Many Americans and all the people of other nations know solving very complex problems takes a lot of hard work, not simple answers. It can take a lot of time to solve complex problems too.
Many Americans and people know Trump is a snake oil salesman, a huckster, and it has been known for a long time, yet Tweety successfully fools people into believing simple statement can solve complex problems.
"Trump: ‘Solutions that are simple, clear and wrong’"
By Jay Bookman December 1, 2015
". . . [Trump] solutions that are simple, clear and wrong. You want a list?
Immigration? Deport ’em.
Climate change? Ignore it.
ISIS? [North Korea?] Bomb ’em.
Taxes? Cut ’em.
Health care? Repeal it.
Competitors? Crush ’em.
Poor people? Screw ’em."
Israel vs Palestine, "easy peasy," just compromise! Peace!
Civil War could have been avoided by compromise! Easy peasy. Slaves are OK, right?
More from the 2015 article.
"And once you’ve embraced the notion that complex, complicated problems have simple, obvious solutions, you naturally begin to wonder why those obvious solutions aren’t being implemented. The answers, trumpeted at campaign rallies and on talk radio, are again simple and obvious:
A. Our leaders are too weak to implement them.
B. They are too stupid to implement them.
C. They are too corrupt to implement them.
D. They are downright treasonous and have no intention of implementing them.
In short, we don’t lack solutions. We lack the will."