Compare 700 rounds a minute in the narrative of urban, domestic, and suicide gun deaths! Think now. Have you thought about it? OK, now you KNOW there is a difference!
Read the cartoon and hopefully you will see Sean Hannity and Ivanka Trump are being at best, disingenuous about media coverage of gun violence. They are ignoring the 100 round drum of the Dayton, Ohio gun and that the man killed 9 people in 30 seconds!
Of course urban violence, domestic violence, and suicides by gun are covered by the media! It is the story that is different, VERY different when many, many people can be killed all at once, and in minutes! I
It's a thing to say "political correctness" has kept us from managing guns, White Nationalism. But this thinking is as stupid as stupid can be! We can manage gun access and use better, and we can call White Nationalists "terrorists" which is what they are.
CNN had a Trump surrogate on today, 7 August, and the ass criticized Dems as politicking the violence Trump promotes. He says right after shootings we should pray and be quiet. He's one of the politicians who wants to do NOTHING about gun violence! The man is stupid!
The surrogate wants us to believe Trump was on a mission of kindness, and not politicking when he went to the victims of the shootings as they lie in hospital beds? I'm guessing that Trump's photo op, where he bragged about attendance and crowds, was another of his "marketing" pitch shows, orchestrated so THAT he gets votes. Is that not politics? Come on man!
The surrogate cannot explain, or defend Trump's silence at "shoot 'em" in his rally, but he can say Trump is sincere? Trump's rally words are brazen and violent, but the surrogate wants us top believe what trump says and does is OK, that we should be praying for the dead rather than criticizing Trump. He says it's politics!
Bull shit! NOW, IMMEDIATELY is THE time to take action on gun violence.
Thoughts and prayers AGAIN! BULL SHIT!
Guns in America are out of control, and White nationalism is domestic terrorism. And Trump is at the center of the violent turn of our country!
Fox News is spreading shit, biased "alternative facts" that are not the truth America needs.
How Trump surrogates smugly do there "act" with a straight face is amazing. And somehow the liberals can't effectively respond!
Hitler's excellent propaganda man, George Goebbels would be proud as we see hate and stupidity spread by Fox News in America.
Each American that believes more guns will be good, or believe there is a hoax of White Nationalism, do so at risk. Guns will kill you, and domestic terror will kill you and take away your freedom. They will be next to pick out of the crown and kill or be abused.
"Sean Hannity’s solution to mass shootings: More guns in schools and shopping centers" [OK, but be sure only the "good guys" get to guard our children! Oh, right, who are the "good guys?" Are you one of the "good" guys Sean?]
By Travis DeShong Features reporting intern August 6, 2019
"Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity recently offered a solution for the country’s epidemic of mass shootings: more guns.
During his Monday night broadcast, Hannity suggested surrounding schools and shopping centers with armed ex-cops and retired military personnel. These proposed security forces would volunteer 15 hours a week of their time in exchange for paying no state or federal income taxes.
“They should be on every floor of every school,” Hannity said. “We could do that with stores. We could do that in malls. We can do that pretty much anywhere the public is.”"
Insane! Americans have guns everywhere and we have more gun deaths than any country, and we think we need MORE guns?! OBVIOUSLY more guns will just lead to more killings for many reasons including accidents!
"Hannity on mass shootings: 'Pray for every single person'"
By Victor Garcia | Fox News 6 Aug 2019
"Fox News' Sean Hannity went after those who used the shooting massacres in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio to attack President Trump and also made it a point to bring up other cities under siege by violence saying they are ignored by the media.
"We really need to pray for every single person, every family, every neighbor, everybody that was impacted by the horrific violence over the past weekend," Hannity said at the beginning of his television program.
"We also need to pray for everyone killed this weekend in Chicago, in Baltimore, in Detroit. Cities you don't hear a lot about."
Gun violence in Chicago this past weekend reportedly left at least seven people dead and 46 injured. [Good to see Hannity say this. It's true! Guns kill people everywhere. Urban gun deaths, suicide deaths, domestic gun deatsh, all of these guns must be controlled Mr. Hannity. Thanks for making the point FOR GUN CONTROL!]
The "Hannity" host called out the media for politicizing the tragedies to "bludgeon" Trump, saying he was appalled by their reaction.
"America tonight is in mourning and sadly, predictably, within minutes--I mean minutes-- there are people that raced to politicize, exploit acts of violence to score cheap, intellectually dishonest political points," Hannity said. [No, I don't think that was the intent sir. Life saving is the intent!]
Hannity also condemned the shooters saying they could all "rot in hell" and adding that American have a right to be upset and "demand that we fix the problem."
The Fox News host offered sympathy for the Americans suffering from violence saying they were all part of the "American family." [Alligator tears from Hannity - BS! He does not give f**k about the dead!]
"Innocent men, women and children gunned down in cold blood. It's happening every day in every big city all across this country. And by the way they're all part of our American family. Their families their loved ones, this is our family our United States," Hannity said."
