
0 posts published in March 2019

What will Donald Trump be remembered for? What will be his legacy? Will his obituary tell the truth?

March 2, 2019

Donald "Tweety" Trump - June 14, 1946 - (2146? 200 years?) (Navy "Doc" says he has great genes!)

What is the best thing and worst thing Donald Trump has done and said since becoming President?  A man who tweets daily gives plenty of material to sort thru.

Tweets Tracking Page .  .  . as of 3 march 2019, approximate estimate of tweets in 773 days.  In my opinion, the tweets expose Trump as a "Tweetster" looking for attention, and that means he cares less for the United States than he cares...

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Noted many times by me & media, Sarah Hukabee Sanders LIES for Trump; FAKE Christian. LIAR.

March 2, 2019

"Did Donald Trump Encourage Violence at His Rallies?"

"Defending Trump, Sanders lies about his record on promoting violence"

By Steve Benen                             02/22/19 10:11 AM


"Sarah Sanders has a knack for lying"

By Jennifer...

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Rep Engel criticized Rep. Omar tweets as anti-Semitic. But did he learn anything? Israel lobby OK?

March 3, 2019

Rep. Omar is a Muslim so she is not allowed to object to the Israeli lobby, AIPAC?  Bull crap!


President Trump will win in 2020 if Democrats eat their young and stay fragmented with no clear message going forward.  In fact, it already seems hopeless to me as the "Tower of Babbling Dem Candidates" run amok, not knowing what to do to win.

Rep Omar was doing her job and may have slighted Israel and Jewish people to degree in her tweet about...

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Fox News Channel is state TV for President Trump. They advise him and he follows their ideas.

March 5, 2019

Ms. Mollie Hemingway, writer for, with an unfortunate last name, "Hemingway," a man who would no doubt detest her apparent admiration of possible US Dictator, President Trump, wants us to buy her opinion that MSNBC and CNN lie when reporting news on Trump.  Hemingway highlight Jake Tapper and Chuck Todd, as "lefties," revealing her true bias and intent. 

Tapper and Todd are two reporters Trump loves to hate and bully, so is Hemingway just piling on, or is she seeking...

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We should not believe Cohen because he is a CONVICTED liar. Trump lies, but not convicted YET.

March 6, 2019

Form lawyer, Trump "fixer," lied to Congress, got caught, was convicted of lying to Congress.

Trump is OK, tho, we accept his lies, Trump constantly lies, all of his pathology he excuses as "truthful hyperbole."

What is America getting for all these lies - retreat from the world.

Trump failures are getting more frequent, and more harmful.

"Trump promised to shrink the trade deficit. Instead, it exploded."

By David J. Lynch          March 6, 2019

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An email to the President, and a friend who supports President Trump no matter what he does.

March 8, 2019

Dear President Donald Trump, the "tweet-master," and my friend,

Greetings.  The last set of emails we shared you felt insulted without me seeing the insult, my blind spot.  I will try to avoid "insults."  I hope I challenge, not insult.

Here are some simple questions that I'd like to discuss with a supporter of President Trump.


There are no preset answers.  One rule: no lowering the bar for the current or past Presidents.  We won't say "X" did it to justify "Y."


Do you think...

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The US Justice Department has stopped protecting Civil Rights in America.

March 8, 2019

Consider the old version of slavery and the new version of slavery.  Then evaluate our criminal "justice" system.  Are the acts we call crimes, really crimes deserving punishment?  Is alcohol better than marijuana?  Why do we have the laws we have?  Why do judges deliver sentences they deliver?

What is "American Justice?"

Is it a good thing to roll back and eliminate Civil Rights protections?  Are we ready for more marches and riots and death and destruction in the streets of America?

Under t...

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Does the Paul Manafort sentence reflect a fair or a system rigged for the rich, white man?

March 9, 2019

Consider the old version of slavery and the new version of slavery.  Then evaluate our criminal "justice" system.  Are the acts we call crimes, really crimes deserving punishment?  Is alcohol better than marijuana?  Why do we have the laws we have?  Why do judges deliver sentences they deliver?

Does the Paul Manafort sentence reflect a fair system, or rigged for the rich, white man?

Am I biased to think white collar crime is treated differently than drug crime?  No, we fear drugs more than...

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Invanka Trump got her business, her government job, her celebrity from daddy and the name "Trump.".

March 11, 2019

"Why Ivanka Trump Is Her Father’s Daughter, In The Worst Way"
Ezinne Ukoha                  May 29, 2018

"We are turning into soldiers of war because some of us are too Black to be American while others are too Muslim to exist without the danger of White male terrorists hacking them to death. And the rest of us are viewed as infiltrators who are trying too hard to prevent America from being...

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GOP, university law professors warn M. Cohen is a convicted liar. Count Tweety's ~9,000!

March 12, 2019

Lies and crimes.

"Convicted Liar Michael Cohen Is Testifying About Trump – Should We Believe a Word He Says?"

