Trump thinks 24 March infections by covid-19 at about 1% DESPITE INCOMPLETE TESTING do not indicate a crisis any longer? He acknowledges he is gong against medical advisors to tell people to go back to work. He says the "cure" is worse than the disease? We have no cure! The disease is juts getting started on us!
President Trump inspires distrust so he cannot stop covid-19 from spreading. Trump's supporters will continue to spread covid-19, and the #MAWA will become our banner as the United States rises to #1 on the covide19 hit parade. Any news rump disagrees with is "the enemy of the people" EVEN IF IT IS A VIDEO!
Coronavirus deniers and hoaxers persist despite dire warnings, claiming ‘it’s mass hysteria’
By Annie Gowen - March 19, 2020 at 7:27 PM EDT
"WELLSVILLE, Kan. — Here in northeast Kansas, in a small town set amid tidy farms and ranches, a Walmart worker named Brandon Crist was growing frustrated with the panic terrorizing the American public. He didn't understand the need for lockdowns, closing schools, limiting public gatherings and shuttering bars and restaurants. Altering almost all facets of life.
As he often does, Crist found a meme online that amplified his feelings and posted it to his Facebook page.
“Does anyone know anyone who has the coronavirus? Not just heard about them but actually know them,” the meme said in bold white letters on a blue background. “Statistically none of us are sick . . . yet concerts are canceled, tournaments are canceled and entire school districts shut down. Out of total irrational fear. If you have not previously feared the power of the media you should be terrified of them now. They are exerting their power to shut down America.”"
I'd say this guy speaks for most Trump supporters. What does Kellyanne Conway have to say about this? No Trump? Stupid answer.
Want to know why Trump shouldn’t be allowed on live TV? Listen to Anthony Fauci.
By Erik Wemple - Media critic with a focus on the ups and downs and downs of the cable-news industry. March 23, 2929 at 11:13 AM
We live in a Trump-made PERFECT STORM.
I’m A Doctor. The U.S. Response To Coronavirus Has Been Nothing Short Of Criminal.
“With every crucial delay, with every blunder and misstep, the toll is going to be measured in lives lost.”
Dipti S. Barot - 20 March 2020 - Guest Writer
"“Unconscionable” is a feather-light word to use for the response to this pandemic by those in charge. After weeks of inaction, of downplaying the pandemic, of calling it a hoax, President Donald Trump had no choice but to shift tone once this crisis was undeniable. He then stood shoulder to shoulder at press conferences, shaking hands while declaring a national emergency that his own experts said only social distancing would quell. He has failed our nation.
When you are a governor bragging about the packed restaurant that your family is dining in during this pandemic that requires you to stay home, you are essentially stealing N95 masks from the nurses in your state. When you are a U.S. representative appearing on a morning show encouraging people to go to pubs while the head of the nation’s infectious disease response is stating clearly that people need to shelter in place, you have effectively robbed the ICU staff in your district of countless needed ventilators."
Did Mike Pence criticize, or at least correct the Governor or the Representative for their bad advice in the face of a pandemic? Did Trump? Did anyone?
Trump BOTS are undermining America's fight against covide-19, and the extremely sad part of this story is we are not surprised.
Evaluate the facts folks. Trump creates distrust of law enforcement, courts, he pits Americans against each other in his WrestleMania rallies, divided us more every time he opens his mouth, making us hate each other even more than we used to hate each other in otherwise "normal" times. We have experienced massive amounts of alternative-facts from him as his loyal servants, listened to his "truthful hyperbole" and bold-faced lies. Trump has admitted abuse of power in calling Ukraine and the GOP agreed it was wrong.
Trump's version of "National Emergency" is a Wall at expense of DoD housing. Now we can see a true National Emergency in covid-19.
Trump, the GOP, and all the Trump BOTs have purveyed massive amounts of misinformation.
My sense is that all the time Trump has spent creating this environment for the PERFECT STORM, he is inwardly chuckling at folks who believe everything he says, support everything he does no matter how far they have to twist their minds and lose their souls to believe him. He even said he could shoot somone on 5th Avenue and not lose a vote!
