Bit by bit President Trump it taking away every freedom Americans enjoy since our country was founded.
President Trump is taking action to circumvent courts, law enforcement, and reduce all of our freedoms via calling books he doesn't like "Classified," saying foreign businesses he fears are spies, declaring National Security for things like investigations into his tax fraud in NY, using National Emergency for things like building a Wall that will take years and have very minor effectiveness (tunnels, planes, east, west, and northern borders are open, and boats), and using frivolous lawsuits declaring libel against his enemies like the Washington Post. The US Justice Department is helping as led by a screwy, confused, mentally challenged AG Barr.
Here's my list of ways Trump is killing freedom in the USA.
1. Look at the first "case" of enforcing Trump/Barr adding Civil Rights Act of 1964 protection for Jews. Google it yourself. A college professor (in California of course - the state Tweety loves to hate) criticized Israel's treatment of Palestinians. This professor is being investigated by the US Justice Department for saying what everyone knows.
2. Trump and Barr will require DoD internet searches to do find otherwise free speech they don't like; Trump will punish free speech when it is critical of him. This new "Trump freedom" will persecute and prosecute people they do not like, example the professor who spoke against Israel's occupation of Palestine lands. Americans will only speak the controlled, allowed speech, "Trump Speech."
3. The TV news media will be whittled to one network if Tweety and Barr have their way, Fox News and Sinclair Corp.
4. The written media outlets will be whittled to only those who do not criticize Tweety. Change libel laws . . .
5. Trump and Barr want cell phone companies to help them break into encrypted phones any time they want without a subpoena. Guess what they will do with such a capability if they get it.
6. Trump and Barr want sole power to call people traitors, and lock them up or worse, execute them.
7. Trump is now freed by the GOP to seek help from any foreign power to get help for re-election in 2020. How many more elections will Trump Sr. run for? Trump Sr. can continue to be re-elected by proxy as Trump Jr. runs for the Presidency. Eric . . . daughter . . .
8. Can Trump also recruit foreign powers to tap cell phones as it is possible, feasible, even likely the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman hacked Amazon CEO Jeff Bezo's phone recently.
9 . The Oct 1, 2020 Transportation Security Administration "REAL ID" requirement is a tool to be used by government to limit travel and freedom if it chooses to do so. I can imagine a list from our government limiting immigrants or "enemies" from travelling.
#10 Trump seeks libel laws so he can sue CNN for showing him talking, a Trump fav.
#11 “Law enforcement” 75,000 requests Google give up customer data via subpoenas, wiretaps, and search warrants
#12 Lobbyists, 60 health care companies and trade organizations spent $309 million in 2019, much of it to influence Trump.
#13 Trump's administration tells lies about Huawei or any company we want to compete with to control the international market - jail for competition.
#14 Abusing national security justifications for tariffs which only Congress should be administering, so Trump can prohibit Europe from reasonable taxing Google - see Paul Krugman’s “our real trade policy: l’etat, cest Trump; Wall funding comes from a “national emergency” blithely declared while improvements in military housing is deferred another few years and an F-35 or two is dropped from the contract. How is hurting soldiers and cutting back on weapons in the national security interest?
#15 Section 230 - see David French in Time, to control Facebook and Google
#16 Stacking Supreme Court and Fed Courts with extreme conservatives who are biased toward Trump's wishes.
#17 Cutting State Dept staff and foreign aid that can help national security increases USA's dependence on DoD. DoD becomes central to our economy ultimately.
#18 The Trump-Barr-Pompeo team can do to limit our Freedom, they are free to do it. GOP doesn't care. For example, Pompeo dislikes women reporters, so he tries to intimidate them when they ask him hard questions. Trump praised one politician for body slamming a reporter asking tough questions.
#19 Attacks on business competitors who are doing better than US: “U.S. Officials Say Huawei Can Covertly Access Telecom Networks” – really? Trump administration ramps up push for allies to block Chinese company – do we believe this? Can we?
#20 Trump sending in “Storm Troops” to Boston to train ICE personnel to round up immigrants! ICE calls in reinforcements in Boston, other cities Officials target sanctuary jurisdictions for immigration enforcement, Feb 14, 2020
#21 Trump threatens lawsuits over Mueller probe - The president's posts represent the latest development in his renewed assault against the former special counsel's work. Trump sues his own government!
"Trump campaign sues Washington Post for libel over ‘false, defamatory statements’ about Russia ‘conspiracy’"
By Brian Flood, Brooke Singman Fox News
"The complaint claims that Greg Sargent’s June 13 article, “Trump just invited another Russian attack. Mitch McConnell is making one more likely,” contained the defamatory statement that Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded that Trump’s campaign “tried to conspire with” a “sweeping and systematic” attack by Russia during the 2016 election.
The complaint called the remark “false and defamatory,” noting that the opposite is actually true. [True and complimentary?]
“The Mueller Report concluded there was no conspiracy [Uh oh what now?] between the Campaign and the Russian government, and no United States person intentionally coordinated with Russia’s efforts to interfere with the 2016 election,” the complaint said.
A second Post article by Paul Waldman that was published on June 20 headlined, “Trump: I can win reelection with just my base,” included the comment, “Who knows what sort of aid Russia and North Korea will give to the Trump campaign, now that he has invited them to offer their assistance?”
The complaint said that this observation is also “false and defamatory” because there “has never been any statement by anyone associated with the Campaign or the administration ‘inviting’ Russia or North Korea to assist the campaign in 2019 or beyond.”
The Trump campaign feels the Post was “well aware at the time of publishing the foregoing statements that they were not true” but published then anyway.
“There also has never been any reporting that the Campaign has ever had any contact with North Korea relating to any United States election,” the complaint added. “Obviously, the Mueller Report is a public record that has been extensively reported in The Post.”
