"Truthful hyperbole" does not account for 10,000+++ lies. How do Trump supporters tolerate this even if half or truths?
"President Trump has made 10,796 false or misleading claims over 869 days"
By Glenn Kessler, Salvador Rizzo, and Meg Kelly
June 10, 2019
"Paul Waldman: The Trump administration is making the swamp even swampier"
By Paul Waldman The Washington Post
Jun 10, 2019
"One of the enduring mysteries of President Donald Trump fandom is that to this day, many of the president's supporters continue to believe that he is a sworn enemy of the "the swamp," a corrupt system in Washington that he is busily cleaning up. Perhaps it's too much to ask for a group of voters to admit that one of the central promises their champion made was a lie from the beginning.
But the corruption of the Trump administration is so comprehensive and wide-ranging that it contains important -- and depressing -- lessons about how corruption works and why it is so difficult to eradicate.
Some facets of Trump corruption are new and unique. For instance, for two centuries nobody thought much about how the emoluments clause of the Constitution should be understood, because the idea that any president would use his office for personal financial gain was absurd. But then there are Trump administration scandals that sound extremely familiar:
"The Transportation Department under Secretary Elaine Chao designated a special liaison to help with grant applications and other priorities from her husband Mitch McConnell's state of Kentucky, paving the way for grants totaling at least $78 million for favored projects as McConnell prepared to campaign for reelection.
Trump's Base and the GOP ignore all Trump corruption in complicity with undermining what bit of democracy remains in our country. We have a KLEPTOCRACY RUNNING THE COUNTRY.
"And here's another story from today:
"A real estate company part-owned by Jared Kushner has received $90m in foreign funding from an opaque offshore vehicle since he entered the White House as a senior adviser to his father-in-law Donald Trump."
I am amazed despite the anger Trump's Base feels toward establishment politicians, their stated desire to blow it all up, that they continue to support Trump. They seem to support Trump BECAUSE he lies? Wasn't that exactly why they hated the establishment pols?
President Trump interviewed with a news analyst, George Stephanopoulos, and lied incredibly! Then he got mad and called George a wise guy because he offered Trump the truth about the Mueller report.
"Trump’s interview with George Stephanopoulos, explained"
Donald Trump doesn’t normally talk to journalists willing to challenge him. His big ABC interview illustrated why.
By Aaron Rupar@atrupar Jun 17, 2019, 4:00pm EDT
"At one point, Trump, frustrated with Stephanopoulos’s dogged pushback to his false claims about the Mueller report, even referred to him as “a little wise guy.”"
Trump is a mistake for America. PERIOD!
Trump brash and self-serving, a selling his "wares," BUNTLY AND BOLDLY lied to George's face with a TV camera just inches away. How will this "sell" to Americans? Trump's Base will say Trump was telling the truth. People who doubt Trump and know anything about the Mueller report, will know Trump lied and tries to sell us a bowl of crap, like Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, Trump University, etc., etc.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Joseph Goebbels wrote this.
BIG, bigger, biggest lies . . . . see Wikipedia
Trump said a lot to George S. He got angry. He lied when George corrected his lies.
"The first and perhaps most notable video excerpt of Stephanopoulos’s interview with Trump was released last Wednesday evening. In it, Trump indicated he’s willing to accept dirt on his Democratic opponents from a foreign entity — a willingness at odds with the position of FBI Director Christopher Wray, who testified to Congress that candidates should contact the FBI in such a scenario.
“The FBI director is wrong,” Trump proclaimed when Stephanopoulos brought up his hand-picked FBI director’s position. “It’s not interference, it’s information.”
More. Here's further details, recognizing CNN might be a bit biased. lol!
"The 78 wildest lines in Donald Trump's epic ABC interview"
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
Updated 1:47 PM ET, Mon June 17, 2019
"Trump still won’t apologize to the Central Park Five. Here’s what he said at the time."
correction: This story and headline have been corrected to clarify that President Trump’s 1989 ad did not specifically name the Central Park Five in calling for a reinstatement of the death penalty.
By Colby Itkowitz and Michael Brice-Saddler June 18, 2019
"President Trump refused Tuesday to apologize for the full-page ad he ran in 1989 calling for the reinstatement of the death penalty after the arrests of the Central Park Five and suggested the men might still be guilty, even though they were exonerated years ago."
More. Trump is CLEARLY DUMB, clearly a racist. Trump absolutely was talking about the black boys forced to confess . . . including a 14 year old boy who was recused by his mother to prevent the police forcing a confession out of him like they did the other teen boys.
"Two weeks after the May 1 ad was published, Trump was questioned by Larry King on his calls to renew the death penalty. Trump said he was perturbed by those who asked if he had compassion for “these young men that raped and beat and mugged and everything else.”
At the time Trump said his words, the boys appeared guilty, to be "fair." Looking back, however, the proof a death penalty is cruel and unusual and stupid is clear.
"“I said of course I hate these people, let’s all hate these people, maybe hate is what we need if we’re going to get something done,” Trump told King. “It’s incredible when a reporter asks me if I had compassion for the people who did this crime. I have absolutely no compassion.”
Years later, the men were exonerated by DNA evidence and another man’s confession. The story is back in the news with a new Netflix miniseries, “When They See Us,” focused on the boys, who were wrongfully convicted and served between six and 16 years of their young adulthood in jail.
April Ryan, a White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks, tweeted at the president early Tuesday asking if he’d apologize to the five men. Then, as the president left the White House for his reelection kickoff rally in Orlando, Ryan asked him in person.
“They’ve been exonerated, there have been videos shown about the case, when you came out with a full page ad saying that they should die, that they deserved the death penalty,” she said to him.
“Why do you bring that up now? It’s an interesting time to bring that up,” Trump responded. “You have people on both sides of that. They admitted their guilt . . . some of the prosecutors think the city should never have settled that case, and we’ll leave it at that.”
New York City gave the five men a $41 million wrongful-conviction payout in 2014. The men followed up with a lawsuit for an additional $52 million aimed at the state of New York, for which they were awarded $3.9 million.
In his 1989 interview with King, Trump insisted he was not “pre-judging” the young men involved. His call to bring back the death penalty didn’t include minors, he explained, but they should not be exempt punishment, either."
"Trump still refuses to admit he was wrong about the Central Park 5"
“You have people on both sides of that.”
By Aaron Rupar@atrupar Jun 18, 2019, 5:40pm EDT