To be fair, Trump changed his tune somewhat, after 2 months of denial. But he continues to slip back into his defensive, ill-advised posturing, and spreads disinformation related to cures for covid-19. He's is not inspiring hope, rather he makes us more fearful as we see him stumble and lash out at reporters.
Two month late he started paying attention to covid-19, then declared a National Emergency. He is kinda' working to undo the damage he did. But the Perfect Storm he created makes unity in this country very difficult, and our country, as a result, is ill-equipped to effectively fight covid-19.
Americans are alone fighting covid-19.
We must all mute the TV when President Trump opens his mouth to talk about covid-19. His words are passing bad, incorrect, untrue information. Only unmute your TV when you see a doctor or other true expert step to the mic.
They are all standing too close at those TV covid-19 press conferences, but that is a different problem.
Trump made a Perfect Storm for us to get thru in 3 years of dividing us and spreading misinformation about every institution that makes us strong.
Trump takes no responsibility!?
Therefore, despite Trump, not because of anything Trump does or says, we have to get thru this Perfect Storm on out own.
The key Government organizations that have the true power to help, be it DoD, Dept of Homeland Security, Commerce, Treasury, should start taking every necessary action without Trump. Press on. Get the job dine that needs to be done. Don't wait for Trump's approval.
Trump is a non-factor, a do nothing. Trump is frozen in fear trying to guess what will get him re-elected, and what will hurt his re-election.
If we need to order respirators to be built by BOEING, we should do it without Trump. If DoD needs to build hospitals, we must do it now!
America has to ignore President "I am not responsible." Trump.
True Americans must unite to fight covid-19.
REPEAT THIS MANTRA: When trump speaks on tv about covid-19, mute your TV.
Trump is confused, confusing, angry, scared, dishonest, gives us incorrect information, and lies about medical treatments thinking this is how we build hope. The experts say false hope is very harmful, gets people to let their guard down.
Trump is increasing our fear every time he opens his mouth.
VIDEO PROOF: Trump got very nasty and shamed reporters that asked how he was dealing with the increasing fear felt by American.
Trump's unedited words, video, it's all on TV. Trump told us and showed us he did not take COVID-19 seriously. The United States Intel organization briefed him on covid-19 Jan & Feb 2020 and he asked about vaping!
Trump is seen on TV hugging many people, chatting and posing for pictures at crowded parties in Mar-o-Lago.
In Jan and Feb Trump is seen on TV shaking hands of many men, and he is still, March 2020, standing shoulder to shoulder in covid-19 press briefings
president trump is not a leader to unite our country in war. Americans must unite to fight covid-19 w/o trump's "leadership." mute your tv when president trump says anything on covid-19 because he is ot a doctor or an expert. his words fail to ease fears. his personal comments are misinformation. his unfounded optimism undermines & disarms action. the perfect storm trump created from dividing us makes us too weak to fight. he "made America weak again" (#MAWA.) how can we rely on a leader who hides behind excuses IN CRISIS, AVOIDS accountability? we have to ignore trump. trump DOES NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO unite AMERICANS. he lashed out a REPORTER when asked about fear, he continues a dishonest and harmful narrative on china. HIS WORST IS lies about medical treatments & ESPECIALLY COVID-19 test kits. trump's followers see the tv video I see. AM I WRONG? did TRUMP take COVID-19 seriously? intel briefed TRUMP in January, THEN TRUMP hugged, partied at mar-o-Lago, vigorously shOOK hands, stood shoulder to shoulder in press briefings, excused his 2 month delay on Obama. when he says no one knew this was coming is he saying he was asleep during the jan-feb intel briefings that told him? in December we all knew covid-19 was coming because china told us! Trump told Hannity he had a hunch covid-19 is the flu (BY PHONE). trump says he is not responsible. responsibility is the president's job! accountability is the core of leading. we know trump does not care about our country. trump is undependable. trump changes his excuses daily. in 3 years he prepared a perfect storm, now AMERICA "INHERITs THE WIND." "I rate me a 10 responding to covid-19." "it's totally in control." celebs get priority testing because "that's the way life is." criticized for slow covid-19 response, he calls "it" a democratic hoax. what's the hoax? dems criticism? dem criticism wasn't a hoax, it is real, so covid-19 must be his hoax-of-the-day. trump told medical doctors he has a knack for pandemics? when did he gets his doctors license? will trump's foolish claims ever end? president TRUMP has aggressively weakened America's ability to work together, DIVIDED US, created DISTRUST in every gov institution by invoking deep state conspiracy stories, called every question of his bad behaviors witch hunts, daily calls "the MEDIA" "the enemy of the people," accepts advice of inexperienced, devious non-experts, lashes out angrily at every critic. in march 2020 every American's job, every Chinese Americans, black, yellow, red, brown, white, glbtq, irreligious, immigrant, religious, GOP and Dem, 100% of us, our job to is to ignore trump to fight covid-19 in unity for our country. ignore trump, listen to experts!