The complaint also claimed “there is an extensive record of statements from the Campaign and the White House expressly disavowing any intention to seek Russian assistance” and “there is not a shred of evidence that there have been any contacts between the Campaign and North Korea.”
The Trump campaign said it filed the lawsuit to “publicly establish the truth,” “properly inform” readers of true facts and “seek appropriate remedies for the harm caused” by the reporting. [Maybe the Trump campaign is trying to establish the truth, but Trump himself makes that difficult to prove since his public comments have insinuated "so what if Russia helped."]
“The articles at issue herein also are part of the Post’s systematic pattern of bias against the Campaign, designed to maliciously interfere with and damage its reputation and ultimately cause the organization to fail,” the complaint stated
“The Campaign was damaged in the millions of dollars, [Hard to prove this damage I suspect since donations kept coming in day after day, millions and millions and millions.] the specific amount to be proven at trial,” the complaint added.
Lawsuits for libel against media organizations by public figures must clear a high bar, and require a showing that the media organization was reckless in reporting a falsehood -- meaning either that the organization knew the information was false, or intentionally disregarded a significant risk that the material was false.
In a statement to Fox News, vice president of communications for the Post, Kristine Coratti Kelly, said: “It’s disappointing to see the President’s campaign committee resorting to these types of tactics and we will vigorously defend this case.”"
This case was no doubt ordered by Trump, and I am betting his legal team did not want to spend time this way because the legal standard for libel against the media is hard to swallow in a context of three years of Trump's public propensity for lies, >16,000 and growing.
#22 Trump inserts Collin as Director of Intelligence to curtail reports of Russia meddling in our election. Why does Putin like Trump as our Prez? Because Trump is destroying America.
#23 Pompeo (Trump) deny renowned German Professor a Visa to visit US for explain nationalism and far right hate politics.
#24 Trump says Bolton’s book uses “classified” info to block his book.
#25 Trump tells judge what Roger Stone’s jail sentence should be; thank God Judge ignored him and sentenced Stone according to the law. Soon Trump will pardon the drimenol Stone however. Plan on it.
#26 Trump appoints a loyalist with NO experience in the business of Intelligence as the Director of Intelligence, controlling the 17 agencies that said Russia hacked our 2016 election. Trump did this to control any reports of Russian influence in his election in 2020, attacking our Democracy at its core. All future public statements from this office is now tainted by Trump.
"Trump taps loyalist Grenell as nation’s top intel official"
By ZEKE MILLER and MATTHEW LEEFebruary 19, 2020 GMT
"Trump Names Loyalist Richard Grenell as Head of Intelligence"
Emma Tucker - Updated Feb. 19, 2020 7:39PM ET / Published Feb. 19, 2020 6:21PM ET
"President Trump on Wednesday named American ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell as the acting director of national intelligence, a move that could see a longtime loyalist installed at the helm of the country’s 17 intelligence agencies. "
#27 Trump pardons proven war criminals and fires Intelligence leaders who oppose him.
"William McRaven: If good men like Joe Maguire can’t speak the truth, we should be deeply afraid"
William H. McRaven, a retired Navy admiral, was commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command from 2011 to 2014. He oversaw the 2011 Navy SEAL raid in Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden.
"Edmund Burke, the Irish statesman and philosopher, once said: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Over the course of the past three years, I have watched good men and women, friends of mine, come and go in the Trump administration — all trying to do something — all trying to do their best. Jim Mattis, John Kelly, H.R. McMaster, Sue Gordon, Dan Coats and, now, Joe Maguire, who until this week was the acting director of national intelligence.
I have known Joe for more than 40 years. There is no better officer, no better man and no greater patriot. He served for 36 years as a Navy SEAL. In 2004, he was promoted to the rank of rear admiral and was chosen to command all of Naval Special Warfare, including the SEALs. Those were dark days for the SEALs. Our combat losses from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were the highest in our history, and Joe and his wife, Kathy, attended every SEAL funeral, providing comfort and solace to the families of the fallen.
But it didn’t stop there. Not a day went by that the Maguires didn’t reach out to some Gold Star family, some wounded SEAL, some struggling warrior. Every loss was personal, every family precious. When Joe retired in 2010, he tried the corporate world. But his passion for the Special Operations soldiers was so deep that he left a lucrative job and took the position as the president of the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, a charity that pays for educating the children of fallen warriors."
" . . . the president chose Maguire. And, like most of these good men and women, he came in with the intent to do his very best, to follow the rules, to follow the law and to follow what was morally right. Within a few weeks of taking the assignment, he [Joe] found himself embroiled in the Ukraine whistleblower case. Joe told the White House that, if asked, he would testify, and he would tell the truth. He did. In short order, he earned the respect of the entire intelligence community."
What happened?
" . . . Joe was dismissed for doing his job: overseeing the dissemination of intelligence to elected officials who needed that information to do their jobs.As Americans, we should be frightened — deeply afraid for the future of the nation. When good men and women can’t speak the truth, when facts are inconvenient, when integrity and character no longer matter, when presidential ego and self-preservation are more important than national security — then there is nothing left to stop the triumph of evil."
#28 Trump wants to influence DoD contract awards.
"Judge Halts Work on Microsoft’s JEDI Contract, a Victory for Amazon"
The judge ordered work to stop on a cloud-computing contract for the Pentagon until Amazon’s legal challenge was resolved.
By Kate CongerFeb. 13, 2020
I expect Trump to eventually cite national security or national emergency to get the contract for Microsoft ad hurt Amazon.
#29 Trump goes against States Rights trying to hurt Sanctuary Cities and Sanctuary States, and build a Wall on private property in Texas where non e is needed, and where Wall can do damage to the geography at the Wall site when floods come.