Repulsive is how I describe Tweety's remarks on the murder by car in Virginia by White Nationalist.

Tweety's saddest moment was when he had an opportunity to disown the White Power hate crime in Virginia, and chose to blame "violence" on all sides.

Tweey NEVER takes responsibility for his actions when things go wrong, and this sick man ALWAYs takes credit even if NOT DESERVED.

Tweety may have meant to condemn violence in general with his milk toast condemnation of the hate crime murder in Virginia, BUT he IS RESPONSIBLR AS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATS FOR INCREASED BOLDNESS OF THE WHITE POWER MOVEMENT.

Tweety also knows his behavior and his speeches inspire hate and violence.  Look at his campaign speeches and rallies.  Look at Tweety's tweets.  Listen to the man speak and act.  His "truthful hyperbole" is driving America into the dark ages, making America a hotbed of hate "the likes of which the world has never seen."

Tweet owns it!

Tweety exposes his ignorance, and there is not doubt in my mind he was avoiding focus on the White Supremacists when he said all sides are at fault.  There is also no doubt Tweety would not accept any blame for his role in promoting a more aggressive, violent demeanor in America.

Tweety is a bully.  He bullies people every day!  His tweets are proof of bullying.  Tweety is ignorant of his own ignorance.

Tweety MUST know there is only ONE SIDE in the march car murder.  We KNOW where the President stands.  He stands clearly WITH the violence.

 "Three dead, dozens hurt after Virginia white nationalist rally is dispersed; Trump blames 'many sides'"

"t least three people were killed and 35 injured after a violence-filled Saturday in Charlottesville, Va., where white nationalists had gathered for one of their largest rallies in at least a decade, only to see their event end in chaos and national controversy."

There is hatred on all sides, perhaps, but not to justify murder, and we cannot as America, the land of the free and the brave, allow White Supremacist hate in this country.

"Bloody street brawls broke out between dozens of anti-racism activists and far-right attendees, many of whom carried shields, weapons and Nazi and Confederate battle flags. One woman was killed when a driver plowed a sports car into a crowd of protesters; he was arrested and charged with murder and other crimes. Two troopers died when a Virginia State Police helicopter crashed near the city after monitoring the chaos."

"Trump breaks silence on Charlottesville: ‘No place for this kind of violence in America’"
By Amy B Wang By Amy B Wang The Fix Analysis Analysis Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events
August 12, 2017

"Trump condemns 'hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides' in Charlottesville"
By Dan Merica, CNN, Updated 8:52 AM ET, Sun August 13, 2017