Up to 150 million Americans could get coronavirus: US projection
Issam AHMED ,AFP•March 12, 2020
The Worst-Case Estimate for U.S. Coronavirus Deaths
March 13, 2020 - in News, U.S.
Donald Trump to declare a national state of emergency - as Brazilian leader he shook hands with claims test shows he does NOT have coronavirus after his own son said he did
- President Donald Trump will hold a press conference on Friday afternoon amid confusion and chaos
- Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro tested positive Friday for coronavirus, according to local reports, but then his son said a second test was negative
- Trump shook hands with Bolsonaro last week at an event at Mar-a-Lago which has sparked fears of his exposure to the virus
- Trump has not addressed if he has been tested but the White House earlier said he had not
- The White House also said the first family will not go into quarantine despite their closeness to several confirmed cases of the virus in the past week
- Ivanka Trump stayed home from White House on Friday after meeting on March 5 with an Australian official who later tested positive for coronavirus
- States of emergency have been declared in New York City and in various other cities around the country
- There is continued criticism of how slow the government has been to respond to the virus with testing
- As of Friday afternoon, 1,800 people in the US had tested positive for coronavirus and 42 had died
- Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?
By Emily Goodin, Senior U.s. Political Reporter For Dailymail.com
Published: 10:00 EDT, 13 March 2020 | Updated: 18:23 EDT, 13 March 2020
Trump's INITIAL response to covid-19 was typically arrogant, ignorant and brash, even childish. He told Hannity he had a flu hunch [A what?], and he was not concerned. Trump had no idea about the very contagious covid-19.
It isn't surprising Fox's Hannity calls covid-19 a hoax, once again proving he doesn't think thru most of what he says for unintended consequences.
If Sean Hannity and other right-wing pundits think the coronavirus is a hoax, how many millions of their followers do too?
By JEREMY W. PETERS AND MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM - The New York Times Mar 12, 2020
Will Fox News lead Americans to spread covid-19 faster?
A guide to right-wing media reactions and conspiracy theories surrounding coronavirus
Written by Kayla Gogarty & Courtney Hagle
Research contributions from Noor Al-Sibai, Alex Kaplan, Nikki McCann Ramirez & Madeline Peltz - Published 02/28/20 1:26 PM EST
Conspiracy theory: COVID-19 was created in a Chinese lab Conspiracy theory: Bill Gates previously created and patented coronavirus
Conspiracy theory: The U.S. is using coronavirus to attack China from within
Claim: Democrats are politicizing coronavirus for their own gain and that’s hurting the stock market
Medical and scientific disinformation
Racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-trans smears
Some extreme reactions from right-wing conservative Christians
Rush Limbaugh adds his erroneous, deadly thoughts - see links below; so we have a real problem from Trump supporters in Trump's NATIONAL EMERGENCY.
BTW, Trump BOTS, cult followers of the Dear Leader, can you see what a real National Emergency looks like now?
Looks like it is the Deep State and George Soros and the Democrats and the Chinese . . . where does this illogical, empty headed stuff stop? Where did it start?
As Coronavirus Becomes Global Pandemic, Rush Limbaugh And Sean Hannity Continue To Suspect Conspiracy
By Ted Johnson - Ted Johnson -
President Donald Trump Says Coronavirus Crisis Might Extend Into August, Urges Country To Avoid Gatherings Of 10 Or More
Judge Rejects Request To Postpone Ohio Primary Because Of Coronavirus
Joe Biden-Bernie Sanders Debate Draws 10.8 Million To CNN And Univision
March 11, 2020 5:05pm
Trump started making excuses soon after it was obvious he had dropped the ball; his entire administration of loyalists misfired. There was no central plan. All 50 states were winging it because Trump's administrations was very slow responding, giving weak, fragmented, incorrect, conflicting, and useless advice.
Display of Nativism in a Pandemic
Trump won the Presidency while pledging to wall America off from the world. The COVID-19 crisis has reinforced his deep-seated belief in this impossibility.
By Steve Coll - March 15, 2020
"In late July, 2014, near Monrovia, Liberia, two Americans, Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol, contracted Ebola. They had been working in a missionary hospital, trying to ameliorate an outbreak then racing across West Africa. The Obama Administration dispatched an air ambulance to carry them home, swathed in white protective gear, for treatment at Emory University Hospital, in Atlanta, and this touched off a media spectacle. The chyron story line was: Ebola comes to America. (Brantly and Writebol soon recovered.) Donald Trump, who was then less than a year away from announcing his run for the Presidency, weighed in on Twitter: “Stop the EBOLA patients from entering the U.S. . . . THE UNITED STATES HAS ENOUGH PROBLEMS!” He tweeted about the epidemic dozens of times during the next months, and called for a ban on travel from West Africa (“STOP THE FLIGHTS!”). The White House’s Office of Digital Strategy later concluded that one of Trump’s tweets, to the two and a half million followers he had at the time, was a “crystallizing moment” in the Ebola crisis, as Amy Pope, Obama’s deputy homeland-security adviser, put it, and that Trump had “created a level of anxiety in the country.”"