Trump said covid-19 was the flu as Limbaugh said it was a cold, excuses his 2 month delay by blaming Obama. he says no one knew this was coming, but in December we all knew it because china told us! a president who takes no responsibility does not care about his country. does trump take responsibility for anything, ever? we cannot depend on him. he really does not care, or understand. trump changed his story as always. it took only 3 years for this perfect storm. "I rate me a 10 responding to covid-19." "it's totally in control." celebs get priority testing because "that's the way life is." criticized for slow covid-19 response, he calls "it" a democratic hoax. what's the hoax? covid-19 or the criticism? dem criticism wasn't a hoax, it is real, so covid-19 must be his hoax of the day. he told state media fox's Hannity covid-19 was just another flu. trump told medical doctors he has a knack for pandemics! where does this foolish unsupported bragging end? president TRUMP has aggressively weakened America's ability to work together, DIVIDED US, created DISTRUST in every gov institution by invoking deep state conspiracy stories, called every question of his bad behaviors witch hunts, made "the MEDIA" "the enemy of the people," often accepting advice of inexperienced non-experts, relentlessly lashes out angrily at every critic. in march 2020 every American's job, every Chinese Americans, black, yellow, red, brown, white, glbtq, irreligious, immigrant, religious, GOP and Dem, 100% of us, our job to is to ignore trump to fight covid-19 in unity for our country. ignore trump, listen to experts!
Young people on the beach during Spring Break March 2020 give no credence to Trump's waring. Their guy says stay home and they think he has a gun to his head. Fox News Ingraham, Hannity, and Carlson make Trump's warnings look like he has a gun to his head form the Deep State. Rush Limbaugh tries to "help" calling covid-19 a common cold despite Trump saying it is very, very bad. Trump himself called covid-19 the flu!
Older folks who follow Trump in a cult-like way disregard warnings as another conspiracy despite Trump warnings.
Donald Trump has himself to blame for the difficulty of getting people to respond to safety measures to stop the spread of covid-19.
YEARS, perhaps two years or more before Obama was elected President, and every year since, with conspiracies, Bannon advice, White Nationalism alliance, President Trump built a USA unlike anything ever seen before, more divided and angry than since the Civil War, Trump created a country that will find it very hard to come together and believe we are a war with a disease.
Trump hurt America by his way of leading us to hate each other. A divided country is a weak country. Now with covid-19 we may be a failed country.
Sadly, Trump "Made America Go Away."
An example of how much our President has undermined Ameircan values and trust, Trump's "Spritual Advisor" is openly trying to rip off the country.
Trump’s Spiritual Adviser Paula White Is Using the Coronavirus Crisis to Bankroll Her Church
“We are a hospital for those who are soul sick.”
Will Peischel - 18 March 2020
I can see the fake "Christian" acting opportunistic, undermining our most core values of God and Country in the name of her religion.'
"On Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin warned senators that the outbreak of Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, and the massive recession that likely will take place might cause the unemployment rate to balloon to 20 percent. (He later walked back that dire prediction.) The same day, the president’s spiritual adviser, Paula White asked her followers for private donations to bankroll her private church, which she described as a “hospital to the sick”—the metaphysically sick, that is."
OK, religion helps us thru bad times, but don't take our money to help us, give us words of lave and caring, and leave us with our money to pay our bills when we get let go!