Sicario, Jewish "hitmen," assassins, killing Romans who invaded their homeland, this is what Israeli snipers have become as they murder unarmed Palestinians sling-shoting rocks over their wall around Gaza.

Gaza, and inquest into its martyrdom" is a book about human rights violations against Palestinians, by Normal Finkelstein tells the tale of inhumanity the Jewish Stae wants everyone to ignore.  The Jewish State, the Zionist extremists, terrorist of another sort, cherry pick history, ignoring the Balfour Accord intent for a two state situation on the lands Israel now OCCUPIES.  The Jewish State counters with the terror THEY experience, hoping we do not see the truth of a nation that forced the Palestinians into modern terrorism by colonizing Palestinian lands.  A Palestinian army never existed to combat Israel, to what is called "terrorist" and "terrorism" was and is today really guerrilla warfare.

GUERRILLA WARFARE is merely a defense based on small numbers against a larger force.

Using snipers to quell a riot is murder.  Snipers do not shoot from a position of risk, they shoot from a position of safety without risk of harm.  Snipers shooting rioters is murder.  Israeli snipers shooting Palestinian rioters were ORDERED TO COMMIT MURDER.  It was murder, absolute disrespect for human life.

There is so much failure to . . .

1. account for history, apply and recognize how history flows into the circumstances of today, 

2. use actual objective facts rather than "trumped" up opinions,

3. aggressive dis-information,

4. dishonest mischaracterizations,

5. ignorant and purposeful false equivalency,

7. obvious bias, prejudice, and anger, and

8. outfight lies which come from hate or a narrative of arrogance . . . .

that discussing the Palestinian vs Jewish State fiasco in May 2018 requires a very long blog is inevitable, or maybe two very long blogs is inevitable.

 A fool with no knowledge of the history of the territory, or at best a perverted, short sighted view, says Palestinians are part of the problem. not part of the solution. 

Jared Kushner, a weak minded Jewish son-in-law of Trump said it a the happy-go-lucky ceremony making Jerusalem the capital of Israel in a fabulous sale-like Trumpian way.  This happy ceremony was a sick and ugly display as it rested on the backs of Palestinians facing the grim truth that they would never have the promised Palestinian State.

Facing no hope of any future, the Palestinians forced to live in an unlivable Gaza with 60% youth unemployment, limited water and electricity (rumored to have been limited by Hamas - meaningless, and likely impossible possibility) we saw "suicide riots."  That, any sociologist will tell you, is the last desperate act of the hopeless, like "suicide by cop."

David French, showing his military training bias, is classically ignorant of the real reality and truth,  French carefully, cruelly takes the side of snipers who shoot a long distance from danger, as the kill off selected "targets."  David likes snipers.

"Israel Has the Right and Obligation to Defend Its Border with Deadly Force

By David French         May 15, 2018

No, David, this "mob" was a people, even if led and guided by Hamas, had a right to be rioting, and their "weapon" of choice was a rock, not a sniper bullet.  Defense when facing a true threat is one thing, but snipers are simply shooting to kill, and THAT IS NOT JUSTIFIED!

These were not people invading anyone's "home" and they were not carrying guns and they are not wrong to think THEIR home is what was invaded!

 "One of the enduring mysteries of modern political discourse is the way in which smart people — who are not remotely anti-Semitic — impose curious, unworkable double standards on the nation of Israel. Let’s take, for example, the response of many on the left to the so-called Great Return March, an effort by thousands of Gazans to storm the Israeli border."

"Storm" the wall, s a good word with lots of power, so it helps justify murder in French's mind?  These Palestinians might have a knife!  OMG!  Defend your citizens!  Kill!  KIll!  Kill!

The only solution Israeli soldiers could think of was sniper fire?  The snipers stopped the storm by killing?  French writes that anyone who sees it differently is anti-Semitic?  Alternative solutions to sniper murder, like maybe wearing protective helmets, with face masks, and vests with pants to prevent harm from sling-shot rocks is "curious," or "unworkable."

No, Mr French, former "storm trooper" from the Iraq War where he made the rank of major, a virtually automatic promotion rank, you are the hypocrite, and the one with the double standard for a preference for killing as your best defense to an attack by unarmed people.  Palestinians are not wrong to think THEIR home is what was invaded as Jerusalem was made the official capital of Israel!  Go back and look at your Air Command and Staff educational materials telling you the history of the Palestinian partition, fool!

