
0 posts published in January 2017

Tweety Twump acts like the demented, paranoid Uncle Jun on the Sopranos. A teen Twitter addict.

January 1, 2017

TweetyTwump says he knows a lot about computer hacking, and it is almost impossible to tell who is the hacker.  He also says we should use Pony Express to deliver important docs because computers can be hacked so easily.  Government should stop using computers, yet Tweety uses them every day to send his stupid tweets.

Is Tweety Twump saying dumb things to test us, to see if we "get it" that he is joking?  He IS joking I hope!

The scary thing is Tweety Twump's people have handed a man with...

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Is Israel being honest about the Settlements?

January 1, 2017

"7 Things To Know About Israeli Settlements"
 December 29, 20163:19 PM ET

Greg Myre and Larry Kaplow

"When Israel captured the West Bank in the 1967 Six-Day War, no Israeli citizens lived in the territory. The following year, a small group of religious Jews rented rooms at the Park Hotel in Hebron for Passover, saying they wanted to be near the Tomb of the Patriarchs, one of the holiest...

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Why did Tweety Twump respond to North Korea's statement to build and test an ICBM? Is Twump Scared?

January 3, 2017

Sometimes the simple non-complex response is the best response to a threat.  Or Tweety can start a war?

A truly strong man, strong country, does not need to respond to the taunts of the little kid on the block.

"N. Korea says intercontinental missile is near. Trump says 'It won't happen!"

Steph Solis , USA TODAY 5:42 a.m. EST January 3, 2017

"Trump has said in...

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The Middle East war Tweety Twump will start is going to do harm to Israel and many Arabs will die.

January 6, 2017

Tweety Twump has so LITTLE information at his finger tips, within his grasp, it is scary.  He gets Middle East advice from an extremist point of view and has no idea how to balance that extreme POV so he goes with it.  He doesn't know what he is doing!


"Jordan Says Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem is ‘Red Line’"

by Breitbart Jerusalem6 Jan 2017

"(AP) AMMAN- Jordan’s government spokesman...

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Trying to comprehend extreme conservative and liberal biased ideology. Connect facts-truth! Reality!

January 8, 2017

Lies.  Fake news.  Ideology.  Hard liners.

True believers.  Understanding conspiracy fears / theories, and knowing when conspiracies are real.

Bigotry begets bigotry when our President practices it.

Violence begets violence, especially when our President promotes it.

Prejudice and racism begets . . .

You get the point don't you?  Tweety Twump is a sponsor of a lot of bad attitudes.

Can sociology answer why there is so much cruelty in the world?  Psychology?

Many people ask this...

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Tweety Twump stupidly tweet bullies Meryl Streep as she highlights why people fear his Presidency.

January 9, 2017

Tweety!  People are afraid of YOU because you are unpredictable, you lie, you are angry, you are not lovable, you are pathologically paranoid, and you are a bully!

Tweety is an embarrassment!  Adolescent!  Childish!  Boyish!

Tweety is shaming his family, and he shames the every day he tweets!

His supporters are shamed by him!

America is shamed by him!

Twump tweets of shame go on and on!

Tweety Twump is our President-elect and I am embaraased.  America's critics like William Blum need to...

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Emotional Maturity is more important than IQ when measuring the future actions of Tweety Twump.

January 9, 2017

America, be afraid and start planning for what Tweety Twump might of,  We all truly want this Apprentice to succeed.  But there are so many signs he will fail, and fail BIG.

My foreign born wife wonders why America does not have some minimum qualifications to run for President.

It is very possible your future President is not going to succeed because of a low "EQ", and that is on his supporters, and on all of America who created a time for him to win the 2016 election, which includes...

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Tweety Twump may be the biggest surprise we never expected, and can possibly be good for America.

January 12, 2017

"Why Trump Can Succeed as President Where Elites Fail"

"In short, a Trump presidency would mean the end of a gravy train for a lot of establishment families that have been on the take for far too long."

~American Liberty Report

We will see . . .

"America Desperately Needs Donald Trump To Succeed, But Can He Change Enough To Make It Happen?"
Posted at 12:00 pm on November 9, 2016 by streiff

... Read more

I wrote about freedom of speech already, now Tweety attacks freedom of the press: Press Conference.

January 12, 2017

If Tweety Twump goes to far to shut down American media and the press, as he did in yesterday's Press Conference, the first in many, many months, I ask ALL PRESS TO OBJECT, and to be brave in demonstrating against his censorship and emotionalism.

All reporters of any media whatsoever must defend the freedom to abide by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution:

"Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise...

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Tweety Twump's Jeff Sessions as Attorney General is foolish beyond belief.

January 13, 2017

Jeff Sessions is not a good man, not an honest mai, and he is a liar.  Still some people in Congress think he should be the Attorney General of the United States of America!  We are not some third world country that needs this type to run the American system of justice!

Shame on those who want to vote "Yes" to this man who knows little of justice, and less of human kindness.  Sessions is NOT a goo man.


"Al Franken Tears Into Sessions Over Civil Rights Claims"
The comedian-turned-senator...

