Did the movies Deer Hunter, Dirty Harry, Apocalypse Redux, Deliverance go too far? Do we need to call it "Art" to allow ourselves to see what is reality? Well these movies, while having some horrific content, no where near match reality!
Reality is much worse!
We should allow ourselves to see movies that alert us to potential evil like these movies do, so I disagree these movies go too far.
Just a few minutes watching the news in 2019, or if you read it in whatever medium you can find, it is easy to see these movies barely touched how cruel and horrific reality is, yet some say these movies went too far. I call BS!
I offer an opinion that we NEED these movies to even get close to reality. Americans for the most part, even those among us who ae homeless and worse seem to have it better than the Yemeni rebels, or the Kurds, or immigrants from El Salvador, the Chinese Muslims or the people in re-education camps.
The world and Americans especially given all our freedom and wealth, lack essential awareness of reality, knowledge of truth, ability to understand what is fact vs fiction (conspiracy), act with honesty, practice basic morality, behave with values and principles, and feel necessary empathy to aid mankind to endure.
We all lack WISDOM! We all NEED wisdom!
"The Deer Hunter review – Cimino's masterpiece of cruelty and horror"
5 / 5 stars 5 out of 5 stars.
Sacrifice colours everything in this re-released classic about three US army conscripts to the Vietnam war
Peter Bradshaw 31 July 2014
Cruelty and horror might be Peter Bradshaw's synopsis 31 July 2014, but I see much, much more. I actually FEEL the wet cold of the hunt, the passion from love, and the sadness and depression from heartbreak and the feeling of betrayal. I feel the insanity life can bring, and the joy that is possible.
Life at it's most challenging involves sacrifice, torture, terror, anxiety, heartbreak, love, loss, insanity,