"Trump threatens to abandon Puerto Rico recovery effort"
By Philip Rucker and Ed O'Keefe By Philip Rucker and Ed O'Keefe Post Politics
October 12 at 12:00 PM
President Trump served notice Thursday that he may pull back federal relief workers from Puerto Rico, effectively threatening to abandon the U.S. territory amid a staggering humanitarian crisis in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.
Declaring the U.S. territory's electrical grid and infrastructure to have been a “disaster before hurricanes,” Trump wrote Thursday that it will be up to Congress how much federal money to appropriate to the island for its recovery efforts and that relief workers will not stay “forever.”
Three weeks after Maria made landfall, much of Puerto Rico, an island of 3.4 million people, remains without power. Residents struggle to find clean water, hospitals are running short on medicine, and commerce is slow, with many businesses closed."
Tweety is a sick man, cruel, stupid, inept, NOT smart. These are Americans Tweety is abandoning! Do you think their brown skin and slightly different English is something Tweety has noticed, and is motivating his brutal commentary?
I do. Tweety is all about "White America First!"
By Philip Rucker and Ed O'Keefe By Philip Rucker and Ed O'Keefe Post Politics
October 12 at 12:00 PM
Maybe Tweety is right to make sure Puerto Rico doesn't get too comfortable with Government help?
Tweety embarrasses himself by his words and behavior in storm disaster Puerto Rico! He made jokes of the situation, and in some cases bringing humor might be useful. BUT the island has no power and no safe drinking water for millions of people. How funny is that?
And if some hospitals are only "hot," that alone is pretty bad for sick people.
I listened to an NPR story of a FEMA or some Gov emergency crewgoing to a hospital expecting the "Walking Dead" scenario. They seemed disappointed that there was no "Walking Dead" scenes. OK, granted they were relieved. I hope they were glad too.
It might be Puerto Rico incurred debt they should not have, made mistakes, but even Tweety has done that, right? Recall Tweety bankruptcies?
It is AMAZING the words that leak from Tweety's pie hole. Tweety's mouth is a rich source of incredibly stupid, insane commentary about disasters! HE JUST DOES NOT KNOW WHAT TO SAY.
Where are the translators, the surrogates, the people who can speak FOR Tweety? The crap coming out of his mouth in Puerto Rico is foolish, the words of a 6 or 8 year old idiot.
Before Tweety left for Puerto Rico it seems good support was already underway, but it wasn't the kind of direct support people need it seems. Water and food, and shelter.
There is potential for bad blood here . . . . The Tweety-ster cannot communicate! Tweety is a DISASTER! Their pain was not enough for him. I am certain Donald Trump has a sickness, an inability to properly respond to real pain in other people.
"Trump's Puerto Rico Visit Is a Political Disaster"
The president told residents to be “very proud” they hadn’t endured a “real catastrophe” like Katrina, doing little to erase the impression that he sees hurricane relief more as a political story than a human one.
Jonathan Ernst / Reuters Oct 3, 2017
"Making his first appearance in hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico since Maria’s landfall, President Trump offered a hearty round of congratulations to federal relief efforts and thanked the island’s governor. But the president also suggested Maria was not a “real catastrophe,” made an odd and misleading comparison to the death toll from Hurricane Katrina, and joked about how the hurricane would affect the federal budget.
It was a typically strange, disjointed appearance by the president, and it came just days after Trump spent much of the weekend picking fights with the mayor of San Juan and insisting that, against all evidence, the recovery effort had largely responded to Puerto Rico’s needs. At Muñiz Air Force Base, Trump was eager to praise the work of federal agencies, including FEMA, the Air Force, the Navy, and the Coast Guard, amid a chorus of criticism that Washington’s response has been too slow and too small. But that praise led him in strange directions."
Whatever disease makes a person incapable of emotionally identifying and sayng words to recognize another person's pain, THAT IS TRUMP'S DISEASE!
Tweety says EVERYTHING WRONG, EVERYTHING! He has zero capacity to make people feel better! Tweety has zero capacity to sympathize when other people suffer.
"Here's who is getting government money to help save Puerto Rico"
by Donna Borak @donnaborak September 28, 2017: 2:02 PM ET
"Millions of U.S. government dollars have started flowing to businesses to help out the recovery in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and elsewhere following Hurricane Maria.
As of Thursday morning, the U.S. government has awarded roughly $46 million in contracts. The money will go for things like transporting cargo, inspecting buildings and providing temporary housing for survivors and first-responders, according to the Federal Procurement Data System, which compiles government contracts.
The funding comes at a critical time. Millions of Puerto Ricans have been living for more than a week without power and with limited access to medicine, water and fuel.
So far, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has awarded $22 million -- the largest contract so far -- to D.C.-based defense contractor Marine Design Dynamics to provide living quarters. FEMA is leasing three cruise ships for 30 days for survivors and first-responders of both Hurricanes Maria and Irma, according to a contract notice reviewed by CNN.One of the largest ocean contractors for transporting food and aid, Sealift Inc., of Oyster Bay, New York, received nearly $8.7 million to help transport passengers and U.S. troops to and from Puerto Rico.
Defense contractor General Dynamics (GD) won nearly $4 million to transport supplies, water, and food for victims of Hurricane Maria with the USTS Kennedy, a former commercial freighter and a current Marine training vessel.
The government gave another $3 million to Asset Group, a contractor based in Oklahoma City, to deliver special dietary food to hurricane victims."
Sounds good at this point.
"President Trump said he will visit Puerto Rico next Tuesday -- nearly two weeks after Maria struck the island. He visited Texas and Florida within four days of Harvey and Irma. "