Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is called insanity.  Giving DoD too much money to spend and requiring them to spend it, and getting the same results, is STUPID and INSANE!

USA is also the most paranoid nation of white people on Earth!

Only cowards feel paranoia like USA.

"Our Military Waste Game Suddenly Seems Prophetic"
With Trump pushing to give the U.S. military another $52 billion, a game we built two years ago to put the billions wasted in Afghanistan in perspective seems particularly relevant.
by Megan Rose        March 30, 2017

"The most jaw-dropping element of President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for 2018 is still shaking the foundations of Washington. The Pentagon, the most profligate agency in all the land, would get another $52 billion to play with — and it is already one of the top spenders of taxpayer money. To fatten up the military coffers, pretty much everything else would take a drastic pay cut. "

After 44 years working both sides of defense acquisition (purchasing and selling) I guarantee you DoD wastes billions every year.  What could we have done for Americans within the United States with those billions and billions and billions of dollars?

"History shows, however, that there’s reason to be skeptical about what the Pentagon will do with the proposed largesse. The massive military industrial complex, with ample assistance, if not insistence, from Congress (which likes to buy unneeded toys), isn’t known for its efficiency with a dollar. More than one watchdog has noted that the Pentagon’s daily routine includes overpaying for parts — for instance, spending $264 for a helicopter part worth $8 — even when it already has a surplus of the supplies in military warehouses. The financial head smacking just gets worse the bigger the purchase. The F-35, anybody? That stealth fighter jet has gone over budget by $200 billion."