"After all, the international legal standards are clear. A nation has the right to protect the integrity of its border, and that right is supplemented by an inherent right of self-defense in the face of a hostile foreign power. Hamas — which rules Gaza — rejects Israel’s right to exist and remains in a state of perpetual, declared war with Israel. Any reasonable person contemplating the consequences of a border-wall breach knows that chaos and bloodshed may result."

Mr. French uses international law, so why not go back to 1920 when the rights of Palestinians were first pissed away by the UN?  Mr. French, learn the history and maybe you can see why Palestinians have gotten to this point with the help of Americans like you.  There are many false equivalencies here, one being Palestinians never has a nation so they have no rights.  Who made a rule on what defines a "nation?"  The West made the rules, and now they are stealing what little humanity the Palestinians had left by taking away all hope of their own state, promised in 1920.

You are part of the problem Mr. French and your belligerent solution, death by sniper, to the Palestinian holocaust is idiotic.

"Formal American recognition of that reality isn’t wrong, and it isn’t reckless. It’s a cold dose of reality to a Palestinian cause that’s been steeped in eliminationist fantasies for generations. Rather than riot, it’s the Palestinian responsibility (including the Gazan responsibility) to understand that it cannot and will not destroy the Jewish state."

In David French's conclusion, like so many written Jewish-favoring opinions, shows how vacuous, as in "having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless," his rationale is.  David is the one who "eliminates" reality of history and the truth that Palestinians deserve more respect, and, yes, they deserve their own State.

David, as they say, you don't get it, you aint "woke."

TheWeeklyStandard says there was no alternative to killing since the "suicide riots" were intent on killing Israelis.  I saw these "riots" on TV Mr. WeeklyStandard, and there was little evidence of the rage to kill you describe.  You, sir, are idiotic to say these riots did not have deep roots in a lost hope based on a Jerusalem ceremony that laughed, grinned, and spit in their faces as their pitiful notion of their own state was dashed.  

The Wall Street Journal joined The Weekly Standard in their biased, "Trumpian" opinion that where America, the once independent, thought-to-be-neutral arbiter of peace, put its diplomats did not matter.  No, Mr. Wall Street, IT DID AND DOES MATTER!  Stupid opinions with no knowledge of the partitioning that started the narrative in 1920!

"Gazans" (people who live in Gaza) have nothing to lose now as they see the final nail on their "coffins" put in by a politically obsessive Trump and his ugly family!  Suicide riots indeed would be the least you can expect if you knew one iota of history and sociology!

The bottom line was written in the piece by Paul Waldman shared by The Week 25 May 2018, page 4: "What this means is grimly obvious [to the Palestinians at a minimum, and maybe a few open-minded, independent thinkers like myself]: The U.S. is no longer working toward "the eventual creation of a Palestinian state," [as the UN intended in 1920] [and therefore] Netanyahu [and the Zionist and othr Jewish extremists of Israel] can do whatever he likes without fear of U.S. objection, and the Palestinians have [absolutely] no reason to hope [for a future other than apartheid and poverty, at best].  

HISTORICAL CONTEXT IS IGNORED.  1920 IS FORGOTTEN.  Palestinians are excluded from the "solution," THE END.

For the Jewish people and supporters of Jewish people who say the riots were NOT caused by the USA formally making Jerusalem the capitol of Israel by moving the US Embassy there, I call "Bull Shit." 

First, it is ridiculous to say anything that will imply Palestinians want to die, want to see brothers die, fathers die.  Palestinians do not want to be killed, but when driven to a point of hopelessness for a future, ANYONE WILL RIOT!  These people rise up in the face of guns due to the maximum injustice of taking away AL HOPE!

It is a useful EXCUSE to say the riots were organized by bad people.  It is a soldier's and an Israeli government's excuse to kill Palestinians.

It is also useful to call each dead Palestinian a "known terrorist."  Give me a break.

Some Jewish people will include n their argument something about Gaza, and current circumstance as a talking point.  These Jewish people want  to highlight involvement of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, a red herring.  It took a war in 1948 to create Gaza as Egypt's military HQ.  Gaza might never have been created without Jewish settlements taking / occupying more Palestinian lands than they should have.  So it is a "dog whistle" to say Gaza's power was turned off by Hamas.  So what?  Gaza is irrelevant to the Israeli soldiers killing Palestinians.   should have never ended up as a blockaded neighborhood in the first plac.

