
0 posts published in February 2019

Donald Trump contradicts the National Security Team intel; appointed by him. The nation is at risk!

February 1, 2019

Email to a friend who supports President Trump in every element; a "True Believer."  He was a very senior officer in the military, and knows his stuff; very smart person.  We went to the Defense Systems Management College together, occasionally jogged together when I was Director of the Small ICBM Contracts Directorate. 

Dear Friend,

President Trump is not taking care of National Security, and I do not know why anyone would expect him to be capable to do so.

Your color coding idea for...

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Gay conversion therapy by fake "Christians," weaponizing Bible, using verses they don't understand.

February 2, 2019

What Would Jesus Do?  WWJD?

My "Christian" friend who hates gays, thinks they people choose to be gay, just like they chose their hetero attractions, look in the mirror of your dumbest friend.  Your single to three Bible verses you cite and use to hate gays, are more than met by Bible verses that tell you to get yourself back to God, a real God.

What Would Jesus Do? (WWJD?) should be every Christians firs thought.  It's not.

I "see" (as in poker game) gay haters, fake Christians, and liars...

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Trump supporter says he's smart for figuring out bankruptcy? One OK, five more hurt LOTS of people!

February 7, 2019

Ignorance is bliss they say.  Trump supporters happily overlook the fact a bankruptcy means failure, not success.  They do so because Donald Trump said so.

"Trump defends 'brilliantly' using bankruptcy laws"

By David Wright, CNN   Updated 9:22 AM ET, Wed June 22, 2016

It's a joke, right?  Sadly no.  I spoke to Trump supporters and they say he is a good businessman, that's how he got so rich.  Nope. ...

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There is no crisis at the border! Fear mongering by many sources led by President Trump is CRAZY!

February 7, 2019

There is no boogey man at the southern border! 

"‘Answer my question’: Fox anchor grills defiant Stephen Miller on Trump’s national emergency"

By Alex Horton  February 17, 2019

".  .  .  like a small army of fact-checkers have noted before, Wallace told Miller the vast majority of hard drugs seized by Customs and...

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Dems are NOT proposing Socialism. Socialist policies led to 8 hour work day, can yield $15/hour pay.

February 9, 2019

Rigged economy vs "Socialism?" 

Socialist policies are NOT Socialism . . . never have been.  From socialist ideas we have the 8 hour work week,, Social Security, Medicare, subsidies for farms and corporations, tax breaks . . .







"What Would a Socialist America Look Like?"

We asked thinkers on the left—and a couple of outliers—to describe their vision for a re-imagined American economy.

By POLITICO MAGAZINE       September 03, 2018

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Republicans have lost their way, but dumping Trump can win a lot of votes! Dems are weak.

February 9, 2019

Fake patriot, is Donald Trump. 

Trump sidesteps Constitution like it is meaningless?!  Don't tell me Obama did this because you would be making a fool of yourself.  Trying to usurp the Congressional power of the purse is beyond anything Obama did, not that it matters in the present.  Obama is the past president, Trump is the current president.

Treacherous if not an actual traitor to this country.  Much more than Obama Haters, Trump has embraced Russia in a way that should concern...

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Republicans must dump Trump, he's weak, confused, laughed at and feared, not respected, amoral, DUMB

February 10, 2019


Immigration reform legislation is needed, not the damn Wall!

Republicans must dump Trump while he is weakest which is Feb 2019 after stupidly calling the border situation a "national emergency" to subvert Congress power to appropriate funds. 

Trump and his advisors are confused, laughed at and feared for his inconsistency and hypocrisy world-wide.  Trump is not respected anywhere he goes, and everything he says is awkward at best, not to...

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True USA "National Emergency" is "Liar in Chief," President, can't be trusted! LIES ON TV!

February 15, 2019

Endlessly lying to America makes our President is literally UNBELIVABLE, and has no credibility whatsoever.

"‘Answer my question’: Fox anchor grills defiant Stephen Miller on Trump’s national emergency"

By Alex Horton     February 17, 2019

"Unstoppable rhetoric collided with immovable facts on “Fox News Sunday,” as...

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Climate Change is USA's #1 National Security threat in the long term, domestic extremists is #2.

