What a pleasant Trumpism, suggesting he can wipe Iran from the map.
It is possible Trump is posing, using death threats to negotiate Western Demands but these threats are about WAR AND DEATH.
Saying "Death to America," being active to protect it's interests in the geographic space they occupy, and essentially doing what is necessary to grow and prosper with a threatening, soon to be nuclear enemy in Saudi Arabia, the new US "war proxy," is not a threat to the U.S..
This Western, international assessment of what Iran is terrorist state in this part of the world is wrong. Iran is a 90% Shia nation, with,frankly, a better human rights history than Saudi Arabia. Sunnis are no Angels! The U.S. is helping Saudi Arabia get nukes!!!!
So the Western Nations, few if any incurring the "harm" from the battle by Iran's Theocrats to control THEIR destiny, have defined Iran's actions to financially support groups that fight for them in various places, as TERRORISM. The U.S. is helping Saudi Arabia get nukes and we say Iran is the terrorist? THAT is a perverted thought!
What about Western terror, aka, our wars? William um and others have explained it, but nationalism prevents Americans acknowledging it.
I am guessing Trump is using genocide as a threat to get Iran to the negotiating table. Really? You buy that style? It's incredible to me, Mafia like, gangster'.
Let's try The Man in the Mirror. Domestic terror and US military threats world wide are terror.
"Trump’s “Genocidal” Tweets Against Iran Come With a Price"
By Trita Parsi,Truthout Published May 21, 2019
"onald Trump threatened to wipe Iran off the map in a moment of yet-to-be-explained Twitter-rage Sunday night. “If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the United States again!” he wrote. After a few days of apparent de-escalation between the US and Iran, Trump managed to once again fuel fears of an impending war. Yet, Trump’s tweet is likely more a reflection of his frustration over the failure of his pressure and coercion strategy than a carefully thought-through plan for war."
Threats! Shall USA murder/kill immigrants at the US border too?