Tweety supporters do not care that the family feels disrespected. Tweety supporters do not trust anyone that criticizes Tweety!
To the Veterans I play golf with, I hear you say Tweety said more than the thing about the soldier knew what he signed up for. I know Tweety's entire commentary isn't emphasized. We could say media bias shows when Tweety's worst sentiment is isolated, separated from the rest where he says it's too bad the soldier died.
I ask you if that sentiment of he knew what he signed up for is part of the call YOU get about your son or daughter being killed in an ambush? Ask yourself if you can absorb THAT as easily as you do when another mother gets the President's call.
Tweety is socially awkward, says a LOT of stupid things. Vets, you know Tweety says awkward, dumb things. I don't hold it against him. Tweety fumbles for words often. It is obvious he does not feel comfortable speaking to groups. Tweety invents words, stumbles through sentences, repeats his words when he cannot find the right words, and appears dazed and confused often. Watch Tweety TV interviews and you'll notice his verbal shortcomings. Tuesday's verbal weakness is "bigly."
"Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’"
By Anne Gearan and Kristine Phillips By Anne Gearan and Kristine Phillips Post Politics
October 18 at 4:27 PM
"“President Trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband,” Jones-Johnson said."
But what can a black woman know, in Tweety's or his supporter's mind.
Tweety is a sad sick man! I expect he will criticize the mother now that she has outed him. He will say she is bing used by Democrats. Tweety is a sick man. I do NOT understand Tweety supporters!
"Wilson went on to say Trump “was almost like joking. He said, ‘Well, I guess you knew’ — something to the effect that ‘he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.’ You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die. That’s the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid.”"
Every thing I hear from Tweety supporters tells me he could literally commit murder, and his supports would say the media is biased, and what he is doing is productive.
His supporters will not care about how the fallen soldier family feels.
"Donald Trump’s Unseemly Condolence-Call Bragging Game"
By Amy Davidson Sorkin October 18, 2017
"The sordid story of President Donald Trump’s attempt to smear President Barack Obama as being inattentive to the families of fallen troops took more turns on Wednesday. Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, a Democrat from Florida, reported that, in what was meant to be a condolence call, Trump had made Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sergeant La David T. Johnson, who was killed on October 4th, in Niger, at the age of twenty-five, break down in tears. “She said, ‘He didn’t even remember his name,’ ” Wilson told MSNBC, adding that she had heard much of the call on speakerphone. Wilson described Trump as “almost, like, joking. He said, ‘Well, I guess you knew’—something to the effect that ‘he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.’ ” Trump tweeted that he had “proof” that Wilson’s account was “totally fabricated”—an extraordinary response. Even if Trump did not, verbatim, use the words that Wilson remembered, surely learning that he had failed to console Myeshia Johnson, a grieving young woman who has two small children and is pregnant with a third, might have humbled him. "
Tweety has not one humble bone in his body!
Donald Trump, DO YOUR JOB! Stop defending, attacking, and threatening everyone and every media outlet that says anything you do not like, and STICK TO DOING PRODUCTIVE WORK!
[NOTE: I insert the McCain material below the material on Tweety's comments to the fallen soldier's family.]
"Gregg Popovich calls Trump 'a soulless coward' over claims Obama did not call Gold Star families"
Tyler Lauletta,
Oct. 16, 2017, 7:42 PM
"Trump Told Soldier’s Widow He Knew ‘What He Signed Up For,’ Congresswoman Says"
by Phil Helsel, Peter Alexander and Kristen Welker
"A Florida congresswoman said the family of a U.S. service member killed in Niger was "astonished" when President Donald Trump suggested in a phone call that the soldier "must've known what he signed up for."Rep. Frederica Wilson told NBC Miami that she heard the president's comment to Sgt. La David T. Johnson's widow, Myeshia, on a speakerphone as they traveled together to meet his body on Tuesday."
"Trump denies telling fallen soldier's widow he knew what he was signing up for" [There was in fact more to his comment . . . but no family wants to hear that is what he signed up for.]
- Trump denies telling the widow of an Army sergeant killed in action that her husband "knew what he was signing up for" when he joined the military.
- The initial account of Trump's phone call with Myeshia Johnson came from Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., who was with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson on Tuesday and heard part of the call on speakerphone.
- Trump's phone call to Johnson came one day after the president accused President Barack Obama of not calling the families of fallen soldiers.
Christina Wilkie | @christinawilkie 16-17 October 2017
Is this simply a case where Tweety's awkward social skills called for a TRANSLATOR? I think everyone knows Tweety has an awkward way of expressing his thoughts.
Are we just being too sensitive to an otherwise normal comment? Perhaps, but given Tweety's history I'd say no, we are not being too sensitive. The PRESIDENT is supposed to be ultra sensitive about sending soldiers to their DEATH!
"Johnson was among four service members who died last week in northwestern Africa during an ambush.
Wilson said the president told the widow that the slain soldier “knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway.”" [Maybe this isn't so insensitive? No, it IS insensitive and stupid under these circumstances. Tweety had no idea what to say and took no advice. He said, "I got this," when his advisors told him what to say.]
