Is using "national security" Trump's path to a dictatorship in our "Democracy." Will the GOP help him destroy our already weak democracy? Trump is doing much more dangerous things with his Executive Orders than Obama did when he was accused of being a dictator. Obama was not guiltless, but Trump is fast becoming a dictator.
"Trump’s dictator move is the real emergency — and we handed him the keys" Will Bunch Updated: February 17, 2019 - 1:47 PM
Will Bunch | @will_bunch | wbunch@inquirer.com
"So this is how liberty dies — with a rambling, incoherent monologue. President Trump’s bizarre — and, to be brutally honest, frightening — Friday morning appearance in the Rose Garden of the White House to announce that he’s invoking extreme presidential powers to declare a “national emergency” and build border wall that Congress refused to authorize was, in many ways, that moment that Trump’s harshest critics warned about after his shock election as our 45th president.And yet it was striking that when Trump’s dictator move finally came, there was a lot more banality than evil. After all, our general experience in conceptualizing an authoritarian power grab comes from the History Channel and grainy newsreels of 1930s’ autocrats thumping their chests. This was something else — in every sense of the phrase.
The import of what Trump was actually doing — triggering one of the most significant constitutional crises in American history — was buried in the alarming incoherence of the delivery. Instead of making the case for his bogus “national emergency," the short-fingered-vulgarian-in-chief presented an urgent argument for the 25th Amendment, the procedure for removing a president who is unwell."
"Sixty-eight minutes in Biarritz: A glimpse into Trump’s unorthodox mind"
By Josh Dawsey Reporter covering the White House August 26 at 4:09 PM
The Debrief: An occasional series offering a reporter’s insights
"BIARRITZ, France — For many minutes on Monday, President Trump stood on foreign soil at the close of the Group of Seven summit here and trashed his predecessor. He bragged about his personal properties from the presidential podium and suggested that he will hold next year’s G-7 gathering at his Doral golf course in Florida, which has “incredible” conference rooms and “magnificent” bungalows.And he defended both Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un, suggesting that the Russian strongman deserves an invite to future G-7 summits and that the North Korean dictator is an honorable man who will not let Trump down."
World leaders cannot understand Trump other than to see him as the buffoon he is, a card shark at the table with nothing to offer other than BS.
"He attacked former president Barack Obama’s intellect while defending Putin for annexing part of Crimea — a move that drove Russia’s expulsion from what was then called the G-8. To many world leaders, Putin’s move was illegal and had nothing to do with Obama. To Trump, it showed that his predecessor was a sucker and that criticizing him (along with former vice president “Sleepy Joe” Biden, in Trump’s words) was fair banter. He veered into a similar diatribe on Obama not enforcing a “red line” in Syria, though he was not queried on the topic."
"Don’t try to explain away Trump’s crazy ideas"
Michael Gerson 26 Aug 2019
"This process [of surrogates trying to explain and defend Trump's ignorant ridiculous ides] has a number of steps — the stages of servility. At first, there is stunned silence. (Did he really propose to buy Greenland?) Then the frantic search for hidden wisdom. (Climate change — which the president sometimes views as fake science — will melt Arctic ice, open sea lanes and turn Greenland into the Panama Canal of the north.) Then the determined Googling of historical precedents. (Harry S. Truman, it turns out, also contemplated a Greenland grab.) Then growing defiance. (Greenland has loads of zinc! Doesn’t America deserve zinc?!)"