Second, while I will grant there was likely an orchestrated part to the riot, no doubt, but the riot WAS provoked by the US move and the ceremony. 

Third, Jewish people and Jewish supporters will not like this, but the extremism of those organizers, likely Hamas, and maybe other "terror" groups as labelled by their enemy, Israel, has a logic from the colonialism of the Jewish governments since 1920.  Zionism is its own form of terrorism.

Fourth, finally, there is no doubt about the SPONTANEOUS FRuSTRATION OF THE PALESTINIANS. 

Palestinians do not want to be killed, but if there is no hope, anyone would fight and riot.

The riots occurred and many Palestinians are dead, so do these people deflecting the reason for the riots feel better if the Embassy move was not the reason for the riots?  If Jerusalem was the capitol of Israel before the move, why did the US have to put their Embassy there if it was already defacto the capitol?

What could Jewish people and the government of Israel have done differently starting in 1920 that would have made war and terrorism by Arabs and Palestinians NOT NECESSARY? 

The Israeli's could have been RESPECTFUL AND CONSIDERATE of Palestinian people in a land where Jews were outnumbered 10 to 1 in 1920!

I had a cartoon to show you the evolution of the portioning of Palestine, but took it down so you could see the documented version and MAYBE understand the problem was created by the United States actions along with Britain and France.  The original Jewish settlements were miniscule!

American government and Israeli/Jewish government choose the narrative to support their choices, like evolving the two state goal of the Balfour Mandate into a terror situation where Israel is merely defending itself by taking Jerusalem as its capitol. 

America enabled the extremism that is terrorizing the Israeli-Palestinian battles.  Why did we have to spit in the face of the Palestinians by ceding Jerusalem to Israel even if the "reality" is that Israel had primary possession of that city?  

America's action to move the embassy is a childish way of making an argument worse!

THAT city was the ONLY hope Palestinians had for a two state solution promised to them in 1947!

We've diminished hope for peace by either side by the opening of an American Embassy in Jerusalem.  It makes a HUGE difference that Israel is backed by the largest army in the world, the USA army.  Why does Hamas think they need to get involved?  THAT American army I just mentioned!

From 1947, the USA is responsible for the mess in Palestine, and the United States has a duty to fix it, not f**k it up with their personal, memory loss "reality."  John Bolton conveniently ignores America's culpability in this fiasco to push his belligerent, "shoot-ready-aim" agenda.

America is comfortable blaming others for problems, take the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and their terrorism for example.  See "The Origins of ISIS" in The Week, 17 November 2015, page 36-37. 

America pre-emptively bombed Iraq into a war in 2003 based on bad intelligence and lies about weapons of mass destruction (rather like we are now preparing to do to Iran in 2018). 

A 2012 report by the US Defense Intelligence Agency indicated Islamic militants were organizing in Iraq and Syria and our government, our White House chose not to respond.  The White House hoped ISIS could be left alone to destroy itself somehow.  The apparent ISIS leader, Zarqawi, had a vision more apocalyptic than bin Laden and the al Qaida.  We killed Zarqawi in 2006, but ISIS was founded 4 months later.

The United States gave the impetus to the birth of ISIS when we disbanded the Sunni Iraq Army and many Sunni's had no where to go, but to join a group intent on creating an Islamic State! 

Many deaths and millions of dollars later, a "coalition" force "defeated" what WE created in Mosul.  We had to win back Mosul for the Iraquis because ISIS captured Mosul in 2014!

In defeating ISIS the coalition force destroyed Mosul, and like all of Iraq, the infrastructure of the country.  By some miracles Iraq seems to be recovering from total destruction by the Americans EVEN WITHOUT REALISTIC FINANCIAL SUPPORT. 

It is ironic America fails to acknowledge and accept the blame for ISIS terror.

People like John Bolton choose to ignore America's culpability, and hI am certain e KNOWS the history.  He has to know the evil history of America partitioning Palestine, or he is either evil incarnate, the Devil, or dumber than a rock.

The move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem fails to acknowledge America's fault in this mess.  John Bolton is giving misleading advice to Tweety.