Is this media bias, or fake news, or was the Democrat lady going off the rails, lying? This episode of Tweety stupidity involves both media bias and the fact the story comes from a Democrat, but does it matter?
Or was Tweety trying to do his thing in a non-PC manner? This is a time where Politically Correct is not a factor. You have to say the right things. If you don't, you f**ked up.
Or was Tweety really misquoted? He was quoted out of context, but what was quoted is what mattered most! Tweety supporters will say he meant well. Maybe he meant well, but he did not need to say the dead soldier signed up for what he got.
Or was Tweety being who we think he is, an ass hole? No, I don't think Tweety was intentionally cruel, but he was STUPID and AWKWARD, at best.
Is it a coincidence the fallen soldier was black? No, I certainly hope that was not on Tweety's mind, but who knows what is on that lunatic's mind?.
Is this making a mountain out of a mole hill? Are we nit-picking on Tweety, showing our bias? Yes, we are nitpicking and showing bias. Tweety earned our non-respect though buy dong many, many stupid things, and tweeting many, many stupid tweets.
"The initial account of Trump's phone call with Myeshia Johnson came from Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Florida, who was in Florida on Tuesday afternoon with Johnson as they waited at the airport for the arrival of the sergeant's remains."
Tweety is definitely guilty of double-speak, saying a thing that is wrong, then tailoring the comment, partially correcting it, sometimes saying worse things, then changing it, and on an on.
Sometimes Tweety is a petulant child. Tweety is definitely consciously confusing!
Tweety tried to accuse Obama of not reaching out to families of fallen members. Then he changed his words!
I know this, Tweety does not give a F**k about death or dead soldiers. He's ready to go to war with North Korea, evidence he would not care about the 25,000,000 North Koreans left with no government, or the fact we might end up in war with China as we meet Chinese soldiers on the North Korean border, or the 800,000 South Korean dead, or the fact the USA must take possession of North Korea to care for the people once we kill all their soldiers.
"On Tuesday, Trump admitted that he doesn't really know whether Obama called the families of fallen soldiers, telling Fox News Radio "Now, as far as other representatives, I don't know. I mean, you could ask General Kelly did he get a call from Obama. You could ask other people, I don't know what Obama's policy was. I write letters and I also call."
To Fox News credit, they also carried the story of Tweety's foolish comments.
"Trump reportedly told slain soldier's widow 'he knew what he signed up for'"
Johnson was among four service members who died last week in northwestern Africa during an ambush.
Wilson said the president told the widow that the slain soldier “knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway.” [Full context. Does this make Tweety's comment more caring and sensitive to the wife of the dead soldier?]
In full context, is Tweety's comment insensitive? Or just another awkward, dumb expression he is so often blurting out. Tweety doesn't knw how to show caring, sensitive emotions or find words to convey the right emotions.
Bretbart [You know who . . . Bannon.] reported McCain's comments, which could be targeting Tweety's ambitions and agenda.
"McCain: Abandoning Obligations of Int’l Leadership for ‘Half-Baked’ Nationalism ‘As Unpatriotic’ As ‘Any Other Tired Dogma’"
by Ian Hanchett 16 Oct 2017 [More likely Bannon . . .]
"During a ceremony where he received the Liberty Medal on Monday, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) stated that fearing the world and abandoning the ideas that the US has advanced and the obligations of being an international leader in the name of “some half-baked, spurious nationalism,” is just as “unpatriotic” as holding to any other belief sent to the ash heap of history.
McCain said, “To fear the world we’ve organized and led for 3/4s of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain the last, best hope of earth, for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism, cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is an unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history.”
"Everyone should read John McCain's speech"
By John Kirby, CNN National Security Analyst, Updated 7:11 PM ET, Tue October 17, 2017
" . . . he spoke of the international order the United States helped create after two world wars and how that order benefited not only millions of people around the world but our own citizens here at home.
"We have done great good in the world," he said. "That leadership has had its costs, but we have become incomparably powerful and wealthy as we did."
There's the nub of it. Leadership. That's really what the speech was about -- much more so, in my view, than it was a rebuke of Trumpism."
We believed in our country and the progress of humanity.
"McCain charged us all to continue leading, and that means being willing to set aside our partisan bickering, and that means being willing to set aside our fear.
Democrats fear Republicans and vice versa.
Christians fear Muslims. Atheists fear Christians.
We all fear getting killed by terrorist refugees, even though we have far greater chance of being struck by lightning.
Gun owners fear having their firearms taken away. More than half of us are afraid of Trumpcare. And, according to this year's Chapman University Survey of American Fears, just about as many of us are afraid of war with North Korea as we are of climate change (48%).
Russian hacking. Chinese expansion in the South China Sea. Illegal immigrants stealing our jobs.
We're not just a nation divided. We've become a nation afraid.
Its equal parts paranoid and paralyzing."
Tweety's only comment is that at some point I fight back!? Why does Tweety keeps threatening people.
"Trump warns McCain: 'Be careful because at some point I fight back'"
By Dan Merica, CNN Updated 1:29 AM ET, Wed October 18, 2017
See also the article here:
"Why America is coming apart at the seams"
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry