This blog entry is repetitive and disjointed on purpose.
I update my web site lead comments frequently, and I cut and paste the entry here as I cover President Trump's covid-19 response. It evolved over time to more unhinged fake leadership, and more obvious rebellion and aggressively anti-democratic behavior.
Good acts of our federal government are constantly over-shadowed by STUPID, IGNORANT, UNNECESSARILY FOOLISH deeds.
Kushner sending aid to Red States over Blue states, ignoring infection & death numbers to praise Trump's gov't effort, the National Strategic Reserves are for "us" not the states. Then Pence models no mask 29 April where everyone was wearing a mask! Mike disrespected the policy so he could make eye contact; masks don't cover eyes! Barr threatens Governors safety lock-downs as illegal. China PROBABLY COVERED COVID-19, BUT NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO ATTACK China. TRUMP'S leadership is chaotic, inconsistent, unfocused, premature post-mortem on China's efforts. Plenty of blame to go around as Trump has also lied. My friends ignore Trump goofs, like his death count too high & inject bleach ideas! Undercounted dead? Drink Lysol? We all know the dead are undercounted. Trump's version of sympathy for the dead is a victory lap for the 70,000 dead? He says One is bad, then says we may see 100,000? Will that be a victory? Trump's style promotes fear, his politics & ignorance cause protests for "Bill of Rights" - "freedom," says we have plenty when we lack test kits! "I'm not a doctor." Trump's Right so why muse about injecting bleach? Trump is reckless, foolish = inject Lysol bleach caused people to drink it Then he feigned surprise! It's not sarcasm; in a covid-19 briefing it was incredibly stupid! Fox News trained puppet lady "Press Secretary" says video was "out of context." Videos show context and are not biased! To Trump covid-19 briefings are useless unless he can play politics,
Trump says the National Strategic Stockpile belongs to "us" but "us" is the United States Governors. Trump says China lies and created covid-19 on purpose but he thanked China 24 Jan. US CDC was alerted to coronavirus 3 Jan! Trump seeks distractions from his failures: doctors and hospitals are stealing PPE, the W.H.O. screwed up but they warned world early Jan of covid-19, W.H.O. favors China but why would they as W.H.O. depends on the USA for funding, covid-19 is a Democrat hoax, the media is nasty and hates him when they ask hard questions - the media lies - he sues the media for reporting his words - he loves "nice" questions, Obama gave him a broken test as a spin on reality in his daily election rally covid-19 "news conferences," truth is Obama asked a Republican Congress for about $10B for pandemics in 2014 which GOP denied, Obama warned Trump in 2016 transition of office that a pandemic was coming. Trump plays doctor citing massive use of a malaria drug which has invested in but it is killing people and not "quick cure." Trump's ideas are "killer ideas."
If the "Liberators" who protest lock downs limit their infections to their families + co-workers , it's their choice. when These people shout "Whatever happened to 'Give me liberty or give me death'?" I have to reply What about my right to life? I thought Only ISIS & domestic terrorists used germ warfare! If President Trump spent 1/10th the energy leading the covid-19 war in a mature manner which energy wasted to spin his Government's "perfect" effort fighting covid-19, we'd be good. Americans & GOP choosing to ignore Trump's poor leadership are enabling Trump's worst traits. Trump is do anything to get re-elected. he prints his name on stimulus checks hoping to buy votes when Congress put that stimulus together not him, he got a ~$500B slush fund in that stimulus bill to buy more votes, the Federal Reserve has ~450B to lend at his pleasure to buy votes, the stimulus excludes any benefit to him or his family but it includes help for hotels - Trump has a lot of hotels that will get help, Trump's "leadership" has made America the world epicenter of covid-19 infections with over 40,000 deaths with those numbers likely very under counted given so little testing in America, Trump says test kits are plentiful and they but there are not enough to test even 100,000,000 of 360,000,000 Americans - many more test kits are needed, Trump says we should open for business Easter Sunday, then says open for business 1 May, says he has total authority to reopen economy then says the Governors are totally responsible for opening their economy, Trump says Governors are not appreciative of all the Federal help so he threatens to slow aid, he says Governors are asking too much when Trump could not possibly know what they need, Trump says the National Strategic Stockpile belongs to "us" but who is "us" if not the United States Governors, Trump says China lies and created covid-19 on purpose, Trump says doctors and hospitals are stealing PPE, Trump says it's the W.H.O. that screwed up the warning for covid-19 and W.H.O. favors China even though W.H.O. depends on the USA for funding then Trump says he won't give W.H.O. any more money, Trump says the Voice of America favors other nations more than USA even tho they depend on USA funds so he wants them shut, Trump said covid-19 is a Democrat hoax, he says the media is nasty when they ask hard questions - the media lies - he sues the media for reporting his words - he loves OAN because they ask "nice" questions, Trump says Obama gave him a broken test as an example of his information spin in his daily election rally covid-19 "news conferences," Trump says it's OK for "Liberators" to protest against public health orders (Lock Downs) and risk a new wave of covid-19 infections because Governors ask for too much help and should not lock down their states, Trump leans toward Death Panel thinking for a certain number of Americans to die to reopen the economy, he says this drug (which Trump have invested in) or that drug is a quick cure, he says this will be over soon and we'll have a "V" economic recovery like a light switch, Fauci should be fired, masks are voluntary and Trump doesn't wear it because he receives so many visitors, the Air Force Academy is sadly "politically correct" as they practice proper public health care social distancing during graduation. says he is a cheerleader (not the Leader?), everyone and everything is at fault, but not Trump. Trump has endless excuses & deflects all accountability! 13 March 'I don't take responsibility at all': Trump deflects blame for coronavirus testing fumble." tRUMP steadfastly argues against massive testing despite successes in Taiwan, south Korea, & Singapore. More waves of infection are coming, even in these places. pandemic experts and common sense tell us testing is essential to restarting the economy. Trump is terrorizing the country creating massive chaos to bring violence and disease that will bring America to its knees.