"Trump, Netanyahu, and a Day of Dangerous Fictions at the New U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem"
By Bernard Avishai                  May 14, 2018


"On Sunday, the national-security adviser, John Bolton, told ABC’s “This Week” that the U.S. move of its Embassy to Jerusalem, the following day, was merely “a recognition of reality,” but it was actually a suspension of disbelief. Participants at the ceremonial opening, led by a delighted Benjamin Netanyahu and most of official Israel, advanced the fiction that Jerusalem, the “heart of the Jewish people for three thousand years,” has been an undivided, peaceful home to the great monotheistic religions for fifty years, since the city was unified under Israeli control; the fiction that Israel’s military steadfastness and sacrifice were implicitly being rewarded by the world’s superpower and Israel’s ally, the U.S.; and the fiction that Donald Trump’s transfer of the Embassy is as historically consequential as Harry Truman’s recognition of Israel at its founding. American participants in Monday’s festivities—Trump’s family and friends, many in official capacities; Republican legislators such as Lindsey Graham who pride themselves on being “pro-Israel”; assorted evangelicals; and select American Jews—came with a fiction of their own: namely, that the move “advances peace.” As the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, put it in a State Department briefing, the move forces “people” (by which he seemed to mean Palestinian leaders) to acknowledge that “circumstances are changing” and that they’d have to “get on board before events overtake them.”"

History shows Israel, many Jewish people, has been a willing participant in creating an environment for extremism, hate, and terror.  These Jewsih people make history what they want it to be, rather than what it really is.  Certainly there are fair minded people in Israel, but the extremists rule Israel and these extremists will stop at nothing to satisfy their hunger for dominance, even if undeserved, and even if in bad faith.

Sadly there are writers, journalists, like the following, who try to paint a pretty picture over what is the Israeli incursion on PALESTINIAN LANDS over years from 1920 to today, 2018.

"The Big Lie: Anti-Semitism and the ‘Occupied Palestinian Territories’"
Europe can't seem to forgive the Jews for the Holocaust
By Ziva Dahl • 04/08/16

It is not a lie at all.  It is objective FACT that the Balfour Declaration stated a TWO STATE solution was the goal.  The confused author starts like this:

"The “occupied Palestinian territory” is neither “occupied” nor “Palestinian.”"

The author contradicts himself in his article when he states the fact that the land was Palestine before the Jewish settlements were authorized by the UN.  He's lied or at best mischaracterized the situation for his self-interest.  He admits the fact Palestine existed and it belonged to Palestinians.

"The 1917 British Balfour Declaration provided for a Jewish national homeland in the area called Palestine. [The "lie" is not lie.] In July 1922, the League of Nations, recognizing “the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine,” gave Britain the Mandate for Palestine, including the responsibility to encourage the establishment of a Jewish national home within territory which included today’s Jordan, Israel, the “West Bank” and Sinai. Before the Mandate was finalized in 1923, 75 percent of the land designated for the Jewish homeland was taken away and given to Transjordan, now called Jordan."

Where did the UN get the power to cede land to Jews in an Arab land?  Why did the mandate use the word "Palestine" if Palestine did not exist?  And how is this notion that the nation did not exist relevant if the fact the ethnic count was 10-1, Arab to Jew, in that land when the UN gave Jews the right to settle there?  And why did the Jews assume there would be no problems as they moved into this foreign land given to them by Western Powers and the UN? 

The writer's excuse for not "occupying" the Palestinian lands is that there were several wars fought where Arabs and Palestinians tried to recover THEIR land.

"The U.N., whose Charter recognizes the Jewish rights under the League’s Mandate for Palestine, passed Resolution 181 in 1947, recommending a partition of Mandatory Palestine into two states: one Jewish, the other Arab. The Jews accepted partition and, in May 1948, declared their independence.

The Arabs rejected partition [Duh!  OF COURSE THE ARAB NATIONS REJECTED WHAT THEY SAW AS A LAND GRAB!  Who gave the UN  the right to take the land?  Jews have rejected Palestinian claims for land ever since, and killed Palestinians to keep that land, and to expand their settlements far beyond ever intended.] , and five Arab armies invaded the nascent Jewish state. An armistice agreement was signed; Egypt controlled Gaza and Jordan controlled the “West Bank” and eastern Jerusalem. Jordan ruthlessly expelled all Jews and obliterated all historical vestiges of Jewish presence in that land. For 19 years, there was no international pressure to end Jordan’s rule."


Defenders of Israel ignore history, and the extremist, even many moderates, will "cherry pick" stories of terrorism by Arabs against Jews to justify their reign of terror. 