Now he's doing it again! He's a dope! Donald Trump, the President of the United States is a FEAR MONGER!
"He was just getting started, as we now know too well. Last Wednesday, the President sought to reassure the nation in a prime-time address from the Oval Office, as the COVID-19 outbreak was poised to morph from seriously worrying into the stuff of a bad Hollywood pitch: Italy a sixty-million-strong detention camp, the stock market in free fall, March Madness called off, Disneyland shuttered. The hope that Trump might someday grow into the dignity and gravity of his office was never realistic, but in this speech he put his narcissism and his reflexive nativism on exceptionally discordant display. “The virus will not have a chance against us,” he said, promising that he had put in place “the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront a foreign virus in modern history”—as if diseases had nationalities. He declared that “testing and testing capabilities are expanding rapidly,” only to be contradicted the next day by Anthony Fauci, the respected director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who told a House hearing, “The system is really not geared to what we need right now. . . . It is a failing. Let’s admit it.”"
He's a dope even to the extent of isolating the uS and undermining the same National Security he too often claims to be protecting! He's a dope!
"Last week, Trump blamed the European Union for allowing the virus to spread on the Continent, and, as he announced a thirty-day ban on travel to the U.S. from European countries (the United Kingdom and Ireland, among a few other countries, were excepted—a decision with no grounding in science), implied that he was defending the nation from the epidemiological equivalent of a European invasion. He reportedly did not consult the E.U. before announcing his restrictions, a churlish decision that will do nothing to ease European leaders’ exasperation with him. On this, as on so much else in his foreign policy, Trump’s needless provocations have undermined U.S. security; it is absurd to suggest that the United States can contain this pandemic behind its own borders without extensive help from allies in Europe, Asia, and Latin America."
Trump was fear mongering in 2014 and Rush Limbaugh doesn't want us to recall that part of his headline, shock jock recollections . . .
Limbaugh: Remember The Swine Flu Panic? 60 Million Americans Infected, 300,000 Hospitalized
Posted By Ian Schwartz - On Date March 12, 2020
Rush was more balanced in his arguments in the '70s. Rush has lost all context and perspective in his extreme conspiracy thinking radio shock jock monologues.
Rush has selective memory cherry picking what ever "gospel" works form his narrative. Rush used to give more context and had a more complete perspective on issues in the '70s.
The media Rush blames - Trump is a victim of a "media" conspiracy - go see DARVO - works for Rush too - go to this link . . . SEE DARVO ->
. . . whichever source he is trying to get us focused on so we can hate them, who knows which or what "media" he means, and I am not sure he knows, is NOT the problem. The media is not the problem.
Trump has been a fear monger for many years, folks, and reacted much quicker to "cry wolf" when Obama was President. Opportunist? Now trump wants Americans to relax. Take it easy folks. Read Trump's history criticizing Obama.
some "True Believers" in Trump's cult are going so far as to say the covid-19 is a conspiracy and a hoax, and by this they undermine National Security given we have to convince 326,000,000 Americans to social-distance themselves to flatten the covid-19 cure. These people could be called traitors.
I understand we have a rough and tumble political world in 2020, but I draw the line at endangering human life in America, easily. You should too! Win, but not at the cost of lives of innocent people who only want to live a day longer.
Twitter removes David Clarke’s tweets as he and other Trump allies sow coronavirus conspiracy theories and doubts
By Aaron Blake - Senior political reporter, writing for The Fix - March 16, 2020
"Another outspoken Trump-supporting former police chief, former Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke, was even more conspiratorial. He suggested on Twitter that the alleged hysteria was being pushed by liberal billionaire George Soros — a common subject of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories — and urged people to take to the streets.
“Not ONE media outlet has asked about George Soros’s involvement in this FLU panic,” Clarke said. “He is SOMEWHERE involved in this. ”"
The idea Soros has so much power as to turn the entire world on its head is childish and pure stupid, but also extremely dangerous for Americans! Trump called it a national emergency, Sheriff, when do you get on board with your Dear Leader?
Hannity is in the group of conspiracy mongers as well. No surprise, right?
Arc of Trump's coronavirus comments defies reality on ground
In the course of a few weeks, President Donald Trump went from confidently assuring Americans his administration had the coronavirus outbreak “very well under control” to declaring a national emergency that has upended every facet of American life
By AAMER MADHANI and BEV BANKS Associated Press - March 16, 2020 1:17 AM
Trump was astonishingly REFLEXIVE blaming others for his awkward response and actions when challenged as HE fails, never accepting accountability [The President IS responsible!
Tweety you are the President!] and responsible for everything on your watch after three years in office. It is ALL the President's fault! EVERYTHING that goes wrong is the President's fault. Mr. President never apologize, but the truth is no one is perfect! You never recognize or accept you are only a human, not a GOD. You are not God's "chosen one" either!].
I am happy to see you start modeling GOOD behavior to stop the contagion. I respect you saying handshakes are a habit hard to break. That is a fair statement.
If you, Mr President Trump, started acting like a man wanting to do right and bring this country together I'd respect you.
Mr. Trump stop using DARVO [Google it.]
Experts doctors, mainly Dr Fauci today in AM TV show, 13 March, was sharing essential advice to avoid the extremely contagious and dangerous covid-19, but he might have mangled the advice we need for fear of King Trump! When asked about the behavior King Trump is modeling, shaking hands, hugging, and worse, he skipped the truth, for the political answer, "loyalty" to our Dear Leader.
Dr Fauci, talking on TV every hour, 16 hours plus per day, every station, trying to get out the correct scientific advice, not "hunches" or stupid guesses, on covid-19 chose not to call out Trump for the incredibly contradictory bad example the King is displaying. Trump says he is not concerned, BUT EVERYONE SHOULD BE!
Trump should self-quarantine just as several GOP Congressmen have done. Incredibly some 86% of GOP still says Trump is handling the crisis right? Trump is NOT handling the covid-19 crisis anywhere close to "right." Trump is failing to do the right thing and he fails more every day!
The GOP is all in for Tweety, saying he is doing a great job helping citizens deal with the coronavirus. He is NOT handling the pandemic right! Clearly there is a cult-like following of Clown King Trump, the GOP's Dear Leader!
Obviously after shaking hands and visits with several covid-19 infected world leaders and US Congressmen, and other infected men, why not self-quarantine AS ADVISED BY DR FAUCI?
How can we possibly get it right if Trump stifles by fear, muddles advice by bad examples, and plays fast and loose with the truth and facts?
Dr Fauci says stay 6 feet away, says infected people can pass it on . . . then, when asked if Trump should self-quarantine, Dr Fauci fails to at least say he would not do that.
Look at the pictures of Trump shaking hands, hugging, and standing shoulder to shoulder with infected people! Not showing any concern for Americans as he disarms their protective mechanisms with hypocrisy ann misinformation. We're confused by Tweety.
Dr Fauci needs to make many, many rounds on TV so he can't piss of Tweety "Fat Bastard" Trump. If Dr. Fauci said one word anywhere close to critical of our Dear Leader, he’d be “recalled,” shut down.
I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it.
The federal government is moving too slowly, due to a lack of leadership.
By Beth Cameron - vice president for global biological policy and programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative. She previously served as the senior director for global health security and biodefense on the White House National Security Council.
March 13 at 9:32 AM
Beth was fired why? Why wasn't the job filled immediately? My guess is Trump lacked foresight or good advice.
Trump Bans Travel From Europe—but Covid-19 Is Already Here
Public health experts say the US should prioritize protecting vulnerable residents and halting the domestic spread of the virus.
By Eric Niler 03.12.20 2:29 PM
Coronavirus survivors may suffer from reduced lung function
By Yaron Steinbuch - March 13, 2020
Experts say Trump is wrong to compare coronavirus with flu
A public health expert tells Al Jazeera that the president's comparison of the two viral illnesses is inappropriate.
by Joseph Stepansky09 Mar 2020 GMT+3
Scientists were close to a coronavirus vaccine years ago. Then the money dried up.
"We just could not generate much interest," a researcher said of the difficulty in getting funding to test the vaccine in humans.
March 5, 2020, 4:30 AM EST / Updated March 8, 2020, 4:23 PM EDT
By Mike Hixenbaugh
Minimizing Coronavirus’ impact is a race against time - this chart explains why
08 Mar 2020 - Linda Lacina - Digital Editor, World Economic Forum
- The impact of Coronavirus must be minimized to prevent overwhelming healthcare systems. [SLOW THE CONTAGION SO HEALTH CARE SYSTEM CAN PREPARE.]
