Idiots, Republicans, NRA, zealot gun owners, and many others say that now is not the time to speak of gun control? That is the dumbest thing a human can say!
If there will NEVER be a time for gun control, SAY IT!
"Gun Control in Australia, Updated"
By Eugene Kiely
Posted on October 4, 2017 | Updated on October 6, 2017
"With Australia’s population steadily increasing, the nation’s homicide incident rate has fallen even more than the number of homicides — from 1.6 per 100,000 in 1995-96 to 1 per 100,000 in 2013-2014, according to a government report on crime trends. That was the lowest homicide incident rate at the time in 25 years, as we mentioned earlier.
The number of firearm-related homicides also has dropped substantially since the 1996 gun law was enacted."
Australia passed a law and used buy back to get guns off the streets.
"“ . . . no study has explained why gun deaths were falling, or why they might be expected to continue to fall.” That poses difficulty in trying to definitively determine the impact of the law, they write.“Whether or not one wants to attribute the effects as being due to the law, everyone should be pleased with what happened in Australia after the NFA — the elimination of firearm massacres (at least up to the present) and an immediate, and continuing, reduction in firearm suicide and firearm homicide,” the authors write."
Gun control is never going to happen in America, even Europenas know this.
"A Nation in Denial"
"When Is the Right Time to Discuss Gun Control?"
On Wednesday, U.S. President Donald Trump once again echoed an NRA talking point, saying that now wasn't the appropriate time to discuss gun control. If America doesn't face up to some inconvenient truths, that time will never come.
A Commentary by Marc Pitzke in New York, 5 Oct 2017
"The White House called it the "heroes meet and greet." U.S. President Donald Trump spent just short of four hours in Las Vegas on Wednesday to pay his respects to the victims of Sunday's massacre. He visited with the wounded in a hospital, met with first responders and vowed that "you never want to see it again, that I can tell you."
When asked about gun control, though, he merely replied: "We're not going to talk about that today.""
There's never a time to talk about gun control if not when mass murder has just taken place! So there will not be any discussion.
The issue is much too complex for such a simplistic approach. But to tackle it successfully, the U.S. must first admit some inconvenient truths:
First: The gun debate is shaped by racism. Guns were long considered an element of white privilege. The Ku Klux Klan arose from posses who took guns away from African-Americans. The National Rifle Association (NRA), America's extremely powerful gun lobby, has a majority white membership. If whites invoke the Second Amendment, they are considered patriots while if blacks do so, they're thugs. If whites commit mass murder, they're "lone wolves." If non-whites do so, they're terrorists.
Second: Statistically, Christian Americans present a greater threat to average Americans than Islamist fanatics. But rather than addressing this - often right-wing extremist - domestic terrorism or even calling it by name, the president prefers to issue travel bans for Muslim-majority countries.
Third: The NRA - which donated more than $30 million to Trump's presidential campaign - is not a citizens' group, it is the gun industry's lobby. Its henchmen are conservative politicians who keep the laws lax in exchange for campaign donations. This week, they had planned to debate a bill to ease regulations on gun silencers - out of concern for the hearing of gun owners. The debate had originally been scheduled for June 14, but it was postponed after the baseball shooting, arguably to wait for the return of Steve Scalise, who limped back into Congress for the first time on Thursday. It has now been postponed again - presumably to wait for national ADD to return.
Fourth: Stricter laws alone won't do it. But addressing the intricate causes of gun violence - including terrorism, mental-health issues, dysfunctional families, America's class system, growing hatred on all sides and others - continues to be taboo. So, too, are imaginative solutions such as "smart guns," which include biometric "safeties" to ensure that only the weapon's owner can fire them. Congress long ago canceled funding for such research anyway.
Fifth: The Democrats don't do enough either. They bemoan the status quo but don't find the courage to speak out clearly. Even in Las Vegas, some politely stuck to platitudes. "Las Vegas is a safe place to visit," proclaimed Steve Sisolak, chairman of the Clark County Commission and Democratic candidate for mayor of Nevada, hours after the attack. "We encourage everybody to come here."
