I go through Tweety Twump's latest tweet news and "fake" news every morning. He is an amusement MACHINE.
He doesn't want to take CIA briefings each day for 8 years? The daily briefings are UPDATES you bleeping idiot, and NOT IDENTICAL EACH DAY! The President decides what briefings he will take each day, and can miss a few daily briefings if he wants. Do we have to detail every day of your work to you?
Besides that, Tweety may not last 6 months before Congress impeaches him for any number of possible reasons.
Tweety's Cabinet is hilarious! Come on man, do you want me to believe your choice of THOSE people an act of "draining the swamp," or is it actually an act of bringing in more snakes [perhaps "alligators"]?
Today I began to wonder if maybe I am the dumb one because I do not understand so much of what Tweety Twump does, says to media [TV and the "paper"] reporters, or tweets.
Tweety Twump is unfathomable, which apparently is his strength.
I am out of balance intellectually because Tweety Twump and his sycophant/ring-kissing/"yes men-women" staff have messed with my mind so much, almost daily!
noun: savant; plural noun: savants
a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist.
noun: cognoscente; plural noun: cognoscentes
a connoisseur; a discerning expert.
"Five Questions About Russia's Election Hacking"
David Frum, 4:50 AM ET
Read the article. AS to the Russians, Tweety Twump and his staff are being asked the kind of question they cannot answer no matter what they say. There is no right answer to the question of the Russian hacking of the RNC server so why don't they just say we have no answer? Did the Russians hack the RNC server is a question like the no-right-answer question, "When did you stop beating your wife?" No answer is a good answer!
"It has suddenly become intensely controversial whether the Russians did indeed hack the Republican National Committee (as asserted by the CIA and by the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee) or not (as passionately denied by Reince Priebus, the RNC chair who will serve as chief of staff in the Trump White House). A lot turns on that uncertainty. If Russian espionage hacked the RNC—but chose not to leak RNC emails—that would say a lot about Russian intentions. It would also indicate who in American public life might now be vulnerable to future Russian blackmail. If Priebus is correct, and the CIA is wrong, that the Russians did not hack the RNC, that too raises important questions: Was RNC security more robust than DNC security? Or did the Russians not try the RNC? If not, why not?"
"When did you stop beating your wife?" is answered "I never beat my wife.", but the question wants WHEN, not IF.
Any way this goes it looks bad for Tweety Twump and his crew have not effectively addressed the Russian hacking issue, or the never ending questions.
So the default best tactic for Tweety Twump and his staff is CONSPIRACY! lol
So, Tweety Twump and Priebus, the Chief of Staff, complain about the lack of named sources by the 17 security agencies for the idea the Russians hacked the RNC. Could it be semantics? Maybe the Russians hacked some part of the RNC network and Twump and Priebus are avoiding those words?
With respect to naming sources, folks, HAVE WE EVER HEARD A "SOURCE" NAMED BY TWUMP FOR HIS "I HEARD . . .[insert fake news, conspiracy - "rigged election", or falsehood] . . . ", "THEY SAY . . . ", FOR VOTER FRAUD, OR FOR SO MANY THINGS HE ALLEGES?
Be aware! Beware!