- International preparedness for pandemics is "fundamentally weak," according to one recent 195-country study.
- Coordination on community- and international levels can help reduce the rate of new infections.
Coronavirus is 10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu, Trump's task force immunologist says
"Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told lawmakers during a House Oversight Committee hearing Wednesday that COVID-19 — the disease caused by the novel coronavirus — is probably about 10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu."
BTW, covid-19 t is not coming from the southern borer, so Wall is NOT protection!
Coronavirus clusters swell on both sides of the US
Most Americans Will Likely Be Exposed to Coronavirus, Republicans Told
A member of Congress who attended the closed-door briefing where the assessment was made called the prediction “sobering.”
Betsy Swan - Political Reporter, Olivia Messer - Reporter
Updated Mar. 11, 2020 6:11PM ET / Published Mar. 11, 2020 4:43AM ET
Coronavirus x-rays show terrifying damage in lungs of Covid-19 victims
The CT scans and x-rays of coronavirus sufferers' lungs - taken after they came down with symptoms such as a fever and cough - show a pattern of abnormalities similar to SARS and MERS
By Chris Kitching - 11 MAR 2020, Updated21:36, 11 MAR 2020
In crisis, Trump team sees a chance to achieve long-sought goals
Political and economic damage from the coronavirus crisis is mounting. Some Trump officials see the moment as an opportunity to finally deliver on promises including border restrictions, isolating China and broader tax cuts.
By NANCY COOK03/09/2020 04:30 AM EDT
Trump seeks 'big' stimulus steps but aides are skeptical
Trump loves the idea because he wants to jolt the economy and hopefully bolster the flagging stock market.
By NANCY COOK03/10/2020 10:05 AM EDT - Updated: 03/10/2020 01:31 PM EDT
What Would a Proper Coronavirus Stimulus Plan Look Like?
By John Cassidy - March 14, 2020
" . . . here is a three-part stimulus proposal, which is largely based on ideas that various economists, public-health experts, and foreign countries have already put forward.
, , , Obviously, this proposal would be expensive, but not as expensive as Trump’s idea to suspend the payroll tax for the rest of the year, which would cost, according to the nonpartisan Tax Foundation, about nine hundred and fifty billion dollars. Giving three thousand dollars to two hundred and ten million adult Americans would cost six hundred and thirty billion dollars. If people under eighteen were included, which perhaps they should be, to reflect the higher outgoings of families with children, the cost would be about nine hundred and ninety billion dollars. ' . . .
At the beginnings of April, May, and June, the U.S. Treasury should mail checks, or issue electronic transfers, of a thousand dollars to everybody in the country."
That's #1. How about #2?
"A second essential element of a proper stimulus is large-scale federal aid for states and municipalities that are dealing with the impact of the virus. . . . The quickest and most effective option is to use Medicaid, which already provides health-care coverage to about seventy-one million low-income adults and children, to cover more people."
The last one, #3 is here.
"A third economic essential is to prevent a domino-style collapse of the banking system, as businesses and individuals default on their loans wholesale. During the early nineteen-thirties, it was this sort of financial cataclysm that brought on the Great Depression. Preventing anything like this from happening again is primarily the job of the Federal Reserve, which has already taken some significant steps to stabilize the Treasury-bond market and the market for short-term interbank loans. But there will almost certainly need to be a fiscal component as well.
In part, this may involve providing government guarantees for loans that airlines and other stricken businesses have already taken out, or else issuing them new ones."
All sound good?
"How can the U.S. government pay for all of this? The obvious answer is to take advantage of record-low interest rates and issue Treasury bonds. Many governments borrow more during wartime, and the current moment is emerging as a challenge of that scale. Alternatively, the Fed could finance the emergency stimulus, either by purchasing the new Treasury bonds or creating fiat money and transferring it into people’s bank accounts. "
The problem with these ideas is Trump and his Boys do nt have the guts to do the stimulus right, they only have the will to do what favors their personal bank accounts.
Dow plunges 10 percent despite Fed lifeline as coronavirus panic grips investors
The blue-chip index tanks almost 2,353 points after President Trump initiates a 30-day travel ban from Europe
By Thomas Heath - Local business reporter and columnist, writing about entrepreneurs and companies in the Washington metropolitan area - Taylor Telford, Reporter covering national and breaking news, Heather Long, Economics correspondent March 12, 2020
“This is just my hunch”: Trump goes on Fox News and spreads misinformation about the coronavirus
Trump’s dangerous efforts to downplay the Covid-19 threat are out of step with experts from his own government.
