Elitist AND Cabinet member, Tom Price, is as cynical as it gets. He thinks we'll buy his payment of 1/8th of the debt he owes for the one seat he took on a private jet HE BOOKED using USA TAX DOLLARS? Is the American citizen THAT DUMB to accept this as full payment?
This is another rich man dipping into the US treasury to steal tax dollars from Americans. Is that OK? NO! This is not OK and paying 1/8th is not enough payment! Pay it all Tom Price, pay back all the money you stole!
Tweety supporters, the RICH ALWAYS GET RICHER. How? Much of their advantage is White Privilege. Our capitalism is rigged for the rich, our culture is rigged for white males. Get it?
I was an Air Force officer, retired as Lt Col after 22 years in contracting. I travelled for the Air Force a lot and made up travel expense statements. I worked for Raytheon Company 17 years and travelled for Raytheon. I submitted travel expenses for reimbursement. I I filled out an expense statement like Tom Price, if abused the privilege of government or private service with abuse of travel rues like Tom Price did, I would be charged with fraud. I might have ended up n jail, but definitely would not have ben allowed to leave service or employment with paying back 100% of the amount due!
"Tom Price Will Reimburse Taxpayers for (a Fraction of the Cost) of Those Private Flights"
“The taxpayers won’t pay a dime for my seat on those planes,” emphasis on “seat.”
[Are you kidding me with his dodge!? This is an ugly, ugly rich ass hole!]
by Bess Levin
September 28, 2017 5:40 pm
The entire plane was empty because Price booked it! There were NO OTHER PASSENGERS BECAUSE PRICE FLEW ALONE!
"The last few weeks have been pretty rough for Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price. After spending much of his time as a congressman railing against government employees using private planes at the taxpayers’ expense, reports surfaced that since becoming a Cabinet official, he’s chartered private jets to ferry him around the country to the reported tune of at least $400,000, often to places like Philadelphia, which is approximately 140 miles from D.C., and which Price could have reached by a low three-figure commercial flight, a similarly priced Amtrak ride, or the cost of gas money."
Oh well, I guess Tom meant well. . . . lol Especially when he visited his son on one of those flights!
"Price’s itinerary involved extremely short speeches that seemed designed to justify a weekend trip to an island where he just happens to own land, and a lunch with his son in Tennessee. In both instances, the amount of time the secretary spent on “official business,” i.e., the justification for the taxpayer-funded luxury rides, paled in comparison to the unofficial business, with Price flying into Georgia a day and a half before his scheduled event and spending less than an hour and a half on working matters the day he dropped $18,000 to fly to Nashville, where he also owns a condo."
Tom Price wants you to think he is being fair paying about $52,000 of the ~$4000,000 he owed since he was the only person in the private jest that was capable of carrying eight (8) people. That is JUST PLAIN WRONG!
So Price quits his job, or is fired, which option I do not know. I suspect Tweety did not care, he is rich too! Maybe Tweety asked him to just resign, so Price gets off writing a check for $52,000 when you and I would go to jail, or at least pay off my false travel expenses thru payroll deductions until we paid all $400,000!
This behavior is insane, but rich people do this kind of thing all the time. I suppose Tweety supporters think this is OK? Price used their tax dollars, about ~$17,000 to fly once to have lunch with his son! A six hour trip and Price called the trip "urgent" business!
Can a cola mine do that to? Can any angry white jobless do that?
How is this right? Why dos a rich ass hole like Tom Price get to rob the US Treasury of ~$350,000?
Other Cabinet members are stealing from the Treasury too.