Tweety is an arms salesman.  He sold $110B worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia despite all we know of the Wahhabism.

BUT Note: I have 44 years in DoD contracting and I KNOW it takes years to get the contract awarded, and several more years to build and deliver the weapons. 

Maybe we can cancel the deal if Saudi continues to support terror.  Saudi Arabia is Sunni you know, and Sunni is what ISIS was, Sunni.



Nuclear war is INSANE!

Does ANYONE really think acting like a MADMAN, sending mixed messages, threatening, spending more and more and more on weapons of war, stooping to the lowest common denominator in insulting countries who have nukes, really serve the purpose of peace in this world, 2017?


Like a porno Tweety is fluffing up the DOD manhood so our military can go screw the world, but especially South Korea and involve Russia and China in A WIKI!

The MADMAN theory when nuclear weapons are involved is INSANE!  It is cowardly too.

Send YOUR kids to war, Tweety, not mine!  Massacre YOUR people you idiot, not strangers in another part of the world.

Tweety trades child-like insults with North Korea, almost seeming to WANT war, then goes to Japan to sell American weapons.

Tweety says the time for appeasement and words is over.  So he seems to be saying it is time for another war.

Then Tweety says, "Ultimately it will all work out.  It has to."  Of course he says that while he is in South Korea!  He does not want to be killed while in easy reach of Kim Jung Un's missiles.

Disingenuous!  Cynical!  Hypocritical.  Confusing!

Tweety wants USA to give DOD $4000,000,000 (Billion) for missile defense.  Tax payers pay, I.e., the Middle Class, the deficit will explode (endangers the value of the dollar, which can lead to inflation and bigger trade imbalances), Russia WILL respond, USA infrastructure will continue to crumble, international trust will FURTHER diminish if it is not already evaporated, and ultimately America will be LESS safe and secure if Tweety gets the $4B.

AND mock battle drills off the coast of Korea is certain to instill fear in North Korea.  This makes me sick thinking our country is about to cause the death directly and indirectly of millions