I have read the stories and feel bad for anyone killed on either side, and that is the point.  People on BOTH SIDES are dying, not just one side.

Where is the history lesson on TV as crazy people make Jerusalem the capital of Israel!  This means chaos, and the death of the two state solution sought and PRMISED in 1947 you FOOLS!

Arab-Israeli developments: 1947 Brits recommend partition of Palestine to make a state for both Palestinians and Jews.  Who wanted two states in 1947?  

1948 Israel declares is independence and, as might be expected in a time where Arabs outnumber Israelis in the territory, 10 to 1, Arabs invade Israel.

In 1949 an Armistice is signed by Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria.

The Suez Canal became a battle zone in 1956 as Egypt nationalized it.  This led to a British, French, and Israeli invasion that failed to gain any support from other nations.

 In 1957 the Israeli forces withdrew from the Sinai Peninsula.

In 1967 Egypt closed the Strait of Tiran to Israeli shipping leading to a 6-day war with Israel.  Other Arab nations joined against Israel, which ended June 10.  Israel won the war and chose to occupy Sinai.  The cease-fire ended in 1969.

There is so much history it is hard to pack it into a blog, but I will ry to give you a sense of the stupidity of saying the Palestinians have no reason to fight for a state of their own, and to have East Jerusalem for that state.

There is an extensive history of Western meddling in the Middle East designed to keep oil flowing to the Western world for industry and general consumption, supposed "stabilization," and to keep the Soviets Union out.  USA has shipped weapons of war to Israel to "balance" the scales (President Kennedy, 1963).  Britain introduced the issue of Palestine partition to the UN in 1947 proposing separate Jewish (a religion) and Arab STATES in Palestine.

The article above, ""Trump, Netanyahu, and a Day of Dangerous Fictions at the New U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem" by Bernard Avishai on the fiction concludes:

"It remains to be seen whether the Trump Administration has any intention of challenging Israel’s veto over whether Palestine is even to be. Today, at least, Netanyahu, Kushner, and Trump, enveloped in fiction, did not seem particularly troubled by the prospect."

No state for Palestine after the promise of 1920.  God this is evil!  Israel has committed the worst possible crime against Palestinians, "Trumping" all terror and extremism Israel has ever witnessed.

Sad!  Not just, not fair.  Tyranny is an ugly beast, always part of America's narrative it seems.

Ziva Dahl and many other pick points in time as history unfolds to create a false narrative for the Jewish state without a Palestinian state.  These people even make claims to a land they did not live in, in a time when Jews were outnumbered by Arabs 10 to 1!  In 1939 thee were 1 million Arabs to 445,000 Jews in Palestine. 

It is only the words in a book, written by truly unknown authors, and a prophet who may or may not really have existed, that enables the Jewish people to argue they should have all the land the Arabs once occupied as their HOME!

It is fascinating to me to read what the defenders of the Jewish occupation will write, contradicting themselves within their own argument.

Lok to this link:

"Fact or fiction: Jews stole Palestinian land before 1948
From the beginning of World War 1 Arabs were claiming Jews stole Palestinian land and displaced them. However, the majority of the land in this region was owned by the Ottoman Empire (subsequently the British) and absentee landlords who lived in Cairo, Damascus and Beirut. During this period 80 percent of the Palestinian Arabs were impoverished peasants, semi-nomads and Bedouins… not wealthy landowners.1

The region was severely underpopulated which meant the Jews were able to avoid buying land in areas where Arabs might be displaced, which they did. [Oh, so the Jews bought the land, they did not occupy it.  That makes it worse, my friend.  Jews, you say,took advantage of the poor!] They sought land that was largely uncultivated, swampy, sandy, and most importantly, without tenants. [Really?  Jews bought the crappy lands?  Come on man!  The narrative has to have some truth somewhere to be sensible.] In 1920, David Ben-Gurion expressed his concern about the Arab fellaheen (peasants), whom he viewed as “the most important asset of the native population” he said “under no circumstances must we touch land belonging to fellahs or worked by them”. He advocated helping liberate them from their oppressors. “Only if a fellah leaves his place of settlement,” Ben-Gurion added, “should we offer to buy his land, at an appropriate price.” 2"

Be-Gurion sounds reasonable, but were his ideas followed or suppressed by later extremists?  Was this situation what the people who lived in their land that were NOT Jewish wanted?  This reads like colonization, not really the nice story Jewish people would like you to see.