By Aaron Rupar - on March 5, 2020 10:45 am
Trump uses words to allow him to compensate for stupid remarks. It's called "plausible deniability." If the "thing" he had a "hunch" goes bad, he says, well, "they told me" and he is off the hook. He did exactly this when asked about firing the Pandemic Director. He turned on TV and asked "Tony" what he did.
"As cases spread across the United States (in part because of expanding testing) and states declare public health emergencies, Trump cited a “hunch” to make a case that the mortality rate is actually “a fraction of 1 percent.” He recklessly dismissed the WHO mortality rate as “really a false number,” used bogus numbers to compare the coronavirus to the much less deadly seasonal flu, and didn’t discourage people with Covid-19 (the disease caused by coronavirus) from going to work.
It was a blizzard of dangerous, irresponsible misinformation, all delivered within a span of just over two minutes. Hannity responded not by challenging the president, but by quickly changing the topic."
"Here’s the entirety of Trump’s response, followed by the video.
I think the 3.4 percent [number] is really a false number. Now, this is just my hunch, but based on and lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this and it is [can be deadly too] very mild. They will get better very rapidly, they don’t even see a doctor or call doctor, [even some doctors died from coronavirus because it was mild to start] you never hear [yes we do; "never say never"] about those people so you can’t put them down in the category, in overall population in terms of this corona flu, or virus. So you just can’t do that. [can't do what?]
So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better [and they spread the covid-19 at work . . . to some who will not get better] and then, when you do have a death like you had in the state of Washington, like you had one in California, I believe you had one in New York, you know, all of a sudden [not "all of a sudden," rather the estimate is calculated using algorithms, interpreted by scientists on rate of spread and rate of deaths per a given number of infected] it seems like 3 or 4 percent, which is a very high number, as opposed to a fraction of 1 percent.
But again, they don’t know about the easy cases [yes they do] because the easy cases don’t go to the hospital [they don't go because they don't have health insurance, and some DO get better without help and by luck - many, many more get sick and spread the virus VERY FAST rather than go to the hospital] , they don’t report to doctors or the hospital in many cases so I think that [the WHO] number is very high [because the WHO has been here before and know the variables to consider which Trump does not know or apparently care about]. I think the number, personally, I would say the number is way under 1 percent. [OK, lets test Trump's hunch, guess, WAG and let covid-19 go unattended, allow social contact, forget washing hands; why bother with test kits Donald? are you willing to do that Donald?]
Now, with the regular flu, we average from 27,000 to 77,000 deaths a year. Who would think that? I never knew that until six or eight weeks ago, I asked that question, I said, ‘How many people die of the flu?’ [about .01%] You know, you keep hearing about ‘flu shot, flu shot, take your flu shot,’ but how many people die of the flu? And they said, ‘sir, we lose between 27,000 and, you know, somewhere in the 70s’ — I think we went as high as 100,000 people died in 1990, if you can believe that, but a lot much people regardless. I think it averages about 36,000 people a year. So I said, ‘Wow, that is a percentage that is under 1 percent [I see where Trump gets his covid-19 guesstimate of 1% now; counting deaths and known infections the rate of death from covid-19 is about 3%], very substantially.’ So it’d be interesting to see what difference is but again, a lot of people don’t report."
Ya, interesting how you connect the dots. I hope you are right Mr. President.
Trump’s visit to the CDC shows why there’s concern about his coronavirus response
Trump spent a visit to the CDC misrepresenting the state of coronavirus testing, praising himself, and attacking his critics.
By Catherine Kim on March 7, 2020 4:05 pm
"“As of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test [can have one] [Not correct.], that’s the important thing, and the tests are all perfect, like the letter was perfect, the transcription was perfect,” Trump said, seemingly referring to the White House transcript of his call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky in which he requests an investigation into his political rivals."
What is King Trump saying when he opens his mouth? He's trying to keep us calm with lies! The test kits are NOT available for all.
"That call was, of course, not perfect, and helped lead to the president’s impeachment — and the tests have not been perfect either. [What? How is his Ukraine call relevant in this situation?]
There have been three main problems with the US government’s coronavirus tests: the first batch, distributed in February, is believed to have had a faulty reagent leading to inconclusive results; once that issue was corrected, there was not enough CDC capacity to test the kits that had been sent out (leading the center to open up testing to state-level facilities), and there aren’t currently enough tests to go around."
No, there are NOT enough test kits! It is one thing to not know, but Trump KNOWS there are NOT enough test kits yet lies about "everyone" being tested that needs to be tested! Why? Misinformation doesn't help.
