Maybe the President Tweety Twump's populist, threatening speech today as he was inaugurated will help him get things done. We will see. All words and not success yet.
America and the people first in all the new President does, no give and take. Good luck with that.
In the mean time . . . Tweety Twump is not normal, and we must not go about our daily routine without highlighting his immaturity, his bullying, and his tweeting buffoonery.
Tweety Twump might be a legal President, but he is not a legitimate, meaning credible and reliable, President.
Tweety does not understand the English language and fails to use it accurately.
So now the count begins on what Tweety promised to do, with my commentary:
"10 Promises Donald Trump Made for His First Day in Office"
Josh Boak / AP
Jan. 19, 2017
"A look at 10 of the key promises Trump made for his first day as President:
—Introduce a constitutional amendment for congressional term limits. Sounds harmless, but will it lead to excessive costs or what?
—Freeze hiring for the federal government to reduce payrolls, although the military, public safety and public health agencies would be exempt. This is like "Ground Hog Day," and is more for show than results; we can expect the freeze to have no effect on anything.
—Ban White House and congressional officials from becoming lobbyists for five years after they leave the government. Good for Tweety, this lobbyist thing has to be controlled somehow, but without killing free speech. How about ALSO banning all of Congress from benefitting from using insider / advance information that allows them to buy stock and make huge profits? Amazingly Congress can do this while no one else in the country can use insider info to buy stocks legally. Congress people can propose legislation to benefit a business, then buy stock in those companies.
—Announce plans to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico or withdraw from the deal. I suspect this is going to be bad for America if he changes anything. International trade is more complex than his real estate deals.
—Formally withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Changes in the TPP will end up allowing China to dictate trade in most of the planet. Same: I suspect this is going to be bad for America if he changes anything. International trade is more complex than his real estate deals.
—Lift restrictions on mining coal and drilling for oil and natural gas. The coal mining industry changes will allow China and India to restart their polluting ways IF THE CHOOSE. This will certainly pollute America. Natural gas might not have been limited by any laws, I am not sure. It might be that there are alternative energy sources that are cheaper than gas, or maybe this is just a good idea of Tweety's.
—Remove any Obama-era roadblocks to energy projects such as the Keystone XL pipeline. I think this may lead to industrial pollution, but maybe it is a good idea of Tweety's.
—Cancel U.S. payments to U.N. climate change programs and redirect the money to U.S. water and environmental infrastructure. I think this may lead to industrial pollution, but maybe it is a good idea of Tweety's. Infrastructure is critical.
—Stop all federal funding to “sanctuary cities,” places where local officials don’t arrest or detain immigrants living in the country illegally for federal authorities. Who or what other people are hurt by doing this, and can it serve to capture terrorists?
—Suspend immigration from regions associated with terrorism where vetting is difficult. We cannot know what this means so it its too wide open to evaluate."
You may hear or see this relative to Tweety Twump's "wall" idea. Some church wants you to see the wall in a positive, Christian light. It is not Christian, however, so do not be fooled.
"Nehemiah—The Man Behind the Wall",
Dorothy Willette • 09/17/2016
This Bible History Daily feature was originally published in 2012.—Ed.
The Pope says "No!"
"Pope suggests Trump 'is not Christian'"
By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor, Updated 10:47 PM ET, Thu February 18, 2016
"CNN)Thrusting himself into the combative 2016 presidential campaign, Pope Francis said Thursday that GOP front-runner Donald Trump "is not Christian" if he calls for the deportation of undocumented immigrants and pledges to build a wall between the United States and Mexico.The Pope, who was traveling back to Rome from Mexico, where he urged the United States to address the "humanitarian crisis" on its southern border, did not tell American Catholics not to vote for Trump.
But Francis left little doubt where he stood on the polarizing issue of immigration reform.
"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not the gospel," the Pope told journalists who asked his opinion on Trump's proposals to halt illegal immigration.
Trump immediately fired back, calling Francis' comments "disgraceful.""
Wow! Tweety Twum even thinks he has the "standing" to question the Pope!
Arrogance personified.