"Republican leaders are shilling for a bigot"
By Michael Gerson Columnist July 22, 2019 at 6:18 PM
" . . . if you believe that constructive leadership can elevate, it follows that irresponsible leadership can debase. Particularly in a democracy, political rhetoric has high stakes. A politician can either side with the angels or unleash the beast.
Trump’s reelection strategy is clearly beast liberation. And this has implications for his political followers, who must abandon morality or rationality or both.
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) is a case in point. Based on her considerable political skills, Cheney, a daughter of former vice president Dick Cheney, has risen rapidly to the third-highest leadership position in the House Republican caucus. It is her great misfortune, however, to have become a GOP leader during the Trump era.
Being in the leadership of a caucus brings complications even in normal political times. It generally requires public fidelity to the party’s official line. And this can involve a venial type of political deception: feigning enthusiasm for policies and arguments a leader would not normally embrace. It is a requirement of being part of the team."
Cheney is, however, not guiltless just because Trump is President and an asshole. She is as guilty as her father in what may be a worse crime against our democracy, supporting Trump no matter what he says or does.
But Cheney’s recent performance on CBS’s “Face the Nation” illustrates how difficult that membership on Trump’s team has become. Under close questioning, she admitted that the chants of “send her back” at a Trump political rally were “absolutely wrong” and “should not have happened.” But since the chant is a variant of Trump’s own words, Cheney could not admit why this was wrong without indicting the original author. She was left to insist that Trump’s words were ideologically rather than racially motivated — a case of bad manners rather than evidence of a corrupt heart. But Trump did not tell the congresswomen to go to hell; he told them to “go home” to a foreign country (though three members of the group were born in the United States). Then the president added that the four lawmakers are not “capable” of loving America. These elements are what turns an ideological attack into a nativist and racist attack by any reasonable standard.
Having abandoned both logic and principle, Cheney fell back to a last redoubt of denial. “We are focused on policy,” she said, “and we will continue to do that no matter what the mainstream media attempts to do.” [What is the mainstream media "trying to do?" Tell the truth?!] But when has the president shown the slightest interest in policy? And why, exactly, would the political world be focused on racist tweets if Trump had not repeatedly tweeted them?"
People of color who support Trump better wake up . . . he's not interested in helping you unless you give him what he wants from you. Even then, when he is done with you, he will abandon and betray you just as he has all his wives.
When your President says "love it or leave it," to women of color called "The Squad" (Trump absolutely admitted he meant the four Representatives . . asking them to leave the country), women who are elected US Representatives in the US Government, serving in the House of Representatives, HE IS STATING IT IS OK TO TELL PEOPLE TO LEAVE THIS COUNTRY EVEN IF THEY ARE ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES OF AMERICANS!
Do not dare to argue the point. If you do, you are obfuscating the obvious for an evil, corrupt purpose. Keep this in mind as you spoort your racist Presdient, the man who sends out ICE squads to raid families.
"First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me"
Pastor Martin Neimoller
"Trump triples down on his controversial tweets about 'The Squad.' Here's what we know"
Rebecca Morin, USA TODAY Published 5:52 p.m. ET July 15, 2019 | Updated 3:11 p.m. ET July 16, 2019
"On Twitter Sunday [14 July 2019], the president posted about a group of Democratic congresswomen and said they should "go back" to where they came from.
"So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run."
More: Trump tells congresswomen to 'go back' to the 'crime infested places from which they came'
"Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!" the president wrote in a three-tweet thread."
Amazing and obvious! That's enough for me to recognize racism and misogyny, but maybe I am not smart about these things? BS! The tweet is OBVIOUSLY RACIST AND MYSOGYNISTIC!
President Trump is ABSOLUTELY A RACIST WHITE NATIONALIST glibly Dog Whistling all of the USA with "Love It of Leave it!"
Anyone defending or spinning what "Tweety Tromp" said into anything other than a racist trope is
1. an employee of Trump,
2. ignorant,
3. dumb (accidentally ignorant, thus more than ignorant),
4. a succubus / co-conspirator,
5. a political whore / silent GOP,
6. an asshole racist themselves / White Nationalist / White Power / KKK member,
7. hates the United States version of Democracy,
8. has never read the Constitution of the United States or chooses to ignore it, and / or
9. (fill in any number of assessments you wish - all concluding the defense of Trump's words as not being racist are WRONG!)
It's bad out there as Trump and the GOP make clear they do not like people of color! Look at the House Vote to Censure to prove the GOP has sold their soul for RACIMS AND WHITE POWWR/NATIONALISM! The GOP rationalized race hatred proving what was obvious anyway, they want the USA to be ALL WHITE!
