!













2nd Amendment ENHANCED by Red Flag, background checks, making DEFENSE less needed. We KEEP our GUNS!

January 26, 2020

The frantic cries that changes to the gun laws intended to take guns away is illogical.  By what means can the government take our guns without saying they will take our guns?  The government isn't going to sneak thru a law that makes gun ownership illegal!  Hell, our do nothing Congress seldom passes ANY laws so why worry?

Gun ownership and gun owners 2nd Amendment right to own and use guns is ENHANCED by adding Red Flag and improved background checks, making DEFENSE less needed. We KEEP...

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FACT: Humans are perverse & cruel, proven by genocides, death penalty for teens, wars, racism, hate.

January 26, 2020

Sadly institutions, government, church, religion has not inhibited terrible human characteristics.

Pompeo disrespects reporter for hard question, Trump bans Bolton's book. Next? Shut down CNN next.

January 29, 2020

Ben Garrison cartons tend to overstate Trump's manliness and strength.  Is Ben in love?  Ben, use your glasses man.  Ben, Donald Trump Sr. is an obese, 73 year old man wo eats cheese burgers in bed, fried chicken for lunch and dinner, and is essentially a slob with a 52 inch waist, a 34 inch chest, a hair piece and orange make up, wearing a really big suit, with along red tie to cover his big belly.

I see Pompeo disrespecting female NPR reporter because he did not like the difficult question...

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Trump savors ISIS-like terror! DoD refuses! Saudi commit his crimes by proxy in Yemen to hurt Iran.

January 30, 2020

Once the Senate "acquits" President Trump of his abuse of power asking a foreign power to help him win the 2020 election, Trump can do ANYTHING, and he will do worse.  War crimes are easy!

Trump has talked about committing war crimes in his campaign for the Presidency, and lately he has said he'd like to commit war crimes against Iran.  o follow thru on his fake tough guy visage. 

Trump is not tough by saying he can be as bad as ISIS.  To the contrary.  Wanting to be like ISIS shows him to...

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