Tweety lost a billion dollars. What does that tell you?
He refuses to provide Americans an inside look at his alleged wealth by releasing his tax returns. What does that tell you?
Tweety has literally lied over 10,000 times and is lies often are bold face. What does that tell you?
Tweety is a serial adulterer too. What does that tell you?
The world values honesty, truth, ethics, fairness, justice. America under Tweety does not honor these characteristics.
"Not Everything Is a Zero-Sum Game"
By Gerhard Williams IV in National, The Soapbox February 28, 2017
"The world is not a zero-sum game. Companies like Nike and Apple are able to sell their products to us as at cheaper prices because of the evolving economy. Though they export their manufacturing jobs to keep costs low for consumers, they inadvertently create many more to replace them. Americans need to accept and understand the cyclical nature of industry: for all the jobs made redundant by technological advances, new jobs are created as a result of these advances. Trump’s promise to “bring back” now-outdated jobs is neither practical nor desirable. Though changes in the economy may seem scary, it’s the president’s job to provide Americans with the guidance and expertise we’ll need to manage this process."
"Donald Trump’s demolition theory of foreign policy won’t work"
Even if the president strikes a deal with North Korea, his approach will harm America and the world
7 June 2018
"In the short term some of Mr Trump’s aims may yet succeed. Iran’s politics are unpredictable and the economy is weak. Mr Kim probably wants a deal of some sort, though not full disarmament (see article). On trade, China would surely prefer accommodation to confrontation.
Yet in the long run his approach will not work. He starts from false premises. He is wrong to think that every winner creates a loser or that a trade deficit signifies a “bad deal”. He is wrong, too, to think that America loses by taking on the costs of global leadership and submitting itself to rules. On the contrary, rules help deter aggressors, shape countries’ behaviour, safeguard American interests and create a mechanism to help solve problems from trade to climate change. RAND, a non-partisan think-tank, has spent two years assessing the costs and benefits of the postwar order for America. It powerfully endorses the vision that Mr Trump sneers at—indeed, it concludes, this order is vital for America’s security."