"“With multiple positive cases, NYC needs maximum testing capacity to enable successful implementation of the public health strategies that best protect New Yorkers,” Perea-Henze wrote in a letter Friday, requesting more testing kits. “The slow federal action on this matter has impeded our ability to beat back this epidemic.”
California simultaneously does not have enough kits to test all those at risk of having been infected, and does not have the lab capacity to process all of the tests it has already run. Lab technicians have been working 18-hour shifts in order to try to work through a testing backlog, but have been unable to do so. In Los Angeles County, commercial laboratories will begin processing tests on Monday, which is expected to help alleviate this issue.
But not all states have the resources California and New York do — while they were able to send tests to state-run labs after the CDC began allowing them to do so, some states, including Maine, Ohio, West Virginia, Oklahoma, and Wyoming, do not currently have the capacity for in-state testing."
Here's the worst part. Trump claims to be a "super genius" like his Uncle BY GENETIC PASS-DOWN! Maybe Trump was born a scientist or doctor?!
" . . . .at the CDC press conference when Trump took time to talk at length about his own intelligence, in part by referencing a “great, super genius” uncle who taught at MIT.“
I like this stuff. I really get it,” Trump said. “People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors say, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should’ve done that instead of running for president.”"
NO! Trump doesn't get it, but he says he does like anyone who wants to steal your mind. King Trump is never honest about any shortcoming. We have to figure out when he is lying on our own, and act accordingly.
There is more stupidity on display, but it would not be so bad if Trump just admitted he doesn't understand.
"Trump’s public response, however, is a reminder of how he has recently put his public health knowledge into question. During a White House meeting on Monday with pharmaceutical executives and public health officials, Trump displayed his ignorance by pushing for a vaccine to be developed in a few months (something he has promised the public will happen) — even though that’s just not how it works.
And he went on to express confusion as to why pharmaceutical companies can’t release the drugs they are currently working on immediately . . ."
"No, I am King Trump, and I will make everything go away so I can put more money in my bank account." Rush Limbaugh agrees with me!
"Hours after learning about how vaccines work and the timeline for a potential coronavirus vaccine, Trump told supporters at a rally: “We had a great meeting today with a lot of the great companies, and they’re going to have vaccines I think relatively soon. And they’re going to have something that makes you better, and that’s going to actually take place we think even sooner.”
It isn’t clear why Trump said this, particularly after seemingly having been disabused of his misconceptions in his White House meeting, but such a statement does not support his claim at the CDC that “I understand that whole [scientific] world.”
Nor did the president’s CDC visit allay concerns about a lack of coordination between officials. If anything, it added confusion to an already tumultuous — and potentially dangerous — situation."
Rush Limbaugh stated on February 24, 2020 in an episode of his radio show:
“The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.”
Rush is confused about the term "coronavirus." Rush is not a scientist or a doctor. In fact, Rush is simply a shock jock on the radio spouting anything he can to get people to follow him.
"If Your Time is short
- The 2019 coronavirus is part of a family of viruses that produce illnesses ranging from the common cold to more critical diseases such as SARS or MERS.
- The 2019 coronavirus is a new virus that had not been previously identified.
- Most cases of the 2019 coronavirus have been mild, but it’s been lethal for some people."
See the sources for this fact-check
""It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump," Limbaugh said Feb. 24 on his radio show. "Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus … I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.""
I figure "Dr." Rush is easily confused because he is looking for ways to help King Trump. So Rush, who has to be a little smarter than what he said, used what he could find to misrepresent the truth and the facts, and he is endangering people by what he is saying. Rush is being political at the wrong time! Rush is not accidentally wrong or confused. Rush knows exactly what he is doing. Rush is gambling he does not cause his followers, perhaps 30 million Americans, to ignore the dnagers of covid-19.
"We didn’t have to look far to see where Limbaugh went wrong. In a FAQ about the 2019 coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention addressed his confusion head-on.
"A novel coronavirus is a new coronavirus that has not been previously identified," the CDC wrote. "The virus causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is not that same as the coronaviruses that commonly circulate among humans and cause mild illness, like the common cold.""
Rush is wrong and he knows he is spreading misinformation. That is the best case. The worst case is if he actually is that dumb! Limbaugh is incideous.
Rush Limbaugh on coronavirus: ‘The common cold’ that’s being ‘weaponized’ against Trump [Yep, and China and Italy are in on it, as well as 37 other countries where the covid-19 is spreading fast.]