Hannity inadvertently makes the case for gun control, then Hannity wants armed guards everywhere! Think of it. Think of the accidental police killings of unarmed people all over the country. How many kids will be killed by these school guards?
The fact is that mass shootings like El Paso a 5 August happen because guns are so easy to get, but mass shootings are only about 2% of gun deaths in the US. The deaths mentioned by Hannity are covered in the news, but are routinely ignored by everyone, including Hannity!
OK, now to Tucker Carlson - didn't he listen to President Trump declare White Nationalism as a bad thing, therefore WHITE NATIONALISM IS NOT A HOAX! Tucker, YOU ARE THE HOAX!
"Don’t miss the real story on white nationalism"
[In his piece, Chris Stirewalt overlooks the fact the President of the United States is what some call "Leader of the Free World." Chris seems to discount how being President also gives permission to Americans to do and say what the President does and says . . . a moral leader. I wonder if Chris is saying Trump is the exception to this fact of life since Chris thinks Trump is not at fault for the mass shootings, e.g., he did not literally pull the trigger, yet many GOP members say it is video games? If video games have such strength, why not a real person influencing behaviors and attitudes, the President? Then there is Trump's obvious White Nationalism, his hate and fear mongering.]
By Chris Stirewalt Fox News 5 August 2019
EMPHASIS: Chris is neither a sociologist, a psychologist, or a man with insight in violence. What follows is Chris saying Trump has not effectively, some would say Trump is even insincere in what he says as he reads from the teleprompter, (Toledo?!) denounced White nationalism. No one believes Trump's words saying White nationalism must be stopped. But according to Chris this facts don't matter.
According to Chris, change occurs from the bottom up, and Americans give too much power to the President. REALITY: Trump could denounce White Nationalism much more strongly and do things that can reduce this source of domestic terror, but he does not do it.
Chris says change must come from the bottom up, not top down from the Leader of the Free World. Nothing Trump says influences people, right? How about "Send them back!"? How about "shoot 'em?" How about praising body slamming a reporter?
Then there is the fact that Trump has actually had a very strong impact on what Chris calls the "bottom." THE WORST "BOTTOM" DWELLERS HAVE RISEN UP TO HATE AND KILL PEOPLE OF COLOR.
Yes, Chris, change does occur from the bottom up in a sadly revealing way - the ugly American underbelly has risen to the top, and it is ugly, cruel, sad, stupid White Nationalism and hate.
Chris, YOU COULD NOT BE MORE WRONG! Chris YOU missed the point of what the President is responsible for!
Fact: National Security is the President's JOB! Attitudes can be affected by what the President says. THE PRESIDENT'S WORDS MATTER!
" . . . what really made Charlottesville a cultural touchstone was President Trump’s response. He bungled the first couple of takes, batting around the issue with evident reluctance to blame a pro-Confederate-monument movement that he and his party were exploiting in that year’s elections.
After Trump slouched into a denunciation of white nationalism, he gunked it up with some drivel about there being “very fine people on both sides.” His botched response was the low point for his new administration. And it was such a big story because it fit so well with the way so much political journalism is done these days."
Chris tries to set the basis for his incorrect conclusion. Chris makes Trump look more at fault for White nationalism violence, in my opinion, and with Trump's favorable comments, Trump is responsible for the rise of White nationalism.
"Today, as he did following the Pittsburgh massacre, Trump followed the script for such moments. He denounced in absolutely certain terms not just the slaughter of 20 innocents at an El Paso, Texas Walmart, but also the white nationalism that apparently motivated the killer.
So here’s the question: Are you satisfied? "
No, a thousand times "No!" Trump is an idiot.
Chris, I am not safer, as you asked, and I see how insincere Trump is because he needs someone to write the damn words so he can read them denouncing White Nationalism (Toledo!? The teleprompter actually had "DAYTON!)
"Whether Trump screws up his responses, like he did two years ago, or says the lines as scripted (pace Toledo) as he did today, isn’t the main thing. If every story about the rise of ethnic violence perpetrated by white Americans is centered on one man, even if he is the president, then we are missing the story. "
Are we Chris? Are we missing the fact guns are easy to get and hate is promoted by our President in his war on immigrants? No, intelligent people, even poets like Toni Morrison see better than Chris as to what is going on under Trump, and what needs to change.
Trump's hate speech is causing hate, PERIOD, FULL STOP!
So here is Chris conclusion. WEAK! Unaware, incomplete . . . misleading.
"Presidents do not heal us or break us as a people. They are political leaders. When we invest such powers in them we not only open the way for demagogues but let ourselves off the hook for problems that can only be fixed from the bottom up."
Here's the necessary reply to Chris foolish, irresponsible, blind conclusion.
"What Toni Morrison Understood About Hate"
President Trump bears out the author’s warnings about the violence of language.
By David Remnick August 9, 2019
"In December, 1993, Toni Morrison flew to Stockholm to deliver the lecture required of those awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Her subject was the power of language. Words, she said, have the capacity to liberate, empower, imagine, and heal, but, cruelly employed, they can “render the suffering of millions mute.” Morrison was unsparing in her depiction of people who would use language to evil ends. Pointing to “infantile heads of state” who speak only “to those who obey, or in order to force obedience,” she warned of the virulence of the demagogue. “Oppressive language does more than represent violence,” she said. “It is violence.”"
Chris, you need to think thru these words because these words tell more, and are far more insighful than yours: "“Oppressive language does more than represent violence,” she said. “It is violence.”"
"Tucker Carlson’s claim that white supremacy is a “hoax” is false — but revealing
Tucker doth protest too much."
By Zack Beauchamp@zackbeauchamp zack@vox.com Aug 7, 2019, 12:55pm
"“It’s actually not a real problem in America. The combined membership of every white supremacist organization in this country would be able to fit inside of a college football stadium,” Carlson said in his Tuesday night monologue. “This is a hoax. Just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power.”
Carlson is lying to his viewers. While the number of people in organized white supremacist groups is small as a proportion of the population, their ranks have swelled since Donald Trump began running for president.
Simply counting members of white nationalist groups understates the actual threat: Recent white supremacist mass killers — like the one who attacked a black church in Charleston, a synagogue in Pittsburgh, and a heavily Latino group of Walmart patrons in El Paso — have not been card-carrying members white supremacist groups. They are radicalized independently and online, a kind of threat that’s much harder for law enforcement to predict and stop than a plot organized by a terrorist cell.
There are many indications that the white supremacist threat is growing. Data from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a Jewish anti-hate group, shows that right-wing extremists were responsible for the vast bulk of documented killings by political extremists in the United States in 2018. FBI Director Christopher Wray said in late July testimony that the FBI had already made as many domestic terrorism arrests in 2019 as it did in all of 2018 — and, further, that “a majority of the domestic terrorism cases that we’ve investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence.”"
Good job Tucker. Your racism is clear! Your hate is clear! Your ignorance is amazing! The evil you spread will haunt you.
"After the El Paso shooting, users on 4chan and 8chan say that Tucker Carlson has taken their talking points"
Carlson has been mentioned on 4chan and 8chan more than 19,000 times this year
Written by Alex Kaplan Published 08/07/19 2:41 PM EDT
"Just days after a gunman reportedly posted a white supremacist manifesto riddled with Fox News talking points on extremist message board 8chan and allegedly killed more than 20 people in El Paso, TX, Fox prime-time host Tucker Carlson said that the idea of white supremacy is a “hoax.” Meanwhile, users on 4chan and 8chan have praised Carlson since the shooting, arguing that the Fox host was taking his talking points from their message boards, which have been hot spots for white supremacy.
On August 6, discussing the recent mass shooting in El Paso, Carlson claimed that the issue of white supremacy was “a hoax” and “not a real problem in America.” Carlson made these claims even though the shooter’s manifesto featured talking points ripped from Carlson’s own show.
4chan and 8chan are known for hosting white nationalists. 8chan in particular has links to multiple shooters, including the alleged El Paso shooter. Users of these forums have discussed Carlson regularly -- and Carlson in turn has spoken up in their defense. A Media Matters analysis found that Carlson has been mentioned by the chans 19,808 times just in 2019 so far, 2,914 of which were on 8chan."
How wrong can you be Tucker, and how blind to the people you should protect?!
"Tucker Carlson wrongly tells his viewers the country's white supremacy problem 'is a hoax'"
By Brian Stelter, CNN Business Updated 11:30 AM ET, Wed August 7, 2019
We live in a different world when the President promotes violence.
"The Fight Against White Nationalism Is Different"
A growing chorus of voices is calling for the U.S. government to treat the threat from white-nationalist terrorists like the threat from Islamist extremists. The fight against ISIS offers some lessons—but also a cautionary tale on U.S. failures to combat an ideology.
Mike Giglio 7 August 2019
"During the war with the Islamic State, I sometimes heard U.S. officials and analysts express something like relief that the group had declared a “caliphate” with recognizable borders in Syria and Iraq, even flying its flag atop Mosul’s historic Great Mosque of al-Nuri. A state was something the U.S. military could take away. An ideology is much harder to defeat. That’s the problem America faces as it grapples with the threat of white-nationalist terrorism today."
Low and behold, domestic terror is more threatening to the US citizen than ISIS!
"Last weekend’s shooting in El Paso, Texas, in which a gunman targeting Hispanic immigrants killed 22 people at a Walmart, is the latest in a series of painful reminders that Americans are under attack by adherents of another extremist ideology. U.S. authorities were quick to label it an act of domestic terrorism, amid a growing chorus of voices calling for Islamist and white-nationalist extremism to be treated as similar threats. “FBI classifies it as domestic terrorism, but ‘white terrorism’ is more precise."