there is irrefutable evidence Trump was slow and weak responding to covid-19. Trump inspires careless behaviors like candace owens no face mask in wash dc, Michigan political protest - "I'd rather die than lock down." Fox News Laura Ingraham wants Americans to see the pandemic as a hoax of extremism, and wants us to go back to work. Laura uses 20-20 non-medical hindsight, manipulating variables in the formulae to find best case numbers for a pandemic, to say we should not waste money to get ready for worst case? Laura says it's better to have fewest number of beds and ventilators? OK, Laura, let's get rid of the National Strategic Stockpile because it not needed every day? The Governors asked for a trillion dollars? BTW, even if approved, the money takes time to dole out, Laura, so if not used, it goes back to the Treasury. Laura says the Gov will have to print money to help states, that this can hurt the economy. what is the stimulus plan doing? Printing money! Laura says lock downs hurts liberty and wants church to hold services? Let's all spread covid-19, right Laura. Laura talks out of both sides of your face. Laura, the pandemic is not about you or mr. trump, it is about saving lives. On 14 April Trump hosted another political rally under covid-19 cover, saying he can order states to open businesses. unconstitutional. then he eats his words later and puts all responsibility on the governors. As always, Trump fears responsibility and accountability. Why did Governors have to force Trump to support testing to go to work, wearing masks, or social distancing? Trump has always lacked any ability to lead in a crisis, hurricanes baffled him too. Trump sues networks reporting his words? Trump shows cowardice when journalist's ask hard questions. Fox News called him a third-grader. now USA has ~36,000 DEAD FROM COVID-19! President Obama requested funding for a pandemic infrastructure in 2014; the world economy would not be crashing if Congress had acted on his request. Pontius PILATE washed HIS HANDS OF responsibility for JESUS. In March 2020, Trump washed his hands of America, shirking all responsibility for covid-19. America's absent leader is turning his followers, his conspiracy loving, government hating non-believers of covid-19, "it's a Democrat hoax" BOTS, into a raging covid-19 carrying system gang.
Trump is turning his people against the Governors.
It looks to me that tweeting what one thinks in politics has rubbed off on every little person in politics, as Trump intended.
Did Marco Rubio, FL, decide tweeting his inner thoughts was wise? When did bullying "enemy of the people" media to say they are GLEEFUL of covid-19? Is tweeting inner evil, ugly thoughts a good thing to do?
Trump’s Pandemic Plan: “Absolute Authority,” No Responsibility
The novel coronavirus brings out the same old, same old President.
By Susan B. Glasser - April 17, 2020
If Donald Trump was not President this would be funny.
Pontius Pilate washed his hands of Jesus.
Trump washed his hands of responsibility for covid-19, and abdicated his office, abandoned America.
Americans are in the covid-19 fight alone with a President unable to lead.
A "LEADER" who takes no responsibility "AT ALL" is not a leader.
Trump fears accountability.
Trump covers every possible outcome in his misinformation campaign, like a gambler, and if one guess hits, one guess is right, he says he is a very smart man.
You know what that really says? Even a BLIND SQUIRREL FINDS AN ACORN ONCE IN A WHILE!
Trump says he is doing a perfect job America, but we see he is not doing anything helpful whatsoever.
The Federal Government is helping despite Trump, NOT because of anything Trump offers.
Trump insults everyone, the media, Governors, Mayors, hospital workers.
Trump does more to interfere & diminish aid than help, saying the National Stockpile is for "us?" This time "us" really is the "US" as in USA!
Trump is leading from behind, hurting America with his meltdowns and bad information, and his "gut" notions of what medicine works, what is coming in the infections, Easter church services, back to work 1 May, or what we need.
Trump appears to be in a PANIC, showing his cowardice daily.