By the way, the Second Amendment was NEVER abut individual rights to own guns, it was for militias. What individual or even a group of gun owners can fight the United States military if they decided to rebel? Gun rights were never for individuals to fight the US Gov!
Does America ACCEPT mass murder in exchange for gun rights? Is this "freedom?"
"Bill O'Reilly says Las Vegas massacre that left at least 58 dead 'is the price of freedom' and gunmen who commit mass shootings have 'right to arm themselves'"
- Bill O'Reilly shared his thoughts on the mass shooting that took the lives of at least 58 people and injured 515 in Las Vegas on Sunday night
- 'This is the price of freedom. Violent nuts are allowed to roam free until they do damage, no matter how threatening they are,' said O'Reilly
- He then added: 'The Second Amendment is clear that Americans have a right to arm themselves for protection. Even the loons' [No the 2nd Amendment was clear about militias until a wrong Supreme Court decision!]
- O'Reilly also noted that the 'polarizing' nature of the gun control debate made any chance of a compromise impossible as 'there is no common ground'
- In June 2016, O'Reilly made a strong call for stricter gun control laws after Muslim Omar Mateen killed 49 people in Orlando
- 'I can tell you that government restrictions will not stop psychopaths from harming people,' said O'Reilly Monday after Stephen Paddock's mass shooting
By Chris Spargo For Dailymail.com Published: 18:42 EDT, 2 October 2017 | Updated: 19:03 EDT, 2 October 2017
Bill O'Reilly is ABSOLUTELY stupid to say death is the price of freedom! He says we cannot fix this! What stupid, stupid commentary! If your daughter was killed by that machine gun, or son, or anyone you care about, would you WANT THAT FREEDOM, BILL?
Dead people have NO FREEDOM BILL! Freedom is useless to dead people, Bill. Get it? Bill? Are you there?
Is this mayhem the true, reasonable price of freedom? Does Bill O'Reilly have it right?
The right question is what has to change to make our freedom worth living?
Freedom is worthless for the murdered!
"CBS fires vice president who said Vegas victims didn't deserve sympathy because country music fans 'often are Republican'"
By Brian Flood, Fox News 3 Oct 2017
CBS VP insane post about gun toting Republican Vegas dead do not deserve sympathy! That VP is insane!
"Las Vegas, Gun Violence, and the Failing American State"
By John Cassidy October 2, 2017
"In response to the tragedy in Las Vegas, Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, ordered the flags over the U.S. Capitol to be flown at half-mast, and Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, said, “This is a time for national mourning and for prayer.” Neither responded immediately to a call from Nancy Pelosi, the House Minority Leader, for the establishment of a bipartisan Select Committee on Gun Violence, which would “study and report back common-sense legislation to help end the crisis.”Elsewhere on Capitol Hill, preparations continued for the passage of the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act of 2017, a carefully misnamed piece of legislation that would make it easier to import assault-style rifles, transport weapons across state lines, and purchase silencers—the sale of which has been strictly restricted since the nineteen-thirties, when they proved popular with gangsters. Last month, the House Committee on Natural Resources marked up the SHARE Act and passed it. Until the shooting in Las Vegas, it had been expected to go to the floor of the House as early as this week, and its supporters, including the N.R.A., were expecting a victory. “There has never been a better opportunity to pass this important and far-reaching legislation,” a piece on the Web site of the N.R.A.’s Institute for Legislative Action noted last month.
Following the massacre in Las Vegas, the Republican sponsors of the SHARE Act [The Act will legalize silencers on guns.] will probably let a little time elapse before they put it to a vote. But there is little reason to suppose it won’t ultimately get majority support, at least in the House, while efforts to tighten up the gun laws will continue to flounder. In a failing state, that is how things work."
Is America ready as Republicans legalize silencers so no one at the Ls Vegas concert would realize anyone is being killed from a 1,000 yards away by high powered, super killing machines? Are you ready America?