Presidents are responsible and accountable for everything that the Federal government does and everything it fails at, as well as succeeds. The Federal Gov cannot both fail and take credit for the same thing. Neither can President Trump.
"I don't take responsibility AT ALL." - quote Donald Trump.
But Trump IS campaigning for re-election. Every news conference for covid-19 has become another "Rally" to get re-elected. Trump is a SOCIOPATH!
For Trump, a Successful Response to COVID-19 Left the Building a While Ago
He’s gone from saying that the pandemic was contained to arguing that 200,000 deaths would be a success.
by Martin Longman - March 30, 2020
It seems anything Donald Trump does that either threatens his life, his wealth, or his "popularity," he runs like a baby from responsibility, he serves his self-interest at every turn.
A note from his father's well paid doctor re "bone spurs" allowed Trump to run away from the Viet Nam War, multiple bankruptcies allowed him to run away from debts and several failed giant Casinos (who bankrupts the a Casino!?), only after the Sock Market crashed and the economy began tanking di Trump get serious, in a self-centered way, so he floats ideas to address covid-19, like quarantine NY, asking the public opinion so he ensures he gets a maximum of possible votes & he literally is sending Treasury checks to people hoping he can buy their vote, all to address covid-19 for his re-election!
President Trump, 13 March 2020, abandoned America and ALL Americans. Any success coming from the Federal Government after he essentially stepped aside by accepting NO responsibility, belong to any and everyone in the Federal Government and Americans in general, to the absolute exclusion of Donald Trump no matter how much he credits himself, no matter how many "10s" he scores his effort.EXCEPT TRUMP.
The other side of a "coin" where a man or woman takes no responsibility, is no credit. Here is my letter to Donald Trump.
If a person is not responsible for anything wrong, they are not responsible for anything right.
When our President tells a Governor they do not need the number of respirators the Governor says he needs, or when he says doctors are stealing masks from the hospitals, he should LEAVE NOW!
President Trump is a SOCIOPATH.
Dear President Trump,
If you do not hold yourself accountable, rejecting responsibility for taking action against covid-19, you cannot claim credit for the victory when we win.
This is how responsibility works for adults and leaders, sir. When you claim no responsibility 13 March, you cannot change your mind and claim credit later. If you say you are not responsible for any of the actions of our government, it follows you are NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING OUR GOVERNMENT DOES!
You cannot NOT be responsible, then magically BE responsible.
President Trump, it would be best you leave the fight against covid-19 and let America fight it without you since you are not responsible. You should not be preening and posing on camera for what you obviously see as a political campaign rally seeking "The Bachelor" TV ratings, doling out misinformation and giving false hope and bad ideas, while others seek help in the covid-19 news conferences.
When you said you cannot take responsibility, by the way, you show yourself as a coward and a sociopath afraid of accountability. a man who is not courageous in a crisis.
Frank H. Malsbury II (USAF - RET)
Don’t Halt Social Distancing. Instead, Do It Right.
There are two things the United States must do to beat the coronavirus.
March 23, 2020 Bt Aaron E. Carroll-Professor of pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine, and Ashish Jha-Professor of Global Health at Harvard University
First get social distancing 100% implemented, not haphazardly done.
Second, test EVERYONE!
Three, MODEL BEST PRACTICES TO AVOID SPEADING INFECTIONS. Mr. President, wear a mask even if you do not think it is necessary for you personal safety because it shows we all need masks to protect people when we are asymptomatic! Do not infect others!
Our President is afraid to accept responsibility so he said 'I don't take responsibility at all.' on 13 March 2020.
Our President demands loyalty at ay cost during the covid-19 crisis and after it, or he will hurt us.
Our President told us the media is the "enemy of the people," so now we do not know what resource can be trusted to obtain life saving information on covid-19.
Trump has successfully convinced Americans no media, no government organization can be trusted, and he has made Republicans fear him.
Therefore, COVID-19 completes the perfect storm created by President TRUMP.
'I don't take responsibility at all': Trump deflects blame for coronavirus testing fumble."
Trump has spent weeks downplaying the virus' outbreak.
By CAITLIN OPRYSKO03/13/2020 06:32 PM EDT
2020 Time Capsule #3: ‘I Don’t Take Responsibility at All’
By James Fallow 13 March 2020
Modeling bad behavior, 3 April, Trump says he volunteered to not wear a mask? WTF? Trump doesn't get it!
Sociopaths do not care if they hurt others. Trump is a sociopath, or he is stupid.
Trump's covid-19 news conferences are literally campaign rallies, as he brags of ratings? Trump ordered TV cameras to put him is every shot of any speaker so he can posture & preen like he cares. better to emulate Massachusetts Gov Baker who gets out of the tv view when experts speak.
Trump sociopathology shows as he accuses hospitals, doctors, nurses of theft, governors must show "appreciation" or lose federal help, media must not show any of his misinformation on tv. ask yourself if TRUMP is protecting fauci from death threats; you know trump does not like fauci correcting his misinformation and errors. 13 March 'I don't take responsibility at all.' 30 march trump ghoulishly announces 100,000 deaths will be his success! Trump brags "his" ratings beat "The Bachelor?" Those great ratings are for expert's advice on how to survive covid-19, not your preening like a peacock behind them, Donald. 1 April it's estimated 240,000!trump said only 15 people are infected & all will get well quickly, now it's 100,000 dead?he who takes no responsibility, gets no credit! He who makes fighting covid-19 harder with misinformation & demands fealty, "appreciation," from desperate governors is a sociopath. Trump accuses doctors and nurses of theft? America, are you so beaten by trump you allow him to manipulate you this way? president trump demands loyalty or he will hurt you, tells you the media is the "enemy of the people" barring you from facts, tells you not to trust any gov't institution, Republicans fear him. bragging he makes great deals, he chose to elicit democrats hate. Trump chose to divide our country into warring camps making division, and a weaker America his biggest "success." the genius trump never tried to make a "deal" to unite and strengthen this country. Trump chose bullying. We are in a Trump-made perfect storm; he's the first, hopefully only, president ever to say. 'I don't take responsibility at all': Trump deflects blame for coronavirus testing fumble." testing was our first line of defense. Tiny south Korea, Singapore tested 3X as many people as USA. Americans are in the covid-19 fight with a man who takes no responsibility! Trump deserves no credit. Americans will succeed by fall of 2021 because of Dr Fauci.
