As I pass time after 70 years I look back and back and back. We lose touch with our lives as we throw out "old" stuff. There goes a memory . . .
Nintendo NES Classic edition is enjoying a new life, it's going into production again. Hurray!
I'm getting really old. I am 70, but my mind is 30-ish, wishing the body was thirty so I could do better things. It is too late. My skin is dry, wrinkled, and loose, despite good health. I drink a lot, meaning I get buzzed most nights on different alcoholic "drugs." Ha! The "War on Drugs" is a HUGE waste. I get high every night! And that wrinkles my skin. I am in a constant state of dehydration I think, and I think that makes my skin more wrinkled and old looking, saggy, like an alligator or something alien.
We get old, if we're lucky. Aging is part of life, like death. We are alive, we live, then we die and turn to dust and dirt.
Not to worry folks, if you are religious or spiritual you can be optimistic and expect heaven or something like heaven. If you are neither religious or spiritual, you have no expectations, and you can be happy you have nothing to fear, not judgement or that thing religious people call "help" because religious people hope bad people will be punished severely ala Dantes Inferno after death.
Ha! We'll also be fine in our death.
I think as I write this that lost conversations are even bigger than tossed things, though things hold cherished memories. I think about what I never discussed with mom and dad, or grandma and grandpa, aunts and uncles . . .
I never delved into how dad got into the Army for example, but the is so much more I missed S I rushed through my late teenage years focused solely on myself.