"A divided House votes for resolution condemning Trump’s racist remarks"
By Mike DeBonis, Congressional reporter covering the House of Representatives
John Wagner National reporter leading The Post's breaking political news team
Rachael Bade Congressional reporter
July 16, 2019 at 6:55 PM
"A divided House voted Tuesday to condemn President Trump’s racist remarks telling four minority congresswomen to “go back” to their ancestral countries, with all but a handful of Republicans dismissing the rebuke as harassment while many Democrats pressed their leaders for harsher punishment of the president.
The imagery of the 240-to-187 vote was stark: A diverse Democratic caucus cast the president’s words as an affront to millions of Americans and descendants of immigrants, while Republican lawmakers — the vast majority of them white men — stood with Trump against a resolution that rejected his “racist comments that have legitimized fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color.”"
I find the "defense" or Trump's racism abhorrent, stupid, even silly. Look at the BS and attempts to make us "look away."
"Pelosi said the words “are disgraceful and disgusting, and those comments are racist,” careful not to label Trump himself a racist. “How shameful to hear him continue to defend those offensive words — words that we have all heard him repeat, not only about our members, but about countless others.”
Moments later, Rep. Douglas A. Collins (R-Ga.) moved to have Pelosi’s words taken down, a rarely invoked procedure that halted debate for more than an hour while the House parliamentarian examined whether they violated the chamber’s standards of decorum.
A visibly frustrated Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.), who was presiding over the House, reprimanded his colleagues, saying that despite his efforts to be fair, they “don’t ever want to pass up an opportunity to escalate.”
“We just want to fight,” he said, then dropped the gavel and walked away from the chair in a dramatic moment.
The words had indeed violated the rules, according to House precedent, and Democrats proceeded to vote on party lines to overrule it in this instance and allow Pelosi’s remarks to be printed in the Congressional Record, the official legislative annals.
McCarthy rose to attack Democrats afterward, calling it “a sad day” for the House. “Our rules of order and decency were broken today,” he said.
But Democrats said the day, in fact, was a long time coming — a rare occasion on which members of the Republican caucus have been forced to go on the record regarding Trump’s rhetoric. Since Trump has tightened his grip on the GOP, many lawmakers in his party have gone to great lengths to avoid criticizing him, fearful of the president’s wrath sinking their electoral chances.
“This resolution is harassing the president of the United States,” said freshman Rep. Dan Meuser (R-Pa.).
Democrats insisted that the vote was a test for the Congress and the nation.
“We know who he is,” Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-N.J.) said of Trump. “The question is, only question is, who are we? Are we still the country of immigrants?”
Earlier in the debate, there was another tense moment when Rep. Sean P. Duffy (R-Wis.), his voice raised, drew a reproach from Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) over his comments that the four congresswomen at the center of Trump’s tweets are “anti-American.”
“I’ve looked closely at the chain of three tweets, I see nothing that references anybody’s race, I don’t see anybody’s names,” Duffy said, “but the president is referring to people, congresswomen, who are anti-American. And lo and behold everyone in this chamber knows who he is talking about.”"
Ya, we know Trump was talking about the Representatives who got elected because they hate America, right? snicker - chuckle . . .
Play dumb all you want Rep Duffy, and we all KNOW EXACTLY WHAT RUMP MEANT! YOU know what Trump meant; Trump was after people of color and women, one is racist and the other is misogynist.
No, Rep Duffy, we know who Trump was talking about because he has been criticized by these four women, and Trump fears women of color, as well as hates people who questions him. Keep kissing Trump's ass Mr. Sean Duffy, your time will come to pay the piper!
Rep McCarthy one-upped Duffy with an even dumber comment, false equivalency, look-the other-way comment later:
"McCarthy said during a morning news conference he would vote against the resolution and encourage other Republicans to do the same. McCarthy said he did not consider Trump’s tweets to be racist, but about “socialism versus freedom.”"
In a way Trump's comments could be construed about socialism and freedom based on the absolutely idiotic notion that social programs suggested by the Democrats in 2019, unlike the hundreds already in law (Social Security, 8 hour work day, women's vote, emancipation of slaves, public schools and highways, etc) will drive America in to Socialist Government, where all jobs are assigned by the government . . . or we'll end up like Venezuela . . . NOT! MCARTHY'S COMMENTS AND THESE GOP NOTIONS ABOUT SOCIALISM AND SOCIAL PROGRAMS IN AMERICA ARE INSANE! The GOP passed billions in subsidies for farmers and corporations so is that driving us into a Socialist Government too?
"A Racist in the White House"
By David Remnick
July 15, 2019
"What’s curious is just how many people have resisted seeing squarely Trump’s racism, his shrewd exploitation of animosity, hatred, and division for political advantage. Trump is hardly a man of subtle concealment. W. E. B. Du Bois wrote that Andrew Johnson’s unwillingness to enact policies to give freedmen land, a decent education, or voting rights resided, first and foremost, in “his inability to picture Negroes as men.” Trump’s hostility toward minorities and his capacity to signal that hostility to others has never been a secret. This quality is central to his politics and his appeal.
