Key words with meaning Henry Olsen's opinion posted in Washington Post elicit, and President Trump is not gonna like these words if he thins about it.
Henry Olsen ironically provides plenty of criticism of the President in a unique excuse for the President's ineptitude responding to covid-19.
Washington Post Opinion, opinion writer, President Trump, impeachment, covid-19, slow learner, weak manager, confused, emotional, easily distracted, child-like, immature, DARVO, out-of-his-depth
Let’s be honest. Impeachment hurt Trump’s response to coronavirus.
By Henry Olsen - Columnist focusing on politics, populism, and American conservative thought March 23, 2020 at 4:37 PM
"President Trump has been roundly criticized for allegedly failing to prepare for the coronavirus crisis before it arrived in the United States. Those critics conveniently overlook something else that could have been distracting the president’s attention during that crucial period: impeachment."
"Allegedly" isn't a good word for VIDEOS proving Trump responded poorly, and continues to respond poorly, even getting worse responding to the pandemic each day. Olsen is a lawyer yet he uses the word "allegedly" incorrectly.
Read it folks. Henry is unhinged in his logic.
"Given that impeachment managers were regularly calling Trump a king or incipient dictator, a more forceful response against the virus in January or early February likely wouldn’t have gone over well."
WTF! Henry is right. An aggressive, forceful, knowledgeable response to covid-19 would have not gone over "well." A forceful response in January would have gone over FABULOUSLY, and make Trump a hero!
I would consider voting for Trump if he stopped covid-19 by March 2020 rather than START his response in March 2020!
Here's a bit more irrational Olsen "logic" suggesting even if America was attacked by visible bombs rather than invisible viral bacteria, Trump's best course of actin would be to do nothing SO HE COULD AVOID CRITICISM!
If President Trump is unable to take criticism he should not be President. Criticism goes with the job Henry.
Did Obama freeze into inaction and mistakes from 2008 when Mitch McConnel said his first priority was to make Obama a one term President, until 2016 when Mitch refused to allow Obama a Supreme Court nominee? Obama was buried in critiques.
Henry's last few words ignore the video facts, not fake print media, showing Trump has rallied and tweeted to divide the country aggressively, for every day of three years, into warring camps.
Henry's last few words ignore President Trump's "truthful hyperbole,' alternative facts, and outright bold-faced lies counting about 17,000.
Henry, dividing us and lying to us makes a sudden shift to unity to fight covid-19, and trust to fight covide-19 advice impossible under President Trump's leadership
Unity and trust are impossible BY TRUMP'S OWN MAKING.
"Trump’s supposed dictatorial tendencies will find it hard to suddenly be willing to trust him as the crisis demands a degree of federal action not seen since the 1930s and 1940s. We entered a crisis that demanded national unity as a fractured and bitter people. It didn’t have to be that way, but more than three years of a refusal to accept that Trump had fairly won the election — a period of willful denial that culminated in impeachment — made it so."
Henry is lumping a lot of responses into the "extremist" Never Trumper basket, making his opinion of Ever Trump just as extreme on the other end of the spectrum. I suppose we'll never find ourselves in the middle, and Trump likes it that way Henry.
Here's my message Henry. In the end, Trump is not gonna like your article. Ironically it makes him out to be a very bad President.
Dear Henry,
Thank you for rationalizing President Trump‘s inability to focus his priorities. I am confident President Trump will use your notion despite disagreeing with it. The President will use it, while next day saying he ignored the impeachment process. The President was going to Rallies, signing EOs, tweeting hundreds of tweets, during and after the impeachment process, so it's hard to see how covid-19 meant much to him.
The President ignored covid-19 and most domestic and international issues as he daily tweet-stormed.
President Trump said impeachment was a hoax and the worst Witch Hunt in history. Ever heard of the Salem Witch Trials?
So how did impeachment really weaken him so much as to disable his response to a pandemic? I’d say it was more President Trump’s proclivity for nurturing his self-interests and with re-election than his worries about “Nervous Nancy” that slowed and disrupted his response to covid-19.
President Trump says he is a very smart man and you are saying he is unable to set priorities during the impeachment process? In defending the President with this Reverse Victim and Offender (part of DARVO) you do not see the President as a capable manager or a smart man. He’s not gonna like that.
You consciously blind yourself to the fact all Presidents handle multiple difficult challenges, all as hard as impeachment in every way. All Presidents must step up without exception if they want the job. You are saying President Trump cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. He’s not gonna like that.
President Trump‘s three years in office were wasted by Trump, not by anyone else.
President Trump chose to focus on building a house of loyalists rather than experienced experts, and learning how to UNITE Americans. In fact you know Trump strives daily to divide us into angry camps. Where’s the positive? Your comment is negative about President Trump unable to disengage from impeachment and lack of learning the job. He’s not gonna like that.
I could write a book on how weak your story is, but I won‘t. I sum it up this way. “The buck stops here!”
Is impeachment really to blame for a President who will not Defense Production Act to save our hospitals?
The President refuses responsibility and rejects accountability and you excuse his weak response to covid-19 on impeachment? Is Trump so weak? Is it impeachment distracting the President or is it Wall Street and the guaranteed recession due to covid-19?
You excuse the President’s daily press conferences on covid-19 where he blows up expert advice. Trump refuses to learn about covid-19 because he says he has a knack for these things given his smart uncle and all. You say when given every opportunity to learn and adjust his messaging, President Trump is failing. He’s not gonna like that.
Frank Malsbury