Donald Trump is rich, white and male, and does not read anything as he says, "I am too busy to read."  It appears however, that VERY foolish, destructive Democrats help his argument, namely, James O'Keefe and his "Project Veritas Action" in Wisconsin, with Scott Focal, take credit for the violence in Chicago disrupting a Trump rally, AND another Democrat, Robert Creamer, "Democracy Partners," wanted to register voters in MAYBE a fraudulent way?  This may or may not be true, but even a hint of this kind of activity helps prove Donald Trump's assertions of a rigged election.  But remember, it is a SECRET ballot in every case.

Typically a rich, white, man will whine only because he is shocked he does not get all the benefits of anything he asks for!

In America, available jobs are rigged against many folks like fat people, gay people, ugly people (Trump's "4s, 5s, and 6s" women, especially). women in general (Glass Ceiling and salaries for identical work - it will take 80 YEARS FOR EQUAL PAY according to one study, at the current rate, while some countries already have equal pay) (even if the work environment is tough, Eric Trump, the issue is about bosses harassing men and women! Shocked aren't you Eric, since men get harassed too!) - it is rigged, "Eric tries Trump: 'Strong, powerful women' don't allow sexual harassment to occur" BULL SHIT!!  What an absolutely foolish remark!!  The Trump men appear to be afflicted with "TOXIC MASCULINITY"), the economy and Wall Street is rigged against the middle class via IRS tax laws and how MONEY GOES TO MONEY in our voracious, cruel rigged / tailored capitalism, schools are rigged against the poor who have less access to educational resources (consider educating yourself by reading "The Poor Pay More" - a book that explains how the poor literally pay more for everything), and the society / culture we live in that says poor people, especially those getting and using food stamps are lazy and cheats (all of them, OF COURSE).


Do NOT blame America if Trump loses.  If he lsoes the election is rigged?  Dumb!