February 19, 2019

Climate Change deniers are killing their children and grandkids.  They are too stubborn and dumb and careless to accept the science!

"There’s a cavity underneath Antarctica that’s two thirds the size of Manhattan — a sign ice sheets are melting faster than we thought"
By Aylin Woodward, Business Insider US-    February 16, 2019

"  - NASA/OIB/Jeremy HarbeckNASA has found a 1,000-foot-tall cavity...

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Democrat, focus on voting obstacles, counter fear mongering hypocrisy socialist ideas. NO SOCIALISM!

February 19, 2019

Demagoguery, "False Flag," "dog fishing," hypocrisy, ignorance, fear mongering, gaslighting, all to make socialist ideas look bad. 

The 8 hour work day came from socialist ideas.

Public schools are socialist you fools! 

Pubic highways are socialist. 

Subsidies to farmers is socialist! 

Using public "bribes" to lure corporations to your state and town is socialist!

No one has said get rid of the Constitution!  When someone says THAT, and wants Cuban Socialism, THEN you can talk...

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Missile Defense experts, leave the INF, put weapons in Space! Offense! Ways to destroy planet.

February 20, 2019

Ready to do what?  Count bodies again as we did in Viet Nam?

How does an "arms race" end?  How can anyone "win" an arms race?  Races are staged for a winner and a loser, right?  In a space war, how can anyone win?  for that matter, in a nuclear exchange of ICBMS between Russia, the US, China, and the other countries who have or will have nukes, how does the planet survive?

ICBMS with nuclear warheads are a good thing to avoid.  Arms races, by definition, cannot end well.  Yes, we need to...

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Tweety's trifecta, takes Congress + Courts powers, ends check and balances = AUTOCRACY.

February 21, 2019

The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial . . . three Branches of the United States Government.  Trump soon will have apparent control of all three Branches of government, and there will be nothing to check hus use of and abuse of his office.

"Our federal government has three parts. They are the Executive, (President and about 5,000,000 workers) Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judicial (Supreme Court and lower Courts).The President of the United States administers the...

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Will Europe survive President Trump's idiocy? Will "independent" Europe repeat WWI tragedy?

February 24, 2019

Is Europe headed back to 1914 circumstances?

Can Tweety Pie and Tweety Dumb Supporters be any more ignorant of the value and need the United States has for a validated and strong Europe?

President Trump directly, and on his orders, his State Department, and Vice President, have created a clear withdrawal from alliances that lasted 70 years.

It is time for a "divorce" between the United States and the rest of the World, all other Democracies.  US values are not the same any longer . . .

"Is ...

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Much of President Trump's work is a lie, exemplified by his Wall "National Emergency." It's ABUSE.

February 26, 2019

I have tried to see the good in President Trump's works, and tried to understand why supporters use Fox News talking points to defend what are obviously poor thought

  - rally statements,

  - TV interview commentary, 

  - Rose Garden announcements,

  - decisions and

  - choices and tweets.

I am amazed when very smart, I thought, men support Trump where he is obviously doing something stupid and self-serving.

Here is an example of an actual "smart" rocket scientist supporting Trump...

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Insane Trump Base ignore lies, poor work habits, ignorance, foolish tweets & acts just for economy?

February 26, 2019

Sarah Sanders lies to "clarify" Trump's lies and to rationalize his actins, helping Trump supporters fool themselves.

Sarah Sanders is a common "Christian" fake, fake Christian, a hypocrite "maximus," giving Christianity a huge step backwards.  She knows no morals or ethics.

God never existed in Sarah Sanders. 

"Sarah Sanders: Trump hasn't ‘at any point’ done anything but ‘condemn violence against journalists'"
By Tal Axelrod - 02/22/19 01:00 PM EST

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Dog Whistle politics-Dems=Socialism, infanticide, GOP=racist, hate entitlements, block voter rights

February 27, 2019

I want Meghan McCain to learn that a good analysts analyzes.  Meghan you do not need to shout over a contrary opinion if your facts are right.  Shouting over opposing views, using political talking points, and ignoring other's views makes you, as you fear, a weak analyst. 

Meghan, even worse than being a poor analyst is becoming a puppet for the conservative talking points.

A political analyst using Dog Whistles is not analyzing, they are using propaganda, and lack objectivity and...

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