The Handmaids Tale comes to mind at the SCOTUS decides to overturn settled law in Roe v Wade based on the words of a man who believed in witches in the 1600s. The US Tea Party, the American Taliban, have won. Gilead is imminent.
Slouching Towards Gilead [This 2021 article had no idea what was coming in 2022, but has useful insight into what 2023 will be like in America's Handmaids Tale.]
The Handmaid’s Tale showed the ease with which the unthinkable can become ordinary—a lesson crucial in the age of the Big Lie.
By Megan Garber
"When the TV version of The Handmaid’s Tale premiered in 2017, the show was a textbook piece of Trump-era resistance art—a direct reply to the preening misogynies of the newly elected president. Both the book and the show were timely parables of gendered violence, reminders that history can also move backwards. And they retain that power today: The Trump administration may have concluded, but its encroaching cruelties have not. State leaders are currently attempting to legislate away the rights of, among many others, trans people, of other LGBTQ people, of women. "
There is more about voting rights that can affect who governs our nation and decides what freedom we will enjoy. The GOP want us to feel normal about losing freedom like in the Handmaids Tale.
Overturning Roe v Wade will lead to outlaw same sex marriage and criminalize miscarriages. Outlawing Roe v Wade will make people spy on women, especially doctors who will be required to report every pregnancy so the law can monitor them, i.e. SPY ON PREGNANT WOMEN.
Lifetime appointments for US Supreme Court Justices is foolish, idiotic, insane. Who agreed to that? No human can be trusted to be ethical, honest, fair, and right for their entire life! No professor can either? No one should ever get lifetime jobs!
Yes, impeachment is a thing, but no one does it!
Five myths about the child welfare system
No, most children in foster care haven’t been rescued from abuse
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Perspective by Dorothy Roberts April 15, 2022
Perspective by Dorothy Roberts
Dorothy Roberts is the George A. Weiss University Professor of Law and Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. She is author of four books, including "Killing the Black Body" and "Torn Apart: How the Child Welfare System Destroys Black Families — And How Abolition Can Build A Safer World, which will be released by Basic Books in April.
"Myth No. 1
Child welfare workers mainly rescue children from abuse."
Freaking stupid excuse for abusing the poor.
"In fact, only 17 percent of children who enter foster care are in the system because they were physically or sexually abused. The vast majority of children taken from their parents by Child Protective Services are alleged to have been neglected, and most state statutes define child maltreatment in a way that interprets poverty — such as lacking food, housing and clothing — as neglect."
"Myth No. 2
Homes are investigated only if children are at risk of harm."
I call BS!
"Myth No. 3
Foster children are usually placed with loving families."
I wonder how CPS defines "loving family?" Do the rules even know what a "family" is? Or care? What can taxes afford? GROUP HOMES!
"In 2021, Think of Us, a research lab founded and directed by former foster youth, issued a report based on interviews with 78 young people who had recently lived in institutional foster-care placements. The study observed that they “frequently compared institutional placements to prison, as institutional placements have many functions of a carceral environment: confined, surveilling, punitory, restrictive, and degrading.”"
"Myth No. 4
Placing children in foster care improves their well-being."
Governments and politicians fool us all the time. Foster care was not well thought out.
"As early as 2007, MIT economist Joseph Doyle found that in borderline cases, children placed in foster care fared worse than those who remained at home on long-term outcomes, including juvenile delinquency, teen motherhood and earnings. A 2015 meta-analysis analyzing three decades of studies revealed that children’s developmental outcomes did not improve during their stay in foster care. Foster care can also be a pipeline to prison: A 2019 Kansas City Star survey of nearly 6,000 people imprisoned in 12 states found that 1 in 4 had spent time in foster care."
"Myth No. 5
This system was founded after the case of Mary Ellen Wilson."
Nothing is further from the truth as a white man institution saying abuse has occurred in a poor family of color, or even a poor family of white people.
"Few retellings of the origin story include how Mary Ellen became an abused child: Because her mother, an impoverished widow, was unable to care for her, she was placed in an adoptive home — where she was abused. Attributing the origin of the system to her case also ignores its actual history. By 1874, public authorities were already removing destitute White children from their parents, often to be placed in almshouses. Charitable organizations were establishing orphanages and foster homes in an attempt to reform that practice.
The child welfare system, which disproportionately targets, surveils and disrupts impoverished Black and Native American communities, can also trace its origins to other 19th-century practices. Courts ordered that Black children deemed to be neglected work in “apprenticeships” for former enslavers after the Civil War, and during the Indian Wars, the U.S. military forcibly took Indigenous children and placed them in boarding schools as a way to destroy their cultures."
A miscarriage willbe a crime? Hand Maid's Tale in USA.