Politico saw trump say this on tv. our president accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY? America, the president takes no responsibility. our president accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY? we are in the covid-19 fight with a man who takes no responsibility. therefore, give him no credit when we win.
COVID-19 IS A perfect storm, A GIFT TO AMERICA MADE BY TRUMP. BELIEVE IT WHEN HE SAYS "i TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY." ACTING SOCIOPATHIC he threatens TO ABANDON states SUFFERING HIS slow, tone deaf response to covid-19, SAYING TO, "take a knee," BE APPRECIATIVE? TAKE HEED AMERICA, TRUMP'S response to pleas for help is counting votes, not infections. HE demands loyalty IN FACE OF HIS FAILURE, IS buying votes, assessing his ratings. TRUMP EARNED criticism! UGLIEST act ever is Dan Patrick + Glenn beck LIES ABOUT willingness to die to "save our country!" by restarting the economy more elderly risk death, but Glenn beck, Dan Patrick are rich people living IN A BUBBLE. dan and glenn are really saying "go back to work," save my money. TRUMP continues to downplay covid-19, saying he wants to "reopen the economy" by 12 April. trump refused use of the DPA until 27 March while We're at war with covid-19? will trump use DPA to order safety needs of hospital workers? sociopathic trump WILL dump dr. fauci because fauci CORRECTS MISINFORMATION, but mostly because fauci is more popular! trump tweets cure is worse than the disease? we have no cure! a 1% infection rate can become 20% in a week of testing. Trump delayed getting the test kits in January! IN a war CRISIS trump whines about media reports and tv ratings? Donald, your reverse victim and offender DARVO act is sociopathic! trump gave A POLITICAL AD all the VIDEO clips needed to see how weak his response is in this war. trump said "I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY." on tv! trump takes time out to SUE a news outlet for printing facts? truth WINS against libel IN COURT, SIR. your press conferences are our truth. your MIXED messages weaken us. THE NEGATIVES outnumber the positives, sir. THERE IS NO WAY to restart the economy SAFELY; it will restart covid-19. mute tv for trump-speak "spin-ful" false optimism. trump "makes America weak again" (#MAWA). DEMS ARE AT FAULT TOO, BUT driven by 3 YEARS OF NASTY tweets, bullying. trump's 2 months of inaction to take COVID-19 seriously is real. HOW AM I WRONG TO BE FRUSTRATED? COVID-19 IS NOT UNDER CONTROL or cured, NO MIRACLE! Jan & FEB intel told TRUMP, HE downplayed it over 30 times, hugged, partied at mar-o-Lago, vigorously shOOK hands, stood shoulder to shoulder in press briefings. IT ONLY took A WEEK FOR TRUMP BLAME Obama FOR THE DELAY, fixing NOTHING! CHINA ANNOUNCEd in December 2019! trump had a "hunch" covid-19 is flu? recovery from COVID-19 is every American's job as trump stumbles. to be clear, the word "Americans" includes every Chinese American. it also includes black, yellow, red, brown, white, glbtq, all the non-religious Americans, all immigrants even illegal immigrants, all religions & religious, all GOP & Dem AMERICANs, every living American CITIZEN, all the "DREAMERs" trump wants to cast out, EVERY single human IN OUR COUNTRY, also Puerto Ricans, all humans LEGAL OR NOT, rich top 1%, middle class & the poor, 100% of HUMANS IN THE us. we cannot be selective of which humans we rely on. if we are we will lose to covid-19. your job is to ignore trump to fight covid-19 in unity for our country. listen to experts, not president trump!
Trump does so many stupid things a President should not do, like floats "exception" for Easter Sunday services at peak of pandemic? this makes him a germ warfare terrorist. He can restart economy to kill elderly, reduce social security payments? He says he sees light at the end of the tunnel, but doesn't know it's a train, not the end of covid-19. 3 April, Trump models voluntary no mask against expert advice, saying he needs to meet world leaders? None are travelling Donald! Trump followers will copy trump, infections will increase, people will spit and cough in grocery stores to mirror Trump's disdain & demonstrated doubt for the pandemic "hoax," Trump's word, not mine. a President allows & endorses Fox News hosts, Rush Limbaugh, GOP misinformation to reinforce cultish doubts. Trump cares only about his re-election campaign. his covid-19 news conferences are clearly campaign rallies, his goal? high ratings! Trump postures & preens on TV, but the ratings are for expert advice on covid-19, not for him! Trump unaware personal protective equipment is used once for safety, it's life saving function is one-use to medics. He accuses hospitals, doctors, nurses of theft of PPE? He demands governors must show "appreciation" or lose federal help? He wishes to end free speech telling media to stop showing him refusing responsibility, sharing misinformation, making mistakes & false equivalents, offering ignorant, unprofessional medical advice on tv. Trump will not protect fauci because fauci corrects his remarks.