It seems like this thing called "God's Plan" is that life is very hard, might be said to suck, while death is wonderful. Weird!
I just saw another college footballer, the Alabama Freshman QB, in a Tim Tebow-type manner, give, of course, all credit for the game victory to God, from when all blessings flow.
Even if the QB was referring to his "God given talent," it is wrong. That says God picks who gets talent? What about all people sharing talent? Is one person more worthy than another for talent gifts? Religion will say the QB earned it, but many people "earn" talent.
THAT, in my opinion, diminishes religion and makes God look pitiful, petty, and mean.
Why did God pick Alabama over Georgia? There are surely deserving Bulldog players, and pity the poor Christians who lost the game. The losers will say it's God's plan!
The circular logic is insane. Then they say it's part of God's plan either way, so we must have FAITH.
God knows what he (she) is doing? We may not know or understand the plan, but that is OK if we just believe. Our reward will come one day, maybe not in life, but in the afterlife!
What afterlife? Has anyone seen the afterlife? Nope, we must have FAITH and just BELIEVE.
I hear "believe me" from Tweety every day so, NO!, I will not, do not believe.
In these logic "tricks" the Church, formal Religion, various organizations, and especially governments, keep weaker, less powerful, ignorant, and poor peoples of the world IN THERE PLACE. Each group manipulated by religion looks to the future for good things.
Really? This awesome benefactor called "God," watched Alabama play football with Georgia, and in the end, God picked a winner? It's God's plan. God has a reason for doing everything, you just have to believe. God kills babies, adults, all creeds and colors a over the planet. What a busy, busy AND extremely cruel God.
I do not doubt religion and using God to explain things. I believe the spirituality works the magic, and that is fine. I am not disrespecting religion. It works, like any other belief, in the mind and body of the people who believe strongly, totally. People have cured themselves of disease the same way, by the power of their hearts and minds.
The fact is that God and religion were fabricated by mankind to survive the totally random cruelty of living. If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, right place at the right time, ALL 100% RANDOMLY, bad or good things happen.
People NEED a way to explain unique experiences.
People us theology, a deity, to get thru the random nature of life, to explain and justify everything as though it is part of an intricate, logical, even if confused, plan/architecture of for life.
EXAMPLE: Tweety is the anti-Christ, sent to destroy America and the world for all it's evil. The sad and stupid thing is that many innocents die and suffer under such a "plan" without any justification.
Bottom line: it's all useful, oppressive, mishandled, AND stupid. lol