Americans know their freedom of speech is their most powerful and important freedom. The First Amendment carries many more rights no true American will ever give up.
Tweety Twump is desperate, and impatient for some success. His 100 days of failure are plaguing him.
His latest Health Care Act is on the rocks AGAIN, and you know all his other failures - he is not accomplishing anything except Executive Order signatures.
Tweety has done weak stuff as Prez. Remember, Tweety blasted EOs, saying they were NOT good, not the right thing to do as "Candidate" Trump. As a Candidate he felt he could do more. Tweety has gone on record now saying he did not realize the job was so hard.
Of course, he is always inconsistent and incoherent so later on he said if Obama can do it, so can I. Wow! Quite a mind, Tweety. "Smart" in your mind is anything you can get away with, legal or not.
"Failing Donald Trump Has a New Enemy: Democracy"
By Josh Marshall Published May 3, 2017
"Over the weekend, I noted Rience Priebus saying President Trump was considering moves to amend or even abolish the 1st Amendment to make it easier for him to sue news organizations that make him mad. This wasn’t a discussion of libel laws. What he’s thinking about requires amending the constitution."
More . . .
"Incompetence and authoritarianism aren’t incompatible or even in tension. Historically they tend to go together. Incompetence and failure borne of ineptitude tend to show up both as a cause and outcome of democratic breakdown and collapse. Small-d democratic government is hard, by design. It’s meant to be. It should be. But it’s not just hard. It relies on a particular package of skills: persuasion, inspiration, patience, canny use of patronage, threats, carrots and sticks, both consensus building and fight. Look at a Lincoln, an FDR, a Reagan – whatever you think of the different men’s politics, successful presidents are almost quite good at using this toolkit.
Just running down the list, virtually none of these are Trumpian traits. So in addition to the other obstacles he faces, it’s hardly surprising that he’s been such a flop as a chief executive. As any political scientist will tell you, the formal powers of the Presidency, outside of war-fighting, are quite limited."
More . . . In just 100 days Tweety has decided the job is harder than he thought, so what does he want to do? Tweety wants to change the process and the rules. Once a cheat, always a cheat.
"I don’t think he’s going to be able to tamper with the 1st Amendment because it’s hard and he’s clown. But he is President. A President has vast powers, in many ways far more for destruction than construction. So the fact that he wants to matters a lot. The fact that three months in he’s already decided that the basic mechanisms of American government are ‘archaic’ and ‘unfair’ matters a huge amount too."