Donald Trump is a fascists. Trumpism is violent, and it is FASCISM.
It’s Not Only Trump on Trial
The Senate must pass judgment on his methods—and on all who aspire to adopt his methods as their own in the political contests ahead.
FEBRUARY 11, 2021 David Frum Staff writer at The Atlantic
Trump is violence.
"On the second day of the impeachment trial, the House managers laid the case that violence was integral from the very start of the political career of Donald Trump. From his first days as a candidate in 2015, Trump incited, invited, glorified, and condoned violence by his supporters. As the coronavirus pandemic weighed upon the country—and his own reelection hopes dwindled—Trump’s turn to violence became more extreme.
Lead impeachment manager Jamie Raskin identified the attacks upon Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer as a crucial turning point. Trump wanted Whitmer to reopen her state faster, in hope of stimulating the Michigan economy sufficiently to secure that state’s electoral votes. When she did not comply, armed Trump supporters first invaded the state legislature, and then plotted Whitmer’s kidnapping and murder. As Raskin observed, Trump not only failed to condemn the violence, but almost immediately afterward resumed his Twitter attacks on Whitmer for disregarding his wishes."
Trumpism can be defeated when politicians reinstate the reason they went into politics. Trump is just a bully, he is not a God, and does not control every vote. Bullies only have the power we give them. We CAN walk away from Trump!
David Van Deusen: How to defeat Trumpism
By David Van Deusen Jan 21, 2021
"We defeat Trump’s brand of fascism by utilizing two approaches: First, we must confront street level fascists, directly, wherever they seek to march, wherever they seek to organize, and where and whenever they attempt to use force against communities or our progressive allies. Here, history again and again tells us that fascists do not give up because of reason, editorials, teach-ins, or because they lost an election. Fascists fold only when they are pushed back through firm and direct means. Failure to directly confront fascism will not make them go away. Rather, non-confrontation will only give them the space they need to grow. So we must not allow this to happen; we must never allow them to control the streets. Instead we must pay them in kind for the assaults they visit upon us.
Second, we must recognize that the far right has grown in proportion to the Democrats failure to achieve deeper, more progressive change in society that is of the direct and clear benefit to low income and working class people. Instead of fair trade, it was the Democrats under Bill Clinton that gave us job-killing free trade. Deals such as NAFTA eliminated millions of good paying union jobs in America, and we, as a society, are yet to crawl out of this hole. And it was also under the Democrats that so called welfare reform took place whereby millions of low-income Americans were cut lose of basic government assistance. Meanwhile, both the Democrats and Republicans have overseen programs of massive tax cuts for the rich. These roads have led us to the place where tens of millions are utterly alienated from society and have increasingly looked for alternatives to the status quo. And for many of those in search of something else, Trump’s fascism will be there (and has been there) to welcome them if a progressive alternative is not apparent."
The GOP can get rid of Trumpism by dropping Trump! WE know Lindsay Graham is all in on Trump due to the current (Feb 2021) Trump voter base, but who is 100% certain a politician can't do what all politicians do and sell a new, truly REPUBLICAN platform?
The GOP need merely show Trump as the traitor he is, and he's gone, even to the "Oath Keepers." The fact is Trump will be 78 in 2024. Who needs an old fat guy who does not work as Prez?
GOP consultant calls Haley the party's 2024 front-runner
BY ZACK BUDRYK - 02/16/21 03:38 PM EST
There are traitors who support Trump, of course, but I think not many. Traitors support traitors, and that cannot be avoided.
Republicans Back Trump Because of the Insurrection, Not Despite It
The former president’s ruthlessness remains central to his appeal.
February 17, 2021 David A. Graham Staff writer at The Atlantic