"Post-Election To-Do List: How to Take Action, Donate and Help"
Leslie Price | November 9, 2016


"A list of resources

Where are you today on the roller coaster of emotions? From excited and optimistic (yesterday) to nervous and downright scared (last night) to resolved and exhausted (late last night) to angry and sad (this morning) to numbness (right now). You want to wallow in it, right? Roll around in that sadness and anger and numbness for a while. That’s okay, of course. New York City’s never felt as silent to me as it did this morning.

But as women, we can not afford to “take a day off.” We have to show up every single day, because we’re breadwinners and caretakers and we have elderly parents and children and pets and bosses. We can not afford to give up. And for those who joke about moving to Canada, well, the joke rings hollow, doesn’t it? It is not reality.

We can not afford to be cavalier. Trump will never win the election? He did. Trump will never do away with abortion rights? Who knows. What about voter rights, the Affordable Care Act, rights for the LGBTQIA+ population, for religious minorities? How fragile it all is.

We can not afford to overlook the hatred in our own backyards, or at our own dinner tables. As Vox.com puts it, Trump’s victory is part of a “global white backlash.” That’s discomfiting, and if it makes you uncomfortable or you want to push it away, sit with that."