By Allyson Chiu - February 25, 2020 at 5:43 AM EST
Here's what Rush Limbaugh is thinking, right?
Bias virus hits New York Times as double standards infect coverage of Covid-19 lockdown measures in China and Italy
Damian Wilson is a UK journalist, ex-Fleet Street editor, financial industry consultant and political communications special advisor in the UK and EU.
is a UK journalist, ex-Fleet Street editor, financial industry consultant and political communications special advisor in the UK and EU. - 12 Mar 2020
"National responses to tackling the coronavirus pandemic in China and Italy have given rise to jaw-dropping double standards at The New York Times.For it seems that locking down around 60 million people in China is tantamount to a gross human rights violation, while doing the same to 60 million Italians is a bold step forward showing an enhanced sense of community that should be universally applauded.
The West = good. China = bad.
This rank hypocrisy, borne of a desperate liberal need to unnecessarily politicize everything, including the Covid-19 outbreak, has revealed an unflattering truth about ‘The Gray Lady,’ its sobriquet that once conveyed the impression the paper possessed of high virtue. No longer.
“China May Be Beating the Coronavirus But At a Painful Cost,” the NYT tweeted one day last week, flagging up its report that the Chinese lockdown and quarantine, which covered 60 million people, coincidentally the same as Italy’s entire population, “has come at great cost to people’s livelihoods and personal liberties.”"
Tucker Carlson Breaks From Fox News Coronavirus Coverage: ‘It’s Definitely Not Just The Flu’
The host appeared to give an indirect jab at Trump and his own network, criticizing those who “spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.”
By Sanjana Karanth 03/09/2020 11:09 pm ET Updated 2 hours ago
A President Unequal to the Moment
By Susan B. Glasser - March 12, 2020
"Crises clarify. The bigger the crisis, the more the clarity, which is why the incompetence, dishonesty, and sheer callousness of the Trump Presidency have been clearer in recent days than ever before. As the coronavirus, as of Wednesday an official pandemic, spreads, the lives of Americans depend on the decisions made—or not made, as the case may be—by a President uniquely ill-suited to command in this type of public-health catastrophe. In that sense, the last few weeks may well have been the most clarifying of Donald Trump’s Presidency.
In a prime-time address to the nation on Wednesday night, Trump declared war on the “foreign virus,” blaming first China and then the European Union for spreading it, and insisting that it carried “very, very low risk” for Americans. The starkly militaristic and nationalistic tone of the address sounded scary and ignorant and utterly inadequate at a time when the country is being radically upended, with travel halting, workplaces and schools shuttering, and hospitals bracing for impact. The “foreign virus” will not be contained or shut out by a European travel ban, which the President announced, any more than it was by a China travel ban, which he had previously decreed. It is already here in states across the nation, and experts warn that it could infect millions and kill hundreds of thousands in a worst-case scenario. Trump spoke little about that, beyond a vague nudge to Congress to pass a payroll tax cut and a warning to “elderly Americans” to be “very, very careful” and avoid “nonessential travel.” He failed to explain or even address the shocking lack of testing of Americans—a stark contrast to the response by other countries—and did not warn the public about or advise them on how to handle the difficult days ahead. Even the major measure that he announced, the European travel ban, required immediate clarification and correction from Administration officials who said it did not apply to trade, as Trump indicated in his remarks, or permanent residents. His former homeland-security adviser, Thomas Bossert, immediately panned the ban as a “poor use of time & energy.”
In short, Trump was detached from the unfolding reality of a global crisis that is unlike any in memory. I’ve watched Presidential speeches for a few decades now. I cannot recall one that was less equal to the moment."
Right-Wing Media Says Virus Fears Were Whipped Up to Hurt Trump
Rush Limbaugh and Fox News pundits accused Democrats and journalists of “politicizing and actually weaponizing” an infectious disease.
By Michael M. Grynbaum and Rachel Abrams - Pub Feb. 28, 2020, Updated March 2
Live updates: European officials blast Trump’s travel ban; Princess Cruises cancels sailings due to coronavirus
ByAnna Fifield, Rick Noack, Marisa Iati, Alex Horton, Miriam Berger and Reporters covering Middle East, Foreign Affairs, Katie Mettle - March 12, 2020
King Trump continues to fumble the ball. Does he expect Europe to bring the covid-19 to the US? Based on what evidence? Who is politicizing the covid-19 pandemic now?
While market sinks, Trump tweets on Obama, 'fake news' and the Dem primary
Trump fired off more than two dozen tweets and retweets but was silent on coronavirus until a Wall Street nosedive halted trading.
