I see Tweety supporters unchallenged when they demand absolute 100% tangible proof of positions like Russia contacts with Tweety surrogates and Russia trying to fix the US Presidential election.

To a Tweety supporter the WikiLeaks, Tweety surrogate contacts, and CIA reports on jacking are no proof Russia helped Tweety get elected.  These Tweety supporters argue the fact that electronic interference is hard to specifically source, and the Russia evidence is non-existent.

Tweety supporters demand investigators name a specific person and show concrete, physical evidence to prove Tweety and his surrogates worked with Russia to get elected.

Tweety supporters believe many different conspiracies, but their standard of proof is much less.  Why?  Can't they see the contradiction?

Tweety supporters also believe the media is too biased to be honest.  But when the media simply quotes Tweety they cannot be biased.