Police MUST stop executing suspects! White or black, police have to hold their guns until fired on.
Australia is better at gun control than USA, why can't we figure it out? It's the NRA, stupid!
"Gun Control in Australia, Updated"
By Eugene Kiely
Posted on October 4, 2017 | Updated on October 6, 2017
The US flag symbolizes soldiers fight for honor, freedom, but most importantly JUSTICE.
We soldiers do not blindly fight wars for free speech and other American freedoms. Soldiers are not robots with no brains. Police who do stupid things to kill black people are the true dishonor to our flag.
Kneeling to the flag asking the flag for forgiveness for the stupid police actions is the RIGHT thing to do VP Pence .
VP Pence, YOU dishonor the truth when you go against a peaceful protest against rogue killer, and stupid lazy killer cops.
Rogue Police dishonor the flag by cowardly, stupid, UNNECESSARY acts of violence towards their black SUSPECTS, acting as judge, jury, and, sadly, as the EXECUTIONER.
A 12 year old is killed waving a toy gun? A traffic stop ends in a dead black person. A black man waves a knife and runs away so is shot in the back?
Do not give me the black on black violence bull shit. We need to ask that everyone, as STANDARD PROCEDURE, get to a trial, especially the killer cops.
The flag kneeling protest IS about POLICE KILLING BLACK PEOPLE WHENTHEY DO NOT NEED TO. The dead black person gets no trial, and neither do many police who kill the people they are to "SERVE AND PROTECT."
HONOR FREEDOM OF SPEECH in ALL FORMS! Do not fool yourselves into believing kneeling during the National Anthem, or as the flag is raised or passes by an exception. Soldiers, at least those I know, are NOT disrespected by kneeling.
My buddies DIED for the freedom needed by these NFL guys, or anyone else that sees our flag being disrespected by rogue police killing black people in many different ways, to kneel as a message that WE / ROGUE POLICE are the ones disrespecting the flag! Kneeling says we pray for the flag to achieve its potential for honor and justice.
VP Pence is wrong as is Tweety that kneeling in not patriotic or respectful of what our soldiers have accomplished or what we fought for.
Every day we see another idiot in some newspaper, on line or otherwise, write articles that suggest after 24 years of "appeasement" of that rogue nation North Korea, we must do more, like maybe go to war! These writers do not care or forget we have been signatory of ONLY an Armistice for about 62 years with North Korea! When do we negotiate PEACE?
Whether we count 24 or 62 years, are you really ready to say we have waited long enough to get on with WWIII? That is incredibly stupid logic! STUPID! INSANE!
I can wait 1,000 years for WWIII. How about you?
We need a Niel Sheenhan-like author to disclose a "Pentagon Papers"-like disclosure/revelation of any US Government plans to attack North Korea BEFORE WE START WWIII!
We need Daniel Ellsberg again, to disclose the secret meetings we need to know about as the fools in Wash DC talk about war!
The United States f**ked up Viet Nam, then Iraq, then Libya, and Afghanistan, and who knows what else we destroyed with American faulty, stupid, thinking and "analysis" based on hormonal, dick-measuring mentality.
Now America want to mess up ALL of Korea, Japan, and neighboring regions, and invite Russia and China into a war because we lack the courage and wisdom to do what is right!?
We honor our flag when we achieve what the flag stands for, not when we blindly accept the weakness of our country. We honor our flag by telling the flag we will do better. We honor our flag when we kneel and pray for justice for all in America!
Politicians, and Congress and the President might want war, WE THE PEOPLE, INLUDING SOLDIERS WHO FIGHT DO NOT!
Congress, send your children and family members to the war and then decide if you like the course you choose to follow. Congress and all those who choose war, YOU GO FIGHT THE WARS YOU CHOOSE! You shoot and kill people, and get shot and killed.