Some will say this is an unfair cartoon, a fat woman waving a Bible at a tiny tot, in red, white, and blue flag-like outfit. But this is a real story worth paying attention to, where the US has, by definition, created concentration camps for kids!
There is a cartoon I could use, showing Uncle Sam responding to AOC's highlighting the immigration concentration camps, holding pens, cages, "internment camps," saying they climb fences to get it. What!! An insensitive, deceptive, UGLY, dumb response!! The people escaping murder and starvation are looking for the Good Samaritan they read about in the Bible and, sadly, tales of kind Americans.
What immigrants, especially the children of immigrants. seem to be seeing the most is the "Bad Samaratan" holidng a Bible to hit them with and show absolutely no compassion!
Rather than help, the US Government separates children from their families with various excuses, none worth the trauma inflicted on these kids.
At a Donald Trump rally a cheering crowd member shouted to his question what are we going to do with them, "shoot 'em," and Trump smirked . . . Very sad.
First, Uncle Sam admits the camps ARE concentration camps! Second, these immigrants "climb the fence" to escape horrible situations and seek America HOPING AMERICANS WILL BE CARING, CHRISTIAN PEOPLE, NOT HOUSED IN CAMPS AND SEPARATED FROM THEIR KIDS!
"Everything We Know About the Inhumane Conditions at Migrant Detention Camps"
By Matt Stieb 23 Junne 2019
"Last week began with a broad political discussion on whether Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s designation of migrant detention centers as “concentration camps” was the correct nomenclature for holding rooms in which 41 detainees live in a cell built for eight. The week ended with heinous reports of the conditions at said camps, where undocumented migrant children are being held away from their families in conditions “worse than jail,” according to physician Dolly Lucio Sevier, who wrote up a medical declaration obtained by ABC News after visiting Border Patrol holding facilities along the border in Texas. Here’s everything we know about conditions in the detention camps.
Conditions in a McAllen, Texas Facility “Could Be Compared to Torture Facilities”
Sevier, a private-practice physician in the Rio Grande Valley, was granted access to a facility in McAllen, Texas, after attorneys discovered a flu outbreak that sent five infants to a neonatal intensive-care unit. At the detention center — the largest such Border Patrol facility in the country — Sevier examined 39 children under the age of 18 facing conditions including “extreme cold temperatures, lights on 24 hours a day, no adequate access to medical care, basic sanitation, water, or adequate food.” All 39 exhibited signs of trauma.
Sevier told ABC News that the teenagers she observed were not able to wash their hands while in custody, which she called “tantamount to intentionally causing the spread of disease.” Teen mothers in custody described to her not being able to clean their children’s bottles: “To deny parents the ability to wash their infant’s bottles is unconscionable and could be considered intentional mental and emotional abuse,” Sevier wrote. In summary, she determined that “the conditions within which they are held could be compared to torture facilities.”
Children “Had to Sleep on the Floor … as Punishment for Losing the Comb”
Outside of El Paso, attorney and children’s-rights advocate Warren Binford gained access to a Border Patrol facility where 351 migrant children were detained; over 100 were under 13, and the youngest was just over 4 months. Binford reported that many of the kids had been held for three weeks or longer, and that guards had created a “child boss” who was rationed extra food in an attempt to control the other children. Binford told The New Yorker about the Clint, Texas facility’s treatment of a lice outbreak."
Donald Trump wants us to believe the concentration camps issue can be solved immediately if the Democrats will give him what he wants . . .
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks truth to power, and those in power do not like it. Too bad! It is fundamental truth that immigrant kids are being housed in camps, CONCENTRATION CAMPS.
"Academics Rally Behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Over Concentration Camp Comments: 'She Is Completely Historically Accurate'"
By Katherine Hignett On 6/24/19 at 7:24 AM EDT
"Freshman congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continued to spar with Republicans over her claim that U.S. migrant detention centers are "concentration camps" over the weekend.
Ocasio-Cortez blasted Iowa representative Steve King Sunday after he asked her to visit the site of Nazi death camp Auschwitz with a Holocaust memorial group. Declining his invite, she pointed out King had met with a far-right Austrian group during his own trip to the camp, as The Washington Post noted last October
Ocasio-Cortez described migrant detention facilities at the southern U.S. border as "concentration camps" during an Instagram live stream June 17. Following up on Twitter, she said the centers "brutalized" migrants with "dehumanizing conditions."
Ocasio-Cortez quickly came under fire from critics, including Republicans like Liz Cheney, for employing a term most commonly used to refer to the Nazi camps where millions of Jews lost their lives.
But Ocasio-Cortez continued to defend her use of the term, writing Wednesday: "These camps...fit squarely in an academic consensus and definition." Noting the fact that several migrant children have died in U.S. custody in recent months, she added: "Kids are dying and I'm not here to make people feel comfortable about that."
What do objective academics say?
"Rachel Ida Buff, a professor of American studies who teaches history at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, told Newsweek Ocasio-Cortez was "absolutely" correct to describe U.S. migrant detention centers as concentration camps.
Sociology professor Richard Lachmann at the University at Albany, SUNY, agreed, telling Newsweek: "Concentration camps are any place where large numbers of people are held in poor conditions because of their nationality, ethnicity, religion or other characteristics rather than as individuals convicted of crimes."
Noting the experiences of migrant children in U.S. detention centers—some of whom are set to be housed at Fort Sill, a site that held Japanese Americans and Native Americans before them, back in the 20th century—Buff said: "The trauma these children are suffering threatens to disable a generation."
"All asylum seekers crossing into the United States are placed in 'hileras,' cells chilled to 50-55 degrees. They are stripped of warm clothing. Many get sick; several have died. This is torture and life endangerment," she added."
Can we see the GOP wants you to see holocaust since THEY support the immigrant concentration camps for immigrant kids, and have lost their moral compass totally. SOULESS.
"Jay Geller, a history professor at Case Western Reserve University, said Ocasio-Cortez was deliberately using the term "concentration camp" because of its "powerful association" with the Nazis. "In the popular imagination, the expression... evokes images of Dachau and Buchenwald [concentration camps], if not Auschwitz," he told Newsweek.
"She and others want to invoke our moral indignation through reference to the Holocaust, not the Boer War," he said, adding he would personally use terms such as "internment camps" or "detention camps" instead.
The camps "can be an affront to our sensibilities without being just like something during the Holocaust." Geller added his suggested terms don't "make the camps any better or diminish their horribleness."
Amy Simon, Michigan State University's William and Audrey Farber family endowed chair in Holocaust studies and European Jewish history, told Newsweek Ocasio-Cortez was 'completely historically accurate' in her use of the phrase "concentration camp."
But she also argued the representative used the "loaded" term "purposefully to call up those particular images of inhumanity.""
There is a crime in that these camps exist at all! It is not GOP or Dems fault, it is the UNITED STATES FAULT, and Mitch McConnell has to allow Congress to fix this specific problem without adding crap like funds for the Wall or deporting DACA kids.
"But Geller argued that the debate that has emerged since Ocasio-Cortez used the term has become a distraction from "the real issue" which is "not what these camps are called, but that they exist.""