Difference Between Israeli And Palestenian [CAUTIION: if they cannot spell "Palestinian" right, what else do they get wrong? Are there two ways to spell the label? They get it right as they make the list tho.]
"Israeli vs Palestinian"
The term Israeli refers to a citizen of Israel which was formed under a United Nations decision in 1947 whereas the term Palestinian refers to the descendants of the families living in the historic Palestine."
"What are the differences between the Palestinians and the Israelis that have prevented them from reaching a resolution to their conflict?"
13 Answers
Ted Exstein, I'm a two week expert...[Uh oh!]
Answered Nov 20 2014
"So to simplify, the largest and most common way of thinking among the Israelis is that the Palestinians can have a state IF that state and the way it will operate will not pose a security threat to Israel and its citizens. West bank is negotiable, East Jerusalem is negotiable, land swaps are negotiable, vacating certain settlements is negotiable. Security however, is not negotiable.
The largest group of Palestinians are of the opinion that Israel gets to have zero say in how the Palestinian state should be formed, and Israeli security is not a valid reason to prevent the Palestinians from doing as they please. Some are into Israel’s destruction more than others, but the majority is unwilling to allow Israel’s security to be considered.
I would say that’s probably the most relevant “difference”."
The above conclusion, based on a two week expert's view, seems workable. Maybe one only needs two weeks to synthesize the issues? I wish both ides accepted this conclusion to start talking about peace and looking for ways to stop killing each other.
Perhaps the belief that ALL Palestinians are terrorists leads to the Israeli LACK of sympathy/empathy for Palestinians. It appears the people of Israel show no sympathy, and do not feel empathy, cannot walk in their shoes . . . which seems very strange to me. How is it Israeli's people cannot feel empathy for the people of Palestine? Anger.
"Why I have no sympathy for Palestinians"
November 20, 2012 by Desh Kapoor
"Arab Entitlement to Gaza, West Bank – for what?
If one looks around the world, it seems Muslims in general do NOT understand the meaning of War. They fight wars by attacking FIRST. They provoke the wars. Then, the territories they annex by hook or crook – like Pakistan, Bangladesh etc – they are “legitimately” theirs. Anyone talking of “Akhand Bharat” now is called a lunatic.
However, the territories they lose, they still lay “legitimate” claim on them – like Kashmir, Hyderabad, Israel’s various areas.
How does this nonsense even get accepted?
No Sympathy for Palestinians
Someone needs to make an example out of this. And this is the FIRST reason, why I have no sympathy for the sufferings of Palestinians.
Second, Hamas is a terrorist and violent organization. Well, so was PLO, but lets forget them for a while. And WHO voted them to power in Palestine region? Jews? Americans??? NO! It were the Palestinians themselves!
So, the narrative out of Palestine that we, as outsiders, hear is that the economy is in shambles.. .. they don’t have enough to eat… yaddy yaddy yadda. Well, they apparently have enough to buy and build rockets in HUNDREDS to shoot at Israel. That too long range ones."
"Palestinians represent Arabs and Muslims.. PERIOD
Palestinians have to decide what they want to do with themselves. Because they are the shoulder on which EVERY Muslim, specifically Arabs in the world puts his gun on to shoot at the Jews. Every one. I have heard even Pervex MUsharraf, when he was the Pakistani President saying that Palestinians CANNOT make any deal with the Israelis “on their own”. Every Islamic power will be involved in the decision."
ANGER is not a platform for empathy, THAT is clear. Both sides need to swallow their anger if they choose peace. If peace is not a choice, kill each other forever, FOREVER, But that is a sad, bad choice, clearly.
"Let us shut the blind emotional nonsense!
When that little baby comes to the hospital with burns and blown off body parts, let us STOP blaming Israel now. Let us ask EVERY Muslim in EVERY Islamic AND Non-Islamic country to stand up and raise their hands. ALL of them are responsible."
Oh really? OK, throw some nukes in there . . . . which will solve nothing and leave bodies indiscriminately everywhere. Nukes are not to be used FOR ANY REASON yu fools.
"Teach peace to Arabs [Oh really!? You really think they do not know war?]
First teach them what loss in a War means.
Then teach them that the conflict can be over, if they ACKNOWLEDGE completely and whole-heartedly the existence and legitimacy of Israel in their midst and stop treating them as enemies. If you shower 100 rockets a day at someone, then be prepared for something even more terrible! I am amazed at the restraint of Israel that they haven’t thrown a Nuke at these Arab states. For, if Pakistan was being hit like this by India, guess what would have come our way?"
This is clearly an "objective" Jewish persepective. There are counterarguments.
For decades, Arab and Jewish movements claimed they were secular. It is now clear this was a charade
"The Israel-Palestine conflict is not just about land. It’s a bitter religious war"
Pfeffe rAnshel 30 NOv 2014
Are we to believe there is only bad from Palestinians, only good from Jews?
It was 4 June 1939 when a ship called the St. Louis, populated by 900 Jewish refugees, was turned away off the Florida coast. Now Palestinians are virtually being turned away from Jerusalem by Trump and Israel. How is this possible?
I know the argument goes back to who was in Jerusalem first, but this is 2017 and time to seek peace, not a rationale for another land grab by Israel. Yes, I admit "land grab" is a challenging, unpopular phrase/term, but it is real when settlements pop up where there should be no Jewish settlements.
Here is a justification, which is also reason for killings. I hope the Senator is proud of his pointless presentation.
"Israel's Right to the Land"
A skillful presentation by U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) on the Senate floor, March 4, 2002.
Seven reasons to kill for land: archeology, history, agriculture, humanitarian, strategically, biblical . . . the biggest being "roadblock to terrorism." Nice going Senator, you just brewed up an apparent logical, reasonable brew for more HATE. You can argue all day, from either side of the argument, if you want war. OR you can step up to reasonable, humane decisions and choices for BOTH sides.
Tweety and Netanyahu are leading, cheering Israel into a war against Palestinians to sustain his job! Sad, and obvious.
What twisted cruel thing has to happen to the Jewish conservatives to helped them feel sympathy for the people who are a majority in what should be the state of Palestine? Palestinians deserve their own state, not an Israeli military occupation.
Why are Israelis so willing to enter into a war, totally lacking empathy for the Palestinians.
"Sympathy for Palestinians over Israel up sharply among younger Americans"
Pew study finds threefold rise in past decade of millennials who say they're more sympathetic to Palestinians than Israel
By Uriel Heilman 6 May 2016
"NEW YORK (JTA) – Democrats are more than four times as likely as Republicans to say they sympathize more with the Palestinians than with Israel, according to a survey published Thursday, and sympathy for the Palestinians among Americans overall is growing.
Sympathy for the Palestinians is up most sharply among the youngest American adults, growing threefold over the last decade, the new survey by the Pew Research Center shows. Some 27 percent of millennials say they are more sympathetic to the Palestinians than Israel; in 2006 the figure was 9 percent. The share of those favoring Israel has held steady at about 43 percent."
It seems people who have LESS real experience with persecution have MORE sympathy for the Palestinians. Why?