At 72, after an early start in religion, Protestant, and growing up and watching life, studying sociology and some psychology, and observing people, it is clear to me that religion and spirituality help people get through life. That is a good thing.
I love religion, but distrust organized religion. Look at the Evangelicals who support Trump! My main problem, complaint is what religion promises people. The religions of the world promise magical solutions to all people's ills, and excuse all kinds of evil. Lately Nuns have been outed for sexual abuse, among many other religious crimes.
A telling example of the fact their is NO real, physical, all-powerful God, Jesus, Buddha (I know, he / she was not a deity), Allah, is that depictions always mirror what men want, and, oh by the way, they are always MEN! lol! It's funny to me.
However, it is also clear to me that religion can be used for evil. For example, there are Bible chapters, and verses written to control, abuse, punish and hurt people, and bestow power on people who use that power for evil purposes.
The Bible, Quran, all the religious "guides" and scriptures are not the words of a divine, all powerful entity, they are the words of men, possibly a few (not many) women. Buddha was just a man trying to help, never seen as an all powerful entity, for example. Even Buddha's advice and words must be scrutinized for perversions by followers, changed words or added words to control in an evil way.
The Bible is like the US Constitution, written by men, for white men, women and children and people of color or various other religions from Christianity were excluded.
The words of men should not lead you to hurt or judge or otherwise control people for any purpose. The words that help people lead THEIR best life are useful, but not the end all of existence.
The leaders in all the world's religions are not magical deities. They are people too, and anything they do to hurt or judge people as I note above.