The biography is plain. As real-estate developers in the nineteen-seventies, Trump and his father did what they could to keep people of color out of their buildings in Brooklyn and Queens. These slimy stratagems attracted the attention of the Department of Justice. As a tabloid big mouth eager to enhance his peculiar brand of outrageous celebrity, Trump paid for ad space in the New York papers to call for the execution of the so-called Central Park Five. Long after they were vindicated and given a collective award of forty-one million dollars, Trump refused to apologize or reconsider.
Trump always made a point of forming “friendships” with Don King, Mike Tyson, and a few other black celebrities, but the fraud was obvious. As Kip Brown, a driver who worked at one of Trump’s casinos in Atlantic City, told Nick Paumgarten in The New Yorker, “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor. . . . I was a teen-ager, but I remember it: they put us all in the back.”"
It is very simple to know, simple to see, clear cut - Trump is a man who sees people of color as people he does not like. If people of color he befriends give him something of value, notoriety, money, power, things Trump values, then and only then Trump is their "friend."
Lindsay Graham is an idiot lap dog to Trump, so complicit in Trump's racism and hate mongering. LG is so far up DT's butt his shoes are all we can see!
"Trump Attacks Democratic Congresswomen With White Nationalist Rhetoric"
By Chas Danner July about 15, 2019
"President Trump launched a white nationalist–themed attack on Sunday against four Democratic congresswomen of color who have been outspoken critics of his administration’s war on immigrants and attention-earning proponents of more progressive government policies. The attack deployed one of the most obnoxious clichés of racist and xenophobic hate speech: telling an immigrant or descendent of immigrants to “go back to your country.”
The president did not name the women, but was clearly referring to Representatives Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ayanna Pressley — “the Squad” of freshmen House members who voted against a controversial recent border-aid bill and have been engaged in a tense ideological debate with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her allies.
Trump, who was America’s birther-in-chief before becoming its commander-in-chief, maliciously and falsely suggested the women not only held un-American views, but were literally not Americans."
"Lindsey Graham’s and the GOP’s initial responses to Trump’s ‘go back’ tweets are a mess"
They’re all over the place, and they’re often nonsensical.
By Aaron Blake Senior political reporter, writing for The Fix July 15, 2019
This post has been updated.
After spending a day silently pretending that President Trump didn’t say what he just said, GOP reactions to Trump telling nonwhite congresswomen to return to the countries they came from are starting to roll in.
And it’s clear they have no good answers.
The first high-profile Trump ally to take a stab at explaining his tweets was his campaign’s rapid response director, Matt Wolking. Wolking took to Twitter to argue that Trump wasn’t actually telling anyone to go back to their countries, despite Trump having said exactly that.
“Anyone who says the president told members of Congress to go back to where they came from is lying,” Wolking maintained. “He told them to ‘Then come back and show us how it is done.’ ”"
What a stretch to get away from the OBVIOUS White Nationalist Dog Whistle, and typical of a Trump technique of ambiguity to find a way out of stupid, bullying comments / tweets. Here is Trump:
"Trump’s tweet, though, literally contained many of the words that Wolking maintains the president didn’t say. “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken crime infested places from which they came,” Trump said. Just because he urged them to then come back doesn’t mean that he didn’t tell them to “go back” in the first place."
LOL! Spin is alive fixing Trump tweets!
"Lindsey Graham Called AOC a “Communist” in Rambling Fox & Friends Segment About the President’s Racist Tweets"
By Molly Olmstead Juyl 15, 2019
"South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham called four minority congresswomen “communists” and “anti-America” as he responded to President Donald Trump’s racist tweets about the group this weekend in an appearance on Fox & Friends on Monday.
“We all know that [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] and this crowd are a bunch of communists,” Graham said. “They hate Israel, they hate our own country, they’re calling the guards along our border—the Border Patrol agents—concentration camp guards, they accuse people who support Israel of doing it for the Benjamins, they’re anti-Semitic, they’re anti-America.”"
Good, gracious leaders do not say what LG says.
"Lindsey Graham: ‘I Don’t Care’ If Migrants Stay in Overcrowded Detention Centers for ‘400 Days’"
By Matt Stieb 2019
We have known LG is a Trump lap dog for a while now, flipping from his earlier criticism of Trump.
"Lindsey Graham’s shamelessness"
By James Downie Digital opinions editor April 28, 2019
See Trump tell people of color, primarily the "Squad" of Freshman Representatives, go back where you came from.