America will get thru the covid-19 crisis not because of Trump. but despite Trump.
Americans will succeed because of Dr. Fauci, not by Trump's ineffective, idiotic and cowardly version of "leadership."
Trump will praise himself no matter good or bad, blame everyone else for any mistake or failure, continue to fear accountability, take the lead in spreading misinformation, and focus on re-election.
In April, "What do I know? I'm not a doctor." yet Trump advises use drug he literally has a financial stake in?
Trump says of World Health Organization: "WHO blew it!" to deflect focus on his huge failing effort.
Trump did not take covid-19 seriously for 2-3 months.
Early in March Trump said only 15 people are infected & all will get well quickly, later said 35 are dead, now it is 15,000 9 April (understated for sure with only 2,000,000 tests of 340,000,000 people) and he says we're doing well?
30 March Trump ghoulishly announces 100,000 deaths will be his success!
Trump is gaslighting America - see his daily news conference rallies commentary for yourself.
8 April Trump meltdown shows he is after praise, fealty, and loyalty at any cost.
The Coronavirus crisis shows Trump refuses to hear any criticism, demanding appreciation.
President Donald Trump not a leader, he is an opportunist, guessing what to do next.
America, are you so beaten by Trump's bullying you allow him to manipulate you this way?
As Trump claims to want "unity" he says there is no need to talk to Nancy Pelosi! Trump FIGHTS "unity" he intentionally makes democrats angry; he says "unity," then says it is not necessary to talk to Nancy Pelosi?
We are in a Trump-made perfect storm, making America Vulnerable and weak
Donald Trump's daily political campaign news conferences shrouds the covid-19 news conferences and it makes me cry. He is manipulating Americans, and many are drinking his Kool Aid.
Trump called him "Little Marco," and talked about how much Marco would sweat in debates.
Marco Rubio acts like Trump in tweet bullying the media despite fact the media has lost friends and colleagues to covid-19. This is the kind of loyalty Trump BOTS feel they must show to earn crumbs from the Trump Table.
Marco Rubio is a political opportunist like Lindsay Graham, some would even use the term "political whore." Marco is definitely a hypocrite.
Marco Rubio Accuses Media of ‘Glee and Delight’ That US Has Passed China in Coronavirus Cases
As of midday Sunday, the U.S. has more than 136,000 confirmed case of COVID-19
Jeremy Fuster | March 29, 2020 @ 2:58 PM
ABC's Karl calls Rubio's tweet on media outrageous, hurtful
By - Associated Press - Monday, March 30, 2020
"“Who are you talking about, senator?” Karl asked during an appearance on ABC’s “The View.” Rubio has not clarified which media members he believes were gleeful about the number of U.S. cases.
[Jonathan] Karl said journalists at CBS and NBC News had died of COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, and two members of the White House press corps are suspected of having contracted the virus."
Marco, is Trump misleading Americans in any way about numbers? Marco, did you see and hear President Trump when HE said the number of infections is 15 and they will all get well very quickly?
I have seen and heard your King Trump downplay the numbers repeatedly and you said nothing.
Marco, you have not criticized or even commented on the White House slow response to covid-19 and many, many, many confused, mixed messages. Why are you intentionally blind to incompetence?
Marco Rubio finds his next act
The Republican senator is playing a key role in the coronavirus crisis. And he says he may run for president again in a post-Trump era.
"As chairman of the usually sleepy Small Business Committee, Rubio has a key position in the country’s response and recovery from the pandemic. His panel’s $377 billion lifeline for small businesses is a linchpin of Congress’ $2 trillion economic rescue package, and Rubio’s efforts are winning praise from Republicans and Democrats alike even as implementation of the program remains deeply uncertain."
Trump says 200,000 Americans could die from coronavirus, because he’s done “a very good job”
The goalposts just moved drastically.
By Aaron Rupar@atrupar Mar 30, 2020, 1:40pm EDT
After Repeatedly Downplaying Threat, Trump Now Says Keeping US Coronavirus Deaths to 100,000 Would Be a 'Good Job'
"There really are no words for this level of insensitivity and inhumanity. A serial killer would be jealous."
by Jake Johnson, staff writer Published Monday, March 30, 2020 by Common Dreams
Are you proud Marco for your cowardly, hateful, ugly, spiteful tweet? I bet you are. The cruelty of your tweet puts you in a league with the Big Buy, Tweety Trump.
Twitter hammers ‘subliterate imbecile’ Marco Rubio
March 29, 2020 - By David Edwards
"Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) was called out over the weekend after he claimed that reporters are expressing “glee & delight” at the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the United States.
Rubio made the remark in a tweet on Sunday.
“Some in our media can’t contain their glee & delight in reporting that the U.S. has more #CoronaVirus cases than #China,” he wrote. “Beyond being grotesque, its (sic) bad journalism.”"