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NO credit to Tweety Twump, US construction spending is the highest in a decade due to Obama policies

January 14, 2017


Tweety, you don't get to "cherry pick" your data and facts.  Fix the employment rate of RURAL areas.  The cities are fine.  So be sure you do not damage the progress made in cities where businesses are hiring twice as fast as in rural areas.

But until you do that, until YOU DO SOMETHING AS PRESIDENT, and not as the huckster on tour, take note that Obama was a very successful President if you judge him on...

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We sign tax returns FOR LEGAL REASONS, making lies criminal fraud, an impeachable crime Tweety.

January 14, 2017

Tax returns?  Tweety Twump is afraid to disclose!  It is obvious!

IRS Audit?  While legal to withhold, no President ever has.  So why would Tweety not disclose his tax returns?


"Can Trump Release His Tax Returns? Yes. Should He? No."
David H. Lenok | Feb 26, 2016

OK, the article title is the legal advice, but Tweety...

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Change our democracy to eliminate big money buying influence, cut campaigns to 6 months max!

January 14, 2017

Corporations are NOT people.  That is a silly Supreme Court decision.  The Citizens United decision is absurd, and always was.

BUT BE AWARE and CAUTIOUS!  Some calls for donations may be misdirection and false help.

"This Group Raised $11 Million To Defeat Citizens United. So Why Do People Hate Them?"
They’re accused of “undermining the movement.
04/21/2016 11:34 am ET

Suspicious.  B...

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Tweety Twump's "One China" challenge is NOT negotiable; he risks hot war in the South China Sea!

January 15, 2017

Tweety's advisors, the generals, the ones he has not yet disrespected, should let the low Emotional Quotient Tweety know about China and their ability to dominate the South China Sea any time they want.

"Why is the South China Sea contentious?"
12 July 2016


Rival countries have wrangled over territory in the South China Sea for centuries, but tension has steadily increased in recent years.

China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan,...

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Tweety Twump's NO judge of "talent": tweets Rep Lewis "all talk, no action," Streep "overrated." Ha!

January 15, 2017

Displaying his low Emotional Quotient, Tweety Twump continues and continues and continues to make himself look like a buffoon with his Twitter account.  He wil last two (2) months as President.

We better start planning on President Pence.  Well, since impeachment and / or arrest take lots of time, maybe a year or so . . .

On Martin Luther King Day, virtually, Tweety really sh*ts a brick!

"‘All Talk, No Action,’ Says Trump, in Twitter Attack on a Civil Rights Icon"

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NATO equipment continuously modernized within reason, pragmatice defense against Communism. Reality.

January 16, 2017

If I thought Tweety Twump understood NATO, I might think he is being smart to, as has been asked many times before, ask NATO Member countries, all 24, to pay their fair share of the cost of maintaining NATO.  This has been addressed many time sbeofre Tweety brought it up.  "Believe me!"  lol

BUT, I am CERTAIN Tweety Twump is talking through his a**,  He does not know ANYTHING about NATO to make him a credible intellect on the alliance.

Saturday Night Live has Tweety Twump squarely in its...

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International trade BRINGS jobs to America, the right industries, and FAIR competition good for all.

January 16, 2017

Did you ever consider that "globalization" and economics could bring peace to the world?

"Trade Freedom: How Imports Support U.S. Jobs"
By Derek Scissors, Ph.D., Charlotte Espinoza and Ambassador Terry Miller

"Abstract: It is a common misperception that importing goods to America comes at the cost of American jobs. In fact, imports contribute to job creation on a large scale. The increased economic...

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Morality is the glue that holds our communities together. Ethical behavior is the root of morality.

January 18, 2017

General Principles of Government Service
CCOs have an obligation to the United States Government and its citizens. CCOs must therefore be familiar with the following principles of ethical conduct as established in Executive Order 12731 and as codified in 5 CFR 2635.101.

"Conflict of Interest
One of the most basic ethical and legal principles is that CCOs may not take official action on a matter that could affect their personal interests, as noted in 18 United States Code (U.S.C.) 208). CCOs...

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Tweety Twump is an endangered species.

January 18, 2017

Expecting a Twump tweet on this!  It's a little jokey, but has a serious intent for this poor endangered moth.

"Meet 'Neopalpa donaldtrumpi' - the threatened moth named after Donald Trump"

'Neopalpa donaldtrumpi' and Donald Trump   Sarah Knapton, Science Editor
17 January 2017 • 5:19pm

"Dr Nazari said the new insect, which is a type of twirler moth, bore an uncanny resemblance to...

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Tweety Twump NOT hated as he says, or does things to embarrass, scare, put us down, he disappoints.

January 19, 2017

Tweety Twump I call him because of his obviously adolescent use of Twitter.  Twitter is not a tool to communicate United States policy, decisions, or plans, which is what everything a President says. does, or writes IS, TO THE WORLD, which is where every tweet goes!

It is immature and dumb!  Tweety is not hated, not by me or the people I talk to.  Tweety is a disappointing representative as President of the United States.

It is a distraction and irrelevant, but I will go with the campaign...

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