A fool loves being foolish.
Kimberly Klacik likes the publicity and how she's being treated by Fox and the GOP, but one day she will learn what is happening. KK is only another TOKEN black in the midst of White Nationalists. I hope, wish I am, was wrong . . . I think I am right tho.
It is sad to me to see black people HELPING Donald Trump in any way, although I can see a tiny bit of truth in what some say in defending Trump's rash, ugly tweets.
To add to the ugliness, KK goes to Fox News to help Trump's "State TV" continue to divide the country into ugly, ignorant, hateful, angry, hypocritical, uncompromising, undemocratic Tribes.
The Good Samaritan (see parable in Luke 10 of any Christian Bible) be damned if these Tribes will help their neighbor!
"Kimberly Klacik: Dems don't know how to fix Baltimore problems, attack Trump instead"
By Charles Creitz | Fox News
"Democrats are criticizing President Trump in his feud with Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., because they cannot fix the problems in these cities, Kimberly Klacik, a Republican strategist and activist in Baltimore County, said.
The bleak conditions in some of the Charm City's neighborhoods have been that way for years, Klacik claimed on "The Ingraham Angle."
Host Laura Ingraham asked Klacik why Democrats are, "doubling down on failure."
"Honestly, it's because they don't know how to address it," Klacik responded."
As KK would say, "Honestly, the people leading Baltimore are failures." That doesn't help a bit KK, not in any way, shape or form. Thanks.
Sure, the bully might have a point about Baltimore problems, but do you really think slamming the people like this in public helps? Come on man! You know public shaming only elicits defensive behaviors.
KK, are you as ready to admit Trump failures helping Baltimore? Trump justice polices contribute to Baltimore issues, i.e., police reforms funding cut off by Jeff Sessions a while back? How about no infrastructure program delayed by Trump so he can build a billion dollar wall, send ~$750 billion to DoD, and cut taxes for the rich and accelerate the growth of our deficit as never before? How about cutting back aid to the poor by the Trump administration?
KK, are you ready to be "Fair and Balanced" on Laura Ingram show or are you a female "Uncle Tom" for Fox and Laura?
"Klacik claimed the government's response to the living conditions in parts of Baltimore have been much slower than the city's 2017 removal of Confederate monuments, which happened quickly after the announcement of the move -- in the aftermath of protests and violence in Charlottesville, Va. that summer.
The four statues removed included monuments of Robert E. Lee and “Stonewall” Jackson monument, a Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument, a Confederate Women’s Monument and the Roger B. Taney Monument. Taney, a native of Calvert County, Md., served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and authored the 1857 Dred Scott decision upholding slavery.
"I had to remind people today when Baltimore City officials wanted to get rid of the Confederate statues, they did that overnight," Klacik said.
"That trash, I was there today, it's still there today," the Republican strategist added."
What is your point KK? That removing slave statues is secondary to removal of trash? Which is easier? BTW, do you recognize what those statues stood for?
KK, by defending Trump, you may as well pull a sheet over your head. He called Elijah a racist and you go to another white racist, Laura Ingraham, idiot she is, to beg permission to kneel down and give the White Nationalists the words they seek from a subservient black woman defending Trump?!
KK, you sick girl!