By CAITLIN OPRYSKO03/09/2020, updated: 03/09/2020
Trump’s wobbly claim that his wall could stop the coronavirus
By Salvador Rizzo, reporter for The Fact Checker - March 12, 2020
‘It’s Just Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S. Coronavirus Response
A series of missed chances by the federal government to ensure more widespread testing came during the early days of the outbreak, when containment would have been easier.
By Sheri Fink and Mike Baker - Published March 10, 2020Updated March 11, 2020
"By Feb. 25, Dr. Chu and her colleagues could not bear to wait any longer. They began performing coronavirus tests, without government approval.
What came back confirmed their worst fear. They quickly had a positive test from a local teenager with no recent travel history. The coronavirus had already established itself on American soil without anybody realizing it.
“It must have been here this entire time,” Dr. Chu recalled thinking with dread. “It’s just everywhere already.”
In fact, officials would later discover through testing, the virus had already contributed to the deaths of two people, and it would go on to kill 20 more in the Seattle region over the following days."
U.S. Cases of Coronavirus Surpass 1,000; British Health Minister Is Infected
President Trump has talked with Senate leaders about cutting business taxes and taking other steps to soften the virus’s economic impact.
Published March 10, 2020Updated March 11, 2020
Trump’s Coronavirus Press Event Was Even Worse Than It Looked
His remarks at the CDC on Friday were misguided, misleading, and show how misinformation could hamper Covid-19 containment efforts.
By Adam Rogers - 03.07.20
"CDC director Robert Redfield and Health and Human Services secretary Alex Azar, Trump fielded questions about the federal response to Covid-19, the disease that has so far infected more than 100,000 people around the world and killed more than 3,500—including at least 19 in the United States.
As a reporter, in general I’m not supposed to say something like this, but: The president’s statements to the press were terrifying. That press availability was a repudiation of good science and good crisis management from inside one of the world’s most respected scientific institutions. It was full of Dear Leader-ish compliments, non-sequitorial defenses of unrelated matters, attacks on an American governor, and—most importantly—misinformation about the virus and the US response. That’s particularly painful coming from inside the CDC, a longtime powerhouse in global public health now reduced to being a backdrop for grubby politics. During a public health crisis, clear and true information from leaders is the only way to avoid dangerous panic."
Crazy is crazy. I recognize no one can speak against Trump because he will retaliate and has many ways to hurt people, especially via withholding federal funds.
Worrying won’t help: why we should keep coronavirus in perspective
Ever the optimist, the Upside looks for silver linings to the global health scare
Mark Rice-Oxley 6 March 2020
"The most annoying question news anchors ask their correspondents is: “How worried should we be?” Not just because worry is hard to quantify (“er, very”?); not just because it’s a leading question.
But because the answer should always be: “We shouldn’t worry at all. Worry is pointless. There is bound to be something better that we can do.”
Indeed, psychotherapists might go on to say that if we are eaten up with worry, we should ask ourselves about the worrisome thoughts we are having: are they actually true? And are they helpful to us? If the answer to either is no, then worry is not serving us well."
Of course our thinking has to keep the outbreak in perspective. We act better without fear.
"This is not to minimise what has happened, or predict what will. It is merely to keep a sense of proportion about coronavirus. There is no point succumbing to a fear pandemic before a disease pandemic has even taken hold. And besides, there have been a number of silver linings. Experts are back. Emissions are down. Personal hygiene has had a much needed overhaul …"
Trump’s bogus effort to blame Obama for sluggish coronavirus testing
By Glenn Kessler - The Fact Checker - March 6, 2020
It is now time for King Trump to fully exert his powers. Right?
Trump weighing potential emergency declaration for coronavirus
By Brett Samuels - 03/12/20 12:12 PM EDT
"The president indicated to reporters that using an emergency declaration under the Stafford Act was under consideration, but would not say definitively whether he would sign it on Thursday.
"We have things that I can do. We have very strong emergency powers under the Stafford Act," he said during an Oval Office meeting with the Irish prime minister. "I have it memorized practically as to the powers in that act, and if I need to do something I’ll do it. I have the right to do a lot of things that people don't even know about.""
Trump gets a fact check on coronavirus vaccines — from his own officials
Trump often boasts that he knows more than so-called experts, but the stakes for his exaggerations have rarely been so high.
Coronavirus shows again why 'Medicare for all' is a bad idea
by Kaylee McGhee - March 13, 2020
Read it - Kaylee focuses on single-payer downside excusing US profit system driving some to bankruptcy, ignores fact Italy has more beds & docs per capita & good care available to all.