Hans A. von Spakovsky, Election Law Reform Initiative and Senior Legal Fellow, an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration.

Feb 28th, 2019 5 min read

OK, then if President Trump has lied...

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Tucker Carlson wants to hide his past which is the real Tuckers. Michael Jackson, R. Kelly UGLY!

March 13, 2019

"‘If it weren’t my daughter, I’d love it’: in crude audio, Fox host Tucker Carlson praises 14-year-old girls sexually experimenting, defends child marriage, slurs ‘white whores’"
  -  Tucker Carlson and Fox News are facing a fierce backlash over his conversations with radio shock-jock ‘Bubba the Love Sponge’
  -  Carlson calls Paris Hilton and Britney Spears ‘the biggest white whores in America’, and discusses other prominent women in degrading terms

Topic |   Fame and celebrity 

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Democrats must pick one candidate, stop internal conflict, unify their message, follow Pilosi!

March 13, 2019

One President







Cory Booker says USA not a theocracy, not all the same race, we're all Americans, so let's!

March 13, 2019

Candidate Booker wants the right things, and to me, he is honest and forthright.  For example, he says our justice system usually finds the rich are innocent, then find the poor are guilty no matter what the crime.

Cory wrote a story about his his teen years where he was not a perfect gentleman with the young girls he encountered.  neither was I.  What horny male teen boy didn't crave sex?

Cory has some baggage in the "sexual assault" arena, however, so let's get that story over with by...

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President Trump's 2020 budget a negotiating foil? F**k U to Medicaid, Medicare; scare the weakest?

March 13, 2019

President trump's budget proposal for 2020 is his advisor's dream of how to "f**k" old people!  Cut Medicaid and Medicare and increase defense? 

DoD is merely going to lose and waste the added funding!  DoD cannot manage the budget they have.  Has President Trump ever looked at the byzantine Federal Acquisition regulation of the Program, Planning, and Budgeting Process?

Regular people can't live this way!  Rich people do not care! 

He thinks this will please his Base?  I think they are...

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Michael Jackson was likely abused, needed help. Parents gave their kids for sleep overs? Outrage?

March 14, 2019

The selective outrage against two black men, Michael Jackson and R. Kelly, might be justified, but seems to exclude white elites like Tucker Carlson and his white "brethren" (White Nationalist?) who say crap about females, immigrants, and "libtards" that could imply a criminal intent or treacherous deceit.

Michael Jackson, what up?  If we are to erase MJ because he is accused of molesting boys before he died, and R. Kelly for having sex with a 14-15 year old girl 10 or so years ago, then how...

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Police who kill unarmed people MUST be convicted of manslaughter at a minimum to give notice.

March 14, 2019

"Police shoot far more people than anyone realized, a VICE News investigation reveals"

Police shoot far more people than anyone realized, a VICE News investigation reveals  
December 11, 2017

"An exclusive analysis of data from the 50 largest local police departments in the United States shows that police shoot Americans more than twice as often as previously known."

Can we trust Vice News reporting?  Yes.

Bias rating of Vice News...

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Looking for facts, truth, am I unconsciously biased? Are my President Trump supporters right?

March 16, 2019

Is President Trump a good President?  He brags he is.  He lies a lot.  Hi is nasty and mane.  He promotes violence, then says he does not condone violence.  He is a hypocrite.  He is a fake "Christian."

How can I trust a President who lies so much?  How can I trust a President who had so many criminals working with him and for him?

New Zealand experienced a terrible 49 dead in March 2019 and the murderer announced he was a White Nationalist.  The President of the United States aid this is...

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House Resolution against hate is overdue fight against Trump's Dog Whistles + Dems self-immolation.

March 17, 2019

"Minnesota Congresswoman Ignites Debate On Israel And Anti-Semitism"
by Cody Nelson           March 7, 201912:47 PM ET

It is an over-reaction to say Omar is anti-Semitic.  The reaction is more against her as a Muslim, in my opinion, than what she said.  Being Muslim made it too easy to go after her comments, an easy tribal way to respond without thinking.  The proof of missing the mark...

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Are Dems,"progressives," afraid of Fox news? It seems so, or for sure they do not know how to deal.

March 17, 2019

Bill Maher is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, at times, in my opinion, but he's smart.  I do not think he is as smart as he thinks he is, but I agree with him.

"Bill Maher scolds Democrats for avoiding Fox News: ‘How very Trump of you’"
By Michael Brice-Saddler     March 16 at 2:57 PM

Cowards, dumb.  Enough said.









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Goal: Fight confirmation bias, find truth, respect reasonable support for Trump policies..

March 19, 2019

Knowing the truth is important, but knowing your bias is the only way you will find the truth.  How do we know it when we hear or read the truth unless we understand what is truth to us, what our blind spots are, and what part our emotions play in recognizing the truth?  Are we open to the truth?

Confirmation bias